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Make do, Mend and Minimise in 2016



  • savingpennies
    Good morning everyone.
    FPK - I hope your OH and dad feel better soon.
    JoJo77 - It always seems that one thing happens after another. I do think that old saying keep calm and carry on is good advice, it's helped me in difficult times. And as others have said 'save the pennies and the pounds look after themselves'. Good luck and keep us posted.
    DD1 had a rare Sunday off work yesterday so we went to the supermarket and had a good chat over a sandwich and coffee. (Sandwiches were just being marked down by half when we got there). She's getting fed up with her job. She graduated three years ago and although she's worked for all that time, it's all been hourly paid work and she feels it's time to move on and find a job that pays a salary and has more prospects. So we spent the rest of the afternoon looking for jobs in our area and managed to apply for one and found two others to apply for later this week.
    Whilst at the supermarket, I found some bread for half price and some YS fish and sausages.
    Weather looking good today so it's a garden day for me - checking on the seeds and doing a bit more tidying out there.
    Books - the original virtual reality.
    Tilly Tidying:
  • wildthing01
    wildthing01 Posts: 332 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    JoJo77, wow, massive respect to you for carrying on in the face of adversity and for bringing up a baby in a caravan - it must be difficult. Hopefully your house is progressing and you can keep sight of the day when you'll be able to move in.

    There was a guy on a TV programme once who said something along the lines of 'it's not necessarily about finishing the to-do list, it might never be finished, it's about the way you carry on tackling each item on the list, and trying to keep a positive attitude while you do it' - basically saying, set yourself small goals, not big unreasonable ones, and take it a day at a time. I try to think every day about what I have to be grateful for, and count every small success, every tiny bit of money saved.

    Re the DD for electricity, I think possib;y they're not allowed to impose such changes if they would cause you financial hardship, esp if it was their error in the first place. Could you try negotiating with them for a lower monthly payment over a longer period? Citizen's Advice should be able to advise about that.
  • nursemaggie
    nursemaggie Posts: 2,608 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    JoJo77 I don't think your electricity provider can charge you that far back if it is there fault for not reading your meter at least once every two years.
  • FunBrum
    FunBrum Posts: 716 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hello and welcome JoJo77.:wave:
    You have certainly come to the right place to help you with your situation. Everyone here is very supportive and you will pick up some fab tips on everything. :)
    It takes time to get into it but once you do, you will always be looking for ways to cut back and save. I've turned everything into a fun challenge! :cool:
    You also may want to pop over to the Debt-free threads. They may be able to set you straight concerning your energy bills and were you stand, and there is the threads on Energy as well.
    Chin up hun...we are all friends here, and will support you all the way!:D
    Living a frugal retirement without treading on the planet :T
    Womble #17- £2,018.41 €2
    TURTLES NSD's 01/31
    FLC £3000/£2,328.12
    CCCC2016 #10 £19 monthly spends on clothes
    Wombled nectar points=728 Wombled Boots points=316
    HOWMUCH Posts: 1,296 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Welcome JoJo I too thought that the energy provider read the meters annually. I know ours would have only done 3 estimates before a reading.

    Make do using food we already have be it from fridge or freezer, I don't want to buy any food before we go away on Monday. I should manage it.

    Mend the baby bunting is almost finished its all knitted and just needed the buttons and collar stitching on.

    Minimise I've cut the back lawn today it was getting very long. So it's cut and some of the shrubs have been cut back. I was too busy the back end of last year to do them.
    It's been another fabulous day here so warm and sunny, the weather make you feel like doing things. x
    Why pay full price when you may get it YS ;)
  • meritaten
    meritaten Posts: 24,158 Forumite
    I have a wheat intolerance since having food poisoning and although I never cared much for sandwiches, pastries and cakes before - because I cant have them, I WANT them! discovered that one can make flatbreads with gram flour and tried it! so easy and totally delish! so that's my 'Make do' today! Mend - was doing the ironing and noticed the hem on OH's jeans was coming down as the stitching had broken - hmmm, a tube of no-sew was deployed and jeans as good as before!
    minimise - still bookfolding so my stash of hardbacks is down to.............nothing! I have to buy them now, but one or two of the local charity shops only charge 50p or three books for £2 - so that's ok!
  • FunBrum
    FunBrum Posts: 716 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I've minimised some of the lamb steaks I recieved for free, into an Irish stew. Tomorrow the rest will be roasted with veg for dinner. :)

    making do with the veg and flower seeds I have. I've been sorting them out and hopefully can get through the growing season without spending any money on the garden! That's my goal. ;)

    I'm still making up patches for my quilt, so that's all the mending I will be doing.:D
    Living a frugal retirement without treading on the planet :T
    Womble #17- £2,018.41 €2
    TURTLES NSD's 01/31
    FLC £3000/£2,328.12
    CCCC2016 #10 £19 monthly spends on clothes
    Wombled nectar points=728 Wombled Boots points=316
  • Siebrie
    Siebrie Posts: 2,909 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    I have mended: six pairs of girl's tights, two sweaters, two skirts, one pair of pants; and I feel very proud of myself :)
    Are you wombling, too, in '22? € 58,96 = £ 52.09Wombling in Restrictive Times (2021) € 2.138,82 = £ 1,813.15Wombabeluba 2020! € 453,22 = £ 403.842019's wi-wa-wombles € 2.244,20 = £ 1,909.46Wombling to wealth 2018 € 972,97 = £ 879.54Still a womble 2017 #25 € 7.116,68 = £ 6,309.50Wombling Free 2016 #2 € 3.484,31 = £ 3,104.59
  • misstara
    misstara Posts: 3,883 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    meritatan do you have the recipe for the flatbreads please? Am always on the lookout for different gluten free recipes.

    Fairyprincess hugs, hope your dad and OH are ok.

    JoJo7 welcome to the thread :)

    Work has been stressful the last couple of days so glad I've got the day off tomorrow. OH said I was looking really tired earlier so planning an early night and then hopefully a long lie in the morning. Not much MMMing to report as I've been busy but got a couple of bits of mending which need done so will do those tomorrow. I'm out for tea with the girls tomorrow (with a 2-for-1 voucher so it should be cheap :)) really looking forward to it as it's been about 6 months since we were all last together.
    Debt Dec 2022 - £2972.68. Current debt - £0 (100% paid). Flat deposit - £10814.10/£15000 (72.1% saved). Emergency fund - £1562.44/£2000 (78.1% saved).
  • JoJo77
    JoJo77 Posts: 88 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped!
    Ok. So took littley to a free baby group today. It was the last one we can go to so there was a little party which meant a free lunch!

    Glorious day outside so managed to dry two wash loads so no money wasted on using the tumble dryer

    Spoke to the electric company and they're "looking into it". See what comes of that

    Make do - failed a bit here as bought some mince to try and entice a poorly DS to eat as he loves spag Bol. It was on offer in Mr T's...still can't find these elusive YS's!. It worked as he fancied it and kept it down. Eye infection plus rotten cold, plus falling and putting his teeth through his lip, plus tummy bug have made him a poor littley.

    Mend - finished making a cosy toes from a sleeping bag. Not technically mending, but my sewing is so atrocious that it had be 'mended' a few times before it was finished, lol!

    Minimise - made a present for a friend to give another friend, minimising my stack of patterned paper. It's a 3D room sign. Plus earned £5 into the bargain!

    Hope everyone had a great day!
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