Savings Stamps (Waste of Money?)
It appears that the post office is to sell £5 savings stamps over the Post Office counter. No interest is payable and they won't lick the stamp for you. You have to save £100 before you can do anything with them. Is this a poor scheme for savers or an interest free loan to the Post Office ? What happens if your dog eats…
Child Trust Fund
I picked up a leaflet in Sainsburys for a Child Trust Fund, £250 into an account which can be drawn out by your child when 18. In reading up on this, I wondered if there are any other deals out there offering better investments. Anyone else looked into this? Cheers
Best deal trustee account
I need to open a trustee account for my three children until they are 21 one is aged 20 one 17 and one 13. I have to invest 10k each what would be the best ideas cheers
Teenage Maintenance
If all goes well with current negotiations, my children, aged 15 & 17, will receive a lump sum from my emigrating ex instead of continued maintenance. Some of it will be required immediately to support them, but as it is for several years' maintenance I would like to save/invest about half (total £20,000?) which would not…
Personal Finance&Savings Mag-£1 for 12 issues
Hi People, On the front of Personal Finance&Savings Mag (Feb 2005 issue £2.50) that I bought from WH Smiths yesterday was a leaflet, stuck on the front of the mag, with a subscription offer for this mag. "To get you in the savings habit, we are offering you the chance to sub-scribe to a year's worth of PF&S for £1 only.…
Investing in Shares for company incentives?
Hi I was just wondering if it is worth investing *very* small amounts in company shares in order to receive the shareholders benefits. Has anyone done this and found it worth while? and if so any ideas of the best incentives for the least investment? and the cheapest way of buying them? I hope that this makes sense!! TIA…
Really Am Confused Now About Best Savings
hi all, first post here so forgive me if i have not found the answer which is buried in the millions of posts here. i recently had a decent enough payrise to start actually considering saving properly. As a typical tight yorkshireman my outgoings are reasonably pared to the bone anyway, but this has been a necessity. We…
'off-shore investment'
Can anyone advise where I can deposit a periodical income (cheque) of under £10K in a 'safe' overseas accessible account ? Enquiries so far have stipulated that I must be an 'ex-pat', live overseas,or off-shore investor, etc etc BUT not a UK resident. I am retired but am darned if I am prepared to help Mr Brown tax my hard…
What to do with money for short term (6-8 months)
Hi There, Later in the year I will be selling my house and will not be looking to buy again untill early next year. From the sale I should have about £30K that I will need to put somewhere before I look to buy again. Whats the best thing to do with the money in the meantime? Thanks.
found share certificate cash in value
I have found a share certificate after a clearout and wondered how to go about selling, as it is sears and i cannot find any listings for sears or the exchange registrars that are listed on the back. thanks
Getting a monthly income
Hi, Suppose I had about £50K spare. What would be the best way to invest this so that I would receive a monthly income from it? And what sort of return would I be likly to get? Any ideas? Ta gerty
£5 Cashback When You Open An ING Direct Account
The ING Direct Savings Account offers everyone the high rate of 5.0% AER with no catches or penalties and you can start with just £1. http://www.ingdirect.co.uk/ Rpoints are now offering £5 cashback when you open an ING savings account online and make a deposit. Full details of the Rpoints offer can be seen in the…
Abbey 7% saving acc
Hi guys, My first post so I hope it's helpfull Abbey National offering the following, means you have to pay in a min of £20 p/m but great for you stoozers http://www.abbey.com/future/savings/putaside/putaside_month_sav.html Up to 7.00% gross p.a./AER Fixed Rate Monthly Saver - As long as you can save a fixed amount of…
Free Investors Chronicle Report FTSE
Hi I've just been sent this report on the FTSE, it's free might be worth a read. You have to give the website your details and then you get the report. I use a mail account that I don't really use as the contact email so I dont get loads of adverts :) Here the url: http://www.hargreaveslansdown.co.uk/icreport/ Cheers…
monthly income from 50K
My husband will be retirering soon and we will have around 50K to invest. Is it possible to receive the interest monthly as a boost to our income??????
Moving iSA to another bank??
Hi all, Im currently moving my banking from Natwest to First Direct. I have an ISA with Natwest that is nearly up to this years limit. How do I go about getting an isa with first direct? Would i need to move my isa to my natwest current account then close the Natwest Isa before applying for a FD one?? or can i get one…
monthly savings schemes
Hello. Anyone any thoughts / ideas / advice on these monthly savings schemes ranging from £20 - £100? Is there a better way way to invest £20-£30 monthly for 10 years or so? Are some schemes better than others? Are they 100% safe? Is there anywhere I can look for advice? Thank you in anticipation. Finance is not my strong…
In the market to open up a new savings account
Hi everyone, Would apreciate a little help on choosing a new savings account (or mini ISA perhaps?). The aim in mind it to get the best possible interest deal being offered on the market at the moment, for 10% of my earnings, which I intend to squirel away on a monthly basis, and leave generally unmolested. It will be…
which..isa or tessa ??
Hi there, i currently have about 25k in a cahoot account paying 5.65 Aer, but, i dont have an ISA or a TESSA,ive never had one in fact,excuse my ignorence, but ime not sure what they are or the differance between them is,or which would be best for me?? if i was to take one or both out how much can i put in ?i seem to have…
Which is better?
Hi. £150 a month to invest on a definite no risk basis. Which is better....put it in my maxi ISA (plenty spare capacity left) which will give me 4.49% and tax free withdrawal ...... or non ISA build society acc paying 5.35%. I'm a tax payer, Pt time earner of approx £13000.00 per yr? :confused: