First Capital Connect Accident
[This is a Long Thread, Please be Advised] Hi All, I'll explain my story, Back in January and with my ex girlfriend, who lived at Brookmans Park Railway Station, I went to visit her one day as a BF does, and i traveled by FIRST CAPITAL CONNECT now this station was icy and NOT GRITTED, on a day we had snow; and i basically…
leeds to birmingham
im in leeds at uni , someone wants me to go down to birmingham, my home town is manc, its cheaper to go from manc to birmingham , but that would be a hassle and maybe not that cheap with both? coach doesnt seem that cheap and takes a long time, train from leeds to birmingham have to be lucky to get cheaper ones with…
should cyclists be treated as road-users, or pedestrians?
As a recent recruit to the world of 'non-drivers', I am impressed by the willingness of drivers generally to give way to pedestrians, especially on zebra crossings. But, as an ex-professional-driver, I know that drivers are under no obligation to give way to cyclists, even when they are about to push or wheel their bike…
Will Virgin do a first class singles sale this christmas?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows if Virgin will be doing a christmas first class singles sale this year like they have for at least the last couple. The tickets have only come out in November previously I think, but I don't want to leave it too late to book if they're not going to release any this time. If anyone has…
Split ticket - do I have to get off the train?
Good morning, I'm hoping someone can help with a split ticketing query - I've had a look in that section but couldn't see an answer. I am looking to go to Cornwall this weekend and am looking at a split ticket to cut the cost (Taunton - Plymouth then Plymouth - Truro). Going down I will be getting two separate trains with…
Motorists wiping out GB cycling team
First, a zombie motorist knocked off Wiggin off his bike and now another zombie driver did the same to the head coach of cycling the following day. What is this world coming to? :O
Oyster Refunds
I hardly ever bother claiming my oyster refunds for delayed journeys because its just too painful a process But now Ive discovered I dont have to because for £2 a year I can automate the whole process - Martin, for tube users this is a magic moneysaver and just to confirm, I have tried it and it has automatically put in a…
Public Transport - Christmas Day
Hi all, Nice to see this new forum section just in time as I wanted it :) . Is there any transport that run on Christmas day, traveling from Blackpool to Manchester? If so, companies and an idea of quotes would be very grateful! :D . ACoupleInLove.
Refund on Railcard
Train full - free upgrades to 1st class
Hi all When I first joined MSE someone created a post saying how you can get a free upgrade to a vacant 1st class seat if the train was full. He did this by carrying around a copy of the T&Cs of travel (one condition apparently makes mention of seat provision) and producing it in the right situation. I have searched MSE…
Red Spotted Hanky Vouchers
Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help me on this but I have a feeling I might be out of luck :( I got one of the £10 vouchers for Red Spotted Hanky when they came up on this site. Since you had to put an email address in to claim one then I assumed they would send an email confirmation of the number. I've just realised that…
Boris bike charges doubled
http://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/boris-bike-charges-to-double-in-inflationbusting-travel-fares-hike-8293591.html Up to £2 a day now, or £90 for a year. Obviously if you will use it more than 45 times next year, best to subscribe now. £2 I think will deter more people.
16-25 railcard for mature OU student?
Hello, I'm sure I remember a few years ago you could get a young person's railcard so long as you had an ISIC card - looks like the 'replacement' 16-25 railcard says you can't get it if you're an OU student (boo...) Does anyone know if the old "turn up with an ISIC card" will still succeed, or if there's any decent…
just wanted to say how much I am enjoying not being a car-owner...
For various reasons, my horizons are much narrower than they used to be, and I am positively enjoying exploring my new limits both by bike and by public transport. Cheers!
Help with train route
I'm going to Vans Warped this Saturday at Alexandra Palace, London. I will be staying in Kings Cross the night before so I will be leaving from there. The website has a lot of info http://vanswarpedtouruk.com/info/ but I am a bit confused by it. Any suggestions on the best route?
Cycling misconceptions
Anyone got any? I saw this one today: http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/10025816.Update__Pensioner_injured_in_Didcot_crash_yesterday_has_died/ "A 67-year-old cyclist who was seriously injured in a collision in Didcot died in hospital this afternoon. The man, from Didcot, was riding a silver racing bicycle when he and a…
Southern unused ticket refunds
Hi everyone I had an experience last month that was very frustrating and not of my making. I purchased a train ticket for travel using Southerns online booking and ticket collection on departure option. The recommended route given to me by Southern was a train departing at 8.48, this was printed on my ticket confirmation…
Peak/off-peak confusion
I have just looked at purchasing a rail ticket from London Waterloo to Ash Vale, with a 16-25 railcard departing around 5pm on a Friday evening. I was astonished to find that the off peak fare (which is defined as a cheaper ticket for travelling on trains which are less busy) is £2 more expensive than the anytime fare. I'm…
Protecting my season ticket
I purchased my annual season ticket last Monday & the magnetic strip on the back has already failed twice. Apparently this is happening because it's kept too close to my mobile phone or work pass. I know the simple answer to this question is 'keep them apart', but in a handbag that can be tricky! I heard a while ago about…
Mountain bike mudguard recommendations?
I've just picked up a Trek 4900 mountain bike (front suspension only) and looking to get some mudguards for it to try and reduce some of the muck being thrown up by the tyres. I've had a look around and some of the SKS products seem to review fairly well and seem easy to remove and clip on if needed. Any recommendations…