CH: Alzheimer's Society
A friend of mine is running the great north run in september for this cause and would be really grateful of any sponsors. Not sure this is the right place for this post so I am sorry for that. But, please give what you can. http://www.justgiving.com/thewalrusruns
SB thinking of setting up business
Help i'm thinking of setting up a small business cleaning private houses but not sure if i need insurance/what type, concerning breakages that may occur whilst in other peoples property any ideas?
CH: Ebay charity autions
Has anyone got any experience of participating in an auction for charity on ebay? My charity would like to sell online to raise more funds. Any feedback apppreciated.
CH: Orange phones too good to be true?
Have had a letter and an enthusiastic phone call from a company called The Communications Centre today. They are offering CHARITIES free handsets, free 12 months line rental, and free inclusive minutes - 400 per month for the first 6 months and 60 per month for the next 6 months. Charges for calls above that are at…
Business Account - More than one name???
I have an abbey business account and basically it is under my business name of "Skinnybeans" and my own name of "S Greene" so I can have cheques paid in under both names... Anyhow I also now have another money spinner on a website called "whatever.com", now I want cheques paid into me under this name too... but Abbey won't…
Telegraphic transfers.
I have just received an invoice from a Chinese company with whom I am dealing, and I have to remit payment by telegraphic transfer. Anyone any idea of the cost of this service? Thanks in advance. 0rsen
Mail Order Co needs to offer Credit Card Payment
We want to offer payment to our Mail Order business via Credit Card - which system offers the best/cheapest method. They all seem very expensive to set up and run. Any help much appreciated.
Registered address
I'm thinking about setting a ltd company up. I work full time and want to start doing bits and bobs in my spare time. Hopefully the business will grow and allow me to leave my full time job. I found a couple of sites on line that will file all the forms with companies house for around £45. Some of them allow you to use…
Fund-raising via money-saving
G,day all, I emailed the following message today to my contacts in various campaign groups, praising this website, and suggesting some tips. (Feel free to pass this on if you find it useful ) I also added a tip at the bottom of the page about 'moderation' in money-saving. (I'm speaking from experience here ;-) ==========…
Incorporation (LTD)
Hi Does anybody know how much it cost to incorporate the Ltd company? does anyone tell me how to do that? are there any cheaper options available? thanks in advance
SB. Buying from China
I used to run an electrical business, but am now retired. However, I am toying with the idea of running a part-time business from home retailing computer peripherals by mail-order. I have researched the selling end of it and there is no doubt that what I intend to market is in demand. I have located a source in China where…
E Top-up
Can any other retailers recommend a company which provides the E-Top-up service? I currently use E-Pay, however recently have been having terrible trouble with the terminal timing out and redialing, and transactions taking around 2 minutes!
help! advice on shop insurance
Hi, I would be glad of any advice and information on small business insurance. Can anyone out there help? I need a good company to go with and need to know what insurance I need. It is a clothes shop. Thanks :)