Anyone use a trailer with their bike for bulky packages?
While looking at a folding child trailer I was thinking it would be handy to have a luggage version for carrying bulkier items not suitable for a backpack/pannier so I don't have to use the car. Anyone use a cargo trailer at all? There seem to be a few about although they generally look quite small, my other concern is…
Rail Vouchers for a season ticket?
After much wrangling with London Midland, who seem to delight in ignoring customer complaints right up until Passenger Focus get involved, I have finally received a refund for a 4 hour delay/cancelled train/general all-around failure. This is in the form of rail vouchers, but as I have an annual pass for my travel, and it…
Car on double yellow lines in background on TV
Penalty Fare not completed correctly - chance of appeal?
Hi, I've noticed that a lot of people don't have any luck appealing train penalty fares through the supposedly independent, yet clearly biased IPFAS, so instead of wasting trying to win over the affections of employees with rejection quotas to fill, im looking at technicalities. The notice reads 'all notices must be…
Jobsworth train guard
Ok so this was rather foolish of me I know, but at the same time, does not excuse this kind of unwarranted self-importance/jobsworth attitude of the train guard. Fell asleep and missed a train I had an advance fare for - gutting as it was very cheap, and I needed to get where I was going urgently. NR employee told me the…
Winter cycle clothing bargains?
Hello all. As the evenings are getting colder I'm finding myself far less motivated to get out on my bike! Some winter gloves, a merino long sleeved top and something to keep my legs warmer would probably help. Base layers in particular seem to be quite steep. I suspect that there's a premium for cycle specific clothing.…
Can you fine people on private property?
I recently got a fine on a UK University campus for cycling without any lights on which I know is wrong (I was only going a short distance) but I did not think that you could legally implement fines on private property which the University campus is? What grounds do I have to appeal on as the security on site that caught…
Red Spotted Hanky
I bought 12 weeks in advance 2 train tickets using a Disabled Persons railcard to Gatwick and return, with only one change after researching the facilities at the change station. At the weekend I went online to print out the timetable to take with me only to discover that my return journey has changed now necessitates 3…
Kids bike advice
Hi all, I'm trying to teach my nephew to ride a bike but he isn't getting on particularly well with the £20 trundler from an unmentionable supermarket, saw those push along bikes in the park that kids seem to be getting along better with, any idea what they are like? Which to get for xmas?
Underground pass london - help!!
Hi folks, I am new to this so bear with me! There are 2 of us travelling to London 21st-23rd December (weekend) We are looking for the cheapest form of underground pass possible.. We will only be in Zones 1-3.. Mostly Zones 1-2 but will have to use Zone on the Saturday for a return journey. Does anyone have any idea on…
Cyprus Car Dealers
Hello! I am Elena. I need to sell my car for personal reasons. Anyone here knows where I can find buy and sell car dealers? Appreciate your suggestions. :j
Travelling to York on 04/12
hello, I need to travel to York from Preston on the 04/12 - one off journey but need to arrive by around 9.15 as need to then make my way to somewhere else. I think the 0654 - 0921 is probably the one I want to take but I cant seem to get it any cheaper than £26.60 - surely not? Not too bothered about timings for returning…
Clunking sound at high speeds
I have booked it in at a cycle shop tomorrow for a service,but thought i might get some idea on here about what the problem is. Its a Giant TCR road bike with less than 400 miles on the clock. I bought it new in september. This is the 3rd time it has happened and it only happens at approx 30 miles p hour and above. In fact…
hi how do we get the free megabus seats? cant seem to find them.. been on the site and searched through some of the dates that the promotion is for and seen its only mon- thu anyone else got them before?
Selling unwanted train tickets
Is there anywhere I can sell unwanted train tickets? There doesn't seem that possibility on ebay. I basically have bought cheap advance tickets that I no longer need. I can't really change them to another date as I don't know when I will need them but I don't just want to not use them. Any ideas?
Greater Anglia not honoring refund of unused tickets
I bought return Stansted Express tickets for £27 last year and didn't use them, so I sent them in via mail at the time for a refund (as was stated on their website). Stansted Express is a sub-brand of Greater Anglia to whom my correspondence have been redirected to. I sent my tickets in on November 2011, and did not hear…
Southeastern 25% off online fares not working....
Booked 4 journeys online yesterday with a lovely online discount plus my Network Railcard discount (Folkestone to Charing Cross - £10.35), opted to pick them up at the station machine, went in today and the machine printed 2 travelcards but not the 4 return journeys. 'Ho hum' thought I.......off to the ticket office. No…
Train Journey with toddler
I'm travelling to my parents house at Christmas with my (just turned) 2 year old, and we're taking the train. I have a few Qs: 1. Which is the best site to book the ticket with? (i.e. less or no booking fees) 2. Two year olds travel for free, but is it possible to book a seat for them, and if yes, how do I do this?? He's…
waterproof pants for cycling/walking
Hi, Anybody know the most suitable place and price to pay for the above? I have a local cycle shop and further afield a camping shop but presume the price will be very high. However, do want something suitable as showers/rain all the time:(. Thanks.
Where am I going wrong with my Oyster card?
Hello! I have taken a few journeys recently using my Oyster card, and as far as I can see I am being charged more than the TFL website is quoting. Here is an example of a journey I made last week: I made the journey at 8.40am odd, so according to the TFL website it should cost me £3.10. The route I took was Wimbledon to…