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Weight Loss the Old Style Way! Part 8. Please read posts 1 and 2 before posting.



  • LittleMoog
    LittleMoog Posts: 2,392 Forumite
    Morning all :)
    Just thought I'd say hello for the new thread :hello:

    I'm still sticking to maintenance calories til the new year, but I'm reading along to help me stay out of the chocolates! I'll sign up for the challenge today though:
    starting weight :15st1, BMI 32
    target: 20lb (13st9, BMI 29).
    That's about 1.5lb/week, my calorie target is for about 2lb/week so I'm hoping it's achievable.

    off to the gym tonight, looking forward to a bit of exercise :D I'm not back to work til the 5th, so I'm going to try and do some everyday til then, and then fit back into my normal routine. I'm also going to start running again, with a target of beating my 2010 time in the 5 mile race in June at my work. Hope this will be achievable, as last time I did run the whole thing, but I was very slow (70 minutes) and I'd like to be less than an hour this year. (I was last but one, and only ahead of an 84 year old lady who runs marathons!)

    no food log from me today, we have nothing in so I need to go to the supermarket, and we're having a NYE party tomorrow so will be prepping stuff for that.
    Little monkey born November 2012:j
    Froglet due March 2016 :D
  • VickyA_2
    VickyA_2 Posts: 4,533 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hello! Please could I join in? I'd initially like to set a target of losing 14lbs (eeek, that's a large amount!) before Easter. I'll weigh myself before next Friday but I know that I'm creeping up towards 13st.

    It's my intention today to do a meal plan and look back at alot of recipes for inspiration! We seem to get stuck in a rut with meals as they're quick and easy but with little variety... I do subscribe to the Rosemary Conley magazine, but am always unsure about what I can freeze and what I can't - hence why our freezer is normally full of spag bol or chilli con carne portions!

    I look forward to joining everyone for the challenge. :j
    Sealed Pot Challenge #021 #8 975.71 #9 £881.44 #10 £961.13 #11 £782.13 #12 £741.83 #13 £2135.22 #14 £895.53 #15 £1240.40 #16 £1805.87 declared
  • Karamac
    I've been lurking (mainly on OS threads) for a couple of weeks now, but would love to be involved in an OS style weight loss challenge. I've got quite a lot to lose, but have completely gone off the idea of living on low-fat, low-taste rubbish - I'd rather be overweight than that!

    Would like to lose 14lb also - I think that's realistic if I want to eat real food.
    2023 Decluttering Campaign: 89/2023
  • sparrer
    sparrer Posts: 7,547 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    Morning all, just sneaked a weigh and I'm still 10st 2lb, so nothing lost or, more importantly, gained over the Christmas period.

    Ragz I know the challenge doesn't start til next week but I'm going to aim for 9st 7lb, and allowing for possibly putting 1lb on over the next week (out for meals 3 times!) I'm aiming for a 10lb loss.

    I'm also aiming to up my exercise, not just count housework, depending on the breathing from day to day. Anyone who thinks exercise is hard can be encouraged the fact that I have a lung disease and manage to make myself do a little every day. A big bonus it that I've noticed it's improved my breathing and I've only had one infection since last Sept when the previous challenge started, and that's now when I've been a bit lax with exercise. So I'll help/encourage you if you'll help/encourage me :D

    I've said it before and at risk of being boring I'll say it again -A big thanks to ragz, you're so appreciated for what you do :T
  • ragz_2
    ragz_2 Posts: 3,254 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Vixtress - welcome back. We're about the same height and weight, I too am hoping to be happy at about 11 stone. I was once (briefly) 10 stone but looked awful! I am not entirely sure of my current weight as it's THAT time of the month and I am up and down a pound or two every day, but I feel I have put on a few over Christmas and must be around 11.12 too.

    I have amended my target of 10lbs to a more realistic 7lbs, as I have to take thyroid meds and my hormones play havoc with my weight. I was losing pretty steadily earlier in the year but now I'm down to the last stone it;s getting a lot harder to shift.

    New Year Weight Loss Resolutions anyone?

    I will ONLY weigh myself on WI day (I'll take this one week at a time, I am very attached to my digital scales!)
    I will change the scales from measuring in .2 of a pound to just stones and pounds.
    I will buy more fruit. This way the kids and I will eat more fruit.
    I will buy more veg... and actually think about the 5-a-day and aim for it as well as I can (Soup, soup and more soup!)
    I will keep up my twice weekly swimming and set myself a target (a friend suggested we enter a swimathon!)
    I will aim for a minimum of 2 sessions on the Wii (myfitnesscoach is good) or a DVD each week.
    I will only drink alcohol 1 night a week (if at all, I'm not a big drinker).
    If I bake something I will share/freeze as much as I can so I don't eat it!
    I will go back to tracking my food, as I got really slack on that. Don't have to know exact calories but I find if I have to write it down I am less likely eat a lot...

    Anyone else? I love the Resolution part of New Year, it ties in well with the Winter Solstice traditions of bringing in new things with the return of the light...
    June Grocery Challenge £493.33/£500 July £/£500
    2 adults, 3 teens
    Progress is easier to acheive than perfection.
  • Jumps
    Jumps Posts: 150 Forumite
    Hi, I would love to join in too. I weighed myself this morning and I am at my heaviest ever:mad: I really need to get myself into gear and stop eating too much and to cut down on wine!!
    My target is 22lbs by Easter which I think should be about 1.5lbs per week.
    Debt Oct 2006 £42,215.21 at highest. Debt Today £0.00
  • JBD
    JBD Posts: 3,069 Forumite
    edited 30 December 2011 at 12:55PM
    Great resolutions Ragz.
    Mine are -
    reduce treats to 1 [small] one a day. I have been eating too many cakes , biscuits etc. lately and they do all add up.
    No cleaning the bowl out or 'testing' when I make cakes for the kids!
    Cut down cups of coffee [5 a day max]. Drink water or squash the rest of the time.
    reduce salt in diet. This is on health grounds, as my BP is borderline high. I don't want to have to go onto medication.
    Exercise - to increase my fitness. I will -
    carry on and improve my swimming
    eventually [once I have reached my target] start lifting heavier weights.
    Learn how to do full pushups. At the moment I can only do knee ones. I am improving though!
  • fijit77
    fijit77 Posts: 13 Forumite
    I'd very much like to join in, I'm unhealthily over weight and have been told that my BP is too high so time to do something about it, but not with silly diets and processed food! I'd like to set a target of 21lb by easter, and have committed myself to a running event in August to help motivate me on the fitness front.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    My resolutions:

    Make sure I walk the dog during the day, every day, and not rely on DH.
    No alcohol (for different reasons I am going t-total although hardly drink anyway).
    Weigh myself on weigh in day only.
    NO biscuits dunked in my tea at tea break (often, as I'm a housewife and mum)
  • mazzzy
    mazzzy Posts: 52 Forumite
    Ragz, would you please put me down to lose 10lb over the 13 weeks
    I need to lose lots more but hopefully this is a more realistic goal for me!

    New Years resolutions:

    Don't buy chocolate and sweets to keep in the house for the grandchildren, I know I will have eaten them by the time they visit!
    Cut out the snacks in the afternoon
    Walk every day for at least 30 mins.
    Stop weighing myself every day, its too depressing.
    Prepare fruit and unflavoured homemade popcorn to eat instead of snacking on high cal stuff.
    Use up all the veg I buy every week instead of throwing away (I know, its such a waste)
    Summer weightloss challenge
    Aim to lose 10lbs:)
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