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Carpet beetles and borax



  • Kazonline
    Kazonline Posts: 1,472 Forumite
    I too read several times that they only eat wool, animal fabrics etc, and like you most of my things are synthetic..... however I know that I did once read that they will eat any fabrics.
    I've found a pretty comprehensive study of them here
    and in this they state that they will make greater damage in synthetic fibres because they eat more searching for nutrition.
    I honestly don't know how badly we're affected - I've only spotted two of the 'adults' so far.
    I'd prefer not to fill my home with yucky chemicals if possible - particularly as my youngest has asthma (rare, but severe attacks)
    I'd be particularly interested in any essential oil products that might help (as I have a kit full :D) So far it seems Cedarwood and clove repel (though some sources say cedarwood doesn't... and all our drawers contain cedarwood balls)
    Kaz x
    January '06 Grocery Challenge (4th - 31st) £320.
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    Someone burst my bubble and I lost the plot so no idea what I spent now... :(I will try to work it out.
    Other Jan :- Petrol £20.41, Clothes £8.50, House £3.
  • kal25
    kal25 Posts: 569 Forumite
    Hi the link below gives info about various beetles so will be able to identify which one you have also has ways of getting rid.
    :smileyhea:heart: Mrs Lea Nov 5th '11 :heart::smileyhea
  • Stormy
    Stormy Posts: 387 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker

    I too have started finding these the past month or so. I have killed about 4 or 5 adult beetles (usually found on my upstairs window sills, in the bathroom and bedrooms). I have had a good inspection of my airing cupboard, wardrobes, drawers and around the edges of my carpet (which is wool based!) and cannot find any lavae or shed skins.

    I feel sick thinking about it now, whats the next plan? I read awful horror stories on the net about infestations and it makes my skin crawl. So far I have only killed 4 or 5 adults, I didnt even kill the first two in my bathroom becuase I thought nothing of them until I did a search on the net. They die on sight now. It makes me more sad as I try and keep my house spotless. :(

    Someone mentioned some sticky traps and pheromone traps for the adults to stop them breeding, where can you get them from over the net?

    I don't fancy using borax as it can get messy, also insecticide powder I am sure wont mix well with wool carpets. :(


  • the_poppy_girl
    i have also started to find what looks like carpet beetles, i did find them in the bathroom, and in the bedroom nearest to the bathroom (which has carpet that is due to come up for laminate.)
    also by my leather suite in the living room would you class this as a infestation? :confused:
    but i have just had cavity wall insulation (the wool type would this be a problem for me as with these creepy carpet beetles?)
    many thanks :D
  • Biggles
    Biggles Posts: 8,209 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    also by my leather suite in the living room would you class this as a infestation?
    I don't want to worry you, but have you moved it and looked underneath?

    We have a woollen carpet, so have a problem with the case-making clothes moth. I've seen these poeple recommended, though I haven't ordered from them yet:
  • maypole
    maypole Posts: 1,816 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I understood you had to be careful with Borax where there are animals.

    I have never been troubled with carpet beetles how do they get there I the first place?

    We get the odd silverfish and woodlice, don't know where they get in but apparently woodlice dry up and die if they aren't kept damp, they are crustaceans not beetles. We see a few dried up ones in our house.
  • teedy23
    teedy23 Posts: 2,088 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    I sympathise with all who have found them as they are a bug ger to get rid of once they,re in. I had this in a former flat and you do feel your house is filthy, makes me shudder to think about it. This was in the local news at one point and on the t.v., one woman (at least) had become so obsessed she couldnt sleep , had thrown out most of her furniture and cleaned her house non stop. If I remember rightly, they did prefer to live around the edges of the carpet and where found inside the bottom of sofa,s ect. I used BOB MARTINS powder round the skirting boards. and vacumed thouroughly always emptying the vacum after. This at least kept them, if this is the right thing to say , at an acceptable level. I used to hear the beetles make a clicking sound (ears of a wombat) and wouldnt rest till I got the sod, Try not to let it get you down too much.
    :T:jDabbler in all things moneysaving.Master of none:o

    Well except mastered my mortgage 5 yrs early :T:j
    Street finds for 2018 £26:49.
  • Biggles
    Biggles Posts: 8,209 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    maypole wrote: »
    I have never been troubled with carpet beetles how do they get there I the first place?
    I read somewhere that the good old EU banned some insecticide a year or two ago, and carpet beetles and clothes moths have been multiplying ever since.
  • the_poppy_girl
    Biggles wrote: »
    I don't want to worry you, but have you moved it and looked underneath?

    We have a woollen carpet, so have a problem with the case-making clothes moth. I've seen these poeple recommended, though I haven't ordered from them yet:

    yes have checked under sofa but not spotted them .
    but having seen them mostly in the bathroom !!
    but anyway just popped into my local dunelm and spotted carpet beetle in there . eeekkk :eek:
    coming to think of it i used to buy the feather replacement cushions.
    still thinking of buying some borax but have got a dog that is into everything!
    many thanks to peeps who have helped me loads :D
  • sparklygirl1
    Ewgh, thinking back I have found two very small beetle things over past few weeks, one on livng room window sill and one on edge of bath. I hope they just flew in when window open....... Heres hoping.
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