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Knit Your Square to Give Your Share - PART 4



  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi everyone and welcome to Part 4!

    ISOM - I'm thinking about your poor Mum; hope she's feeling a lot better today and that they find out what's wrong.

    Chalky - the latest lappy is lovely. I love all the shades of blue; it has a Delft look to it.

    I did a bit more to my throw last night. It's very soothing to do because it's just treble stripes (pattern adapted from one of the crochet blocks in my new book) and grows quickly. Once I've finished it I will have to sew my cushion squares together - at the moment, it's just a pile of squares waiting to be put into some sort of order.

    I have a bag that I've put together of wool and hook to keep in the car when we're out and about, so that I can crochet ten-minute preemie hats on trips when DH is driving, especially when he's buying materials - those shops are not the most interesting pf places to be, and I'd much rather be in the car crocheting than looking at bags of plaster, as long as we're not parked in full sun!

    We're waiting for the electrician to finish off all the electrics here. DH has done most of the work of installing sockets and switches, and running cables through beams, and so on, but, as he's colour-blind, we need to get the professionals in to do the final connecting up! It's a bit frustrating for him but better than blowing ourselves up! We're hoping that the tanking solution we ordered from the UK turns up today - we need to apply that before we can plaster the rest of the kitchen walls. We're going out to choose new lighting for the kitchen and conservatory today. By the end of the week, we should have made a lot of progress. The bit I'm really dreading is when we come to altering the kitchen units around. We just put them in a temporary design when we first bought the house and I've got used to where everything is; now I shall have to empty them all so we can move them, and I'm not looking forward to that bit!

    Anyway, I hope all those who are MIA are well. Maytaurus - it's been ages since we've heard from you. I hope everything is OK?


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi Maytaurus - our posts crossed! I was going to pm you today to tell you about our shiny new thread, so I'm glad you've posted! Lovely to hear from you and such a lovely post, as always! Thank you so much for the goat info - I've looked on the net and not found that site before; it's exactly what I've been looking for. I love the sound of pygmy goats. I did think of sheep but was told that they are a lot more difficult to look after, and that goats were easier, so I'm still deciding what to do! Also, we need to make sure our neighbours don't mind looking after them when we're away! It's the reason we haven't got chickens yet - we need to make sure they can be looked after when we visit the UK and so on. Unlike one set of neighbours here who just go away for weeks at a time and leave their cat outside to fend for itself (which it does by practically moving in with us!).

    It's good that your Mum and Dad live so close to you - it must make life easier for all of you, and great that you found them a place in the same road!

    It's so good to have you back here - we all really miss you. Hope you have a good day today.


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • maytaurus
    maytaurus Posts: 2,115 Forumite
    :hello: oh boo
    now I won't get an email!

    I would post more often, but it just takes so much effort at the mo ... sad I know

    Mum is still in the care home Kathy and I haven't seen her much cos of my stupid ME etc :doh:

    re '
    one set of neighbours here who just go away for weeks at a time and leave their cat outside to fend for itself''

    Sounds like the neighbor of mine with the dog ..........

    HUMANS !
    :mad: ..... I'm glad he's got you though :A

    Can't really say how I feel about everything just now hun

    Two more of the lads from my sons regiment where lost on friday, 23yrs and 24yrs old :cry:

    they've only just released their names, though obviously we knew them, ... sometimes there are just no words

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane[FONT=&quot] —[FONT=&quot] Marcus Aurelius[/FONT][/FONT]
  • dpixie
    dpixie Posts: 315 Forumite
    morning all - how fab - a new thread, i can't believe that we have been here so long! and there are so many lovely people.

    i had been very good and have been finishing some of my WIPs, and can now update:


    5 hexagon jumpers

    yippee - these are now out of my crochet bag and in the "algerian action bag" which will be posted just before we leave.

    May - how lovely to see you back here, i do hope that you are feeling okay, we love your posts and love seeing you here, so thanks.

    ISOM - hope that your mum is feeling better. prayers to her.

    Shez - hope that your mum is coping, best wishes and prayers to her too.

    oh well i have a list of things to do that is a whole page long, so i had better jump to it. (sadly it doesn't include crochet, but i have scheduled in an hour for lunch and if i eat quickly ....)

    have a fabulous day everyone, even though they do forecast rain, it will water the garden and save you a job, so more time for fun!

    hugs to all

    1 oxfam jumper, 19 hexagon jumpers and 1 beanie!
  • Pippa.S
    Pippa.S Posts: 2,650 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    oooo a new thread:T:j how lovely :)

    Hope we get some new friends as well....all are welcome, we're a very friendy bunch Come in and say hello:beer:

    Hiya May nice to see you :wave: the latest ripple blanket is 51.5" (131 cms) wide, and the length I am hoping will be around 65" (165 cms) but we will see, I will post a pic of the colours when I have done a bit more, they are very Autumnal, was'nt sure at first but they seem to be working.
    thanks May MIL's Pacemaker is being fitted tomorrow I don't think she really understands what she is having done.
    All that wool....dopey me I thought it was a smartie cake :rotfl:

    kathy - whats the 10 minute crochet hat??? how does Louis get along with your neighbour's cat. I have been promised a new kitchen..... but OH did'nt say which year it would be :rotfl:

    ISOM - your poor Mum, she will be in my thoughts and prayers (you too) x

    dpixie - is'nt it a lovely feeling when the WIP's start disappearing and you can see the bottom of the bag again, sadly does'nt last in my case ;)

    Better go OH is back and we are off shopping then over to the hospital.
    See you later
  • In_Search_Of_Me
    In_Search_Of_Me Posts: 10,634 Forumite
    in haste as bath is running and i need to gather some energy for butt kicking me thinks..not easy after 4 hours sleep...spoken to hospital and as mum is now quite happy they want to let her not happy with this as we'll just go through the same thing again as theyve still not ascertained whats made her sick for a month...she needs an ultrasound but theres a long line of other people wanting one too...grr
    Nerd no 109 Long haulers supporters DFW #1! Even in the darkest moments, love and hope are always possible.

  • psso
    psso Posts: 1,210 Forumite
    edited 7 June 2010 at 10:53AM
    img0240n.jpg Having a Techy Numpty time. Can`t get the pic to show.

    Back later when I suss what I`m doing wrong.


    Crossed posts ISOM - you go for it girl. Put on a pair of steel toecaps and kick some butt. !!!
    Fully paid up member of S.A.B.L.E.
    Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy :D

    Charity knitting 2015
  • psso
    psso Posts: 1,210 Forumite

    Yippee, done it at last. Kept getting it wrong but couldn`t work out where - kept forgetting to delete the http bit in the box on imageshack.

    Little man all ready to go to his cousin`s birthday party yesterday.
    Dd is going away to put all his first size things away as they are too small already.

    Have a good day everyone and I`ll be back later.

    Fully paid up member of S.A.B.L.E.
    Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy :D

    Charity knitting 2015
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Just popping in quickly before lunch - had a busy morning out buying materials but should have some more time on here later on.

    Pippa - here is the link to the ten-minute hat - it really is quick and easy and ideal for doing at odd moments! There's no photo but you only need to do one to see what it's like! Louis gets on quite well with the cat next door, mainly because we think he's his dad! We feed him because we can't stand the thought of him being hungry and he's always hungry! Once he's eaten he usually disappears for hours - he probably has other people feeding him too!

    Elaine - Jayden is absolutely gorgeous; you must be so proud of him. I would just love to give him a cuddle! Please give him one on my behalf!

    Well, I'll pop back later.


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • sock-knitter
    sock-knitter Posts: 1,630 Forumite
    morning all, just got back from taking both sons to see pysch waste of time imho.
    may, lovely to see you posting, hope you are as well as you can be
    elaine, jayden is gorgeous, give him a hug from me
    chalky, love the lapghans
    isom, hope they find out what is making your mum ill, and thats shes better soon, my thoughts and prayers are with you both
    hugs all
    shaz xxx
    loves to knit and crochet for others
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