What is Paypal and how safe is it?
Have come across numerous references to Paypal accounts as online payment and receipt mechanisms, but have read a lot about safety concerns surrounding these accounts. What exactly are these accounts, is it true that it is owned by e-bay, and how safe are they for use? Plan to open one for payments coming through from…
Investment Views - Consolidation
Me dear old ma has got a few shares here and there mainly from ye ole privitisation days. I have been saying that I would look at her portfolio and look to consolidate the number / quality of her holdings. So, to that end I would welcome peoples views on some of her holdings (some I know are worth retaining) but below are…
Saving For Kids
Hi I am currently in a bit of a quadry my childs National Savings Bond has matured she now has the option of letting it roll over for further 5 years from £286.08 to £375.76 or going elsewhere with her cash, I have thought of going to the A&L currently offering 5.25% for a 1st savers account? Which of these accounts would…
End of year review
seeing as though it is the end of the year i am reviewing my finances and have decided to empty my halifax websaver and do something with eg. premium bonds or something else along those lines (not too much risk) i have £2000 to invest, i have already invested another £1000 in a guaranteed FTSE bond with egg, i dont want to…
My Investment Trust picks for 2005 and beyond....
This are the investment trusts I am picking not only for 2005, but also for the longer term 1. BRITISH EMPIRE SEC & GENERAL TRUST - A UK companies growth trust - This has been performign quite well for a number of years and delivers stable consistent growth, I expect it to continue to outperform the market, and class this…
Making the most of my Savings
OK how do I invest £25,000 for 1 year and earn the best possible interest. I currently hold this amount in my Cahoot savings account and would like to earn as much as possible safely for 12 or 18 months, I dont want to risk any of my initial investment but would be prepared to leave the cash untouched for this period,…
Great easy way 2 donate £1.50 for the tsunami fund
please follow this thread and find an easy way to donate £1.50 to the official tsunami fund :) :):) http://forum.moneysavingexpert.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Free;action=display;num=1104943049;start=0
The egg 5.5% savings account *need help*
Need help again ::) im young and im unclear on something..... INTEREST..... I opened the egg account last month with a deposit of £2000. The idea was every month whatever money i had left in my current account at the end of the month(on average £200-400) i will transfer to my egg account. BUT.... I will need to take out…
Female super savers
Wondered if any of you guys can help? Interested to hear from women in 20s/early 30s who have been especially canny with their finances and managed build up a nest egg of savings. Maybe you put your own money saving or making ideas to use and it paid off? Or started squirrelling away funds from a young age? Or do you play…
Long Term Savings
I currently have a Cahoot Savings Account paying 5.65% however this will drop thier standard rate in June when my 1Yr introductory rate finishes. With interest rates predicted to fall this year should I start looking at a Fixed Rate 1-2 year savings account ? I also came across Halifax's 5.7% fixed ISA. Where you can…
Financial security
How much money do we need to be financially secure? i am only 19 but worry a lot about my cash situation i am currently 1000 overdrawn in my current account, owe 1000 on a credit card and have a loan for approx 1300. but i also have 800 in an egg savings account, 100 in a halifax websaver with cashcard and 4140 in a…
Saving for god children
My wife would like to start a savings account for her 2 god children. Is there a way to do this as they are not family and she does not want tax deducted. I hope this is a sensible enquiry. Thanks for any help. ::)
Fax ink films
The Phillips Magic2 and I daresay all their other fax machines will only take Phillips own ink film rolls. These are naturally the most expensive. They have according to their tech help desk installed a "little" software programme which prevents the use of any other [cheaper] compatibles. In fact, having received 50…
I have £60,000 that I need to invest to provide me with a regular, reliable, monthly income. Does anyone have any suggestions?
£1000 - what would you do?
I've got £1000 that I'd like to 'invest' - by that I mean forget about for a year or 2 and come back to more than £1000, lol! What's the best thing to do with it? I don't mind minimal risk but I'd like to make sure I don't actually come out with less than putting it in a biscuit tin. I've also just bought my council house…
Someone to work out my maths please
I have £500 sitting in the Halifax high interest saving account. I havent a clue how to work out compound interest so can someone tell me how much I will be gaining in interest in a month please?
Investment Plan
Hi, As a new year resolution I've decided to try and get a little braver about how I save my money. Until now I have just been sticking a few £100 here and there into a cash ISA and have managed to save approx. £2k each year for the last couple of years. I'm probably going to cash in £5k of ISA to make a payment on my…
Earning some extra cash
Hi - apologies, not necessarily posted in the correct forum, but this is towards augmenting my savings, so in a contrived way, this is related to Savings ;) Am looking at making some extra cash (around £300 a month) - any thoughts on this - any ideas if these 'click and register and make free cash' sites any good? If so,…
where to invest encashed family bond savings
i wonder if anyone can help me ?i have been saving in family bonds tax free for 14 years.due to a recent seperation from my husband i can no longer afford to pay the premiums.i thought i could just leave them there but on speaking to the company they tell me the interest will be taxed after 2 months.i was also shocked to…
Any ING experts ? help needed new year new p
Hi everyone, I have an ING savings account that I setup with a debit card, and have a bit of money in it but I have to transfer money in manually. Can I add a Halifax current account (my wages are paid into this) so that I can setup a monthly savings that transfer say £100 automatically each month ? I have looked on the…