Poem For Godson Please

Could someone help me with a poem to put in my Godsons Xmas card.
He will be 2 on the 30th January, and basically all of his life he has been in and out of Yorkhill Childrens hospital. They still havent diagnosed whats wrong with him. He is a brave little boy and means soooooo much to me. He is also my little cousin.
Last year I puta poem in his card abouthow glad I was to be chosen as his godmother etc.
I cant find anything out there at all. Even a nice wee Xmas poem will do.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

Got Married 16/09/11 :j


  • evadanit
    To my little Godson, how lovely you are.
    You are a guiding light, a bright shining star,
    Although you get sick, and we try and make you well,
    Nobody would know that you ill, they cant tell!
    as you run around all day, and laugh and shout and play.
    I hope to see you Healthy and Well someday!

    if thats too hospital-y, what about this one....

    To little ____ how special you are,
    I don't want you to grow up, I don't want you to drive a car!
    I love you just this way, all innocent and young,
    Because you are my godson, my number one!

    I am so sorry about his illness, sometimes Drs just don't know.... I have been through that alot of times! if it's his breathing, let me know!! LOL! I know LOADS about Lungs as I wanted to be a lung specialist.

    Take care of yourself, and have a lovely Christmas!
    After working for a call center in Clydesdale bank I realised that reading the small print is the best thing to do in this World! :rolleyes:
  • sethsgran
    sethsgran Posts: 2,855 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker


    See if these help not exactly what you are looking for but they might be a starting block.

    Try a google search "poem for a toddler boy"
    Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
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