HOTPOINT - after sales service...
>:( Its been three weeks since the hotpoint man came to see why my washer dryer had broken (or as he put it as an explaination 'why does anything break'). He told me he had to order a part for it but had no idea how long it would take to arrive. I have kept chasing this up over the last three weeks as it seems a long time…
Problems with a new but broken phone
At the end of July I bought a Sendo M550 for my son's birthday today. We've had it out the box to show off to friends and to check that his existing O2 sim works and noticed about a week ago that a black line had appeared at the top of the screen. The black line got deeper and deeper and when the phone was switched on this…
Customer service (or lack of)
My bugbare today is shop assistants young and old , male and female. I went into my local store today and the two behind the counter were quite happily chatting, I helped myself to what I wanted and approached the till BIG MISTAKE , now I realise I am what is called "a neccessary evil" Neccessary, because without me the…
I have been trying to book flights through Opodo since yesterday lunchtime without any success and their customer service department is less than helpful. I can get the page where I am offered a choice of available flights, I can fill in all my details but as soon as I click on confirm the page goes blank and I am asked to…
co-op bank sent me somebody elses satement !!!!
After requesting a single duplicate current account statement I recieved an envelope containing two duplicate statements , one for my account and a second for somebody elses account !!!! Can any one advise about how I should handle my response. I would like to draw maximum attention to this event. Should I talk to the…
Sainsburys BOGOF scam
Bought two Ginsters Pasties on BOGOF last week for £1.25 now this week the price for one is £1.02 each. Sainsburys hike the price up on stuff before using the BOGOF mind trick on people to get rid of their old !!!!!!, don't fall for it money saving misers.
further mortgage advances
I have just completed refurbishing a buy to let property that I purchased a couple of months ago. The mortgage company that I used will not give a further advance on the property, until they have received 4 more mortgage payments. Having already made an offer on property no 2, I need the further advance now as a deposit.…
Grattan on line shopping Don't bother
I placed an order with Grattan and did not receive any conformation for the three items so I called them and they assured me that they would be delivered last Friday of which they was'nt so I contacted them that day. 6 days later and 20 minutes ago Grattans wonderful customer services contacted me by email to say that the…
Orange Textsavers
Anyone with an Orange phone that has Textsaver please check your balance. Although I have a textsaver I keep getting charged for some of my texts. Some days I get charged for all my texts, occasionally none, and most days at least one. I have been in touch with Orange over the past month, and still am, they are aware of…
Virus warning claiming to be from moneysavingexp.
I have just recieved an e-mail that contains a virus with martinsmoneytips@ moneysavingexpert as the sender. The subject says re: excel file and all the e-mail contains is an attachment. Norton Antivirus managed to get it, don't know about any others or what would have happened if my comp had been infected
home Help and jobs for the girls
Now that my mother has been taken into hospital it would seem like a good time to complain about the quality of cleaning by the local home help firm.A simple thing you would think--wrong. Phone the girl in reception, ask to speak to a superviser.Will ring back. Phone call from Social services to say complaint passed to…
Ruddy Machines
New Egg Blue arrived this morning and I was all ready too start spending on it and put the cash in the bank too earn some interest. One problem its chip and pin enabled and the pin number is not one too my liking. I took it too a machine so I could change the pin, puts card in, gives it the current pin then slowly the…
pushy Sainsbury's CC salesbeings
Call me old-fashioned, but I go to supermarkets to buy carrots, not double-glazing, credit cards or gas. ::) The worst offenders are the pushy sods who try to flog Sainsbury's credit cards at me. They aren't even stationed at a sales point, they cruise the aisles and hassle you while you're shopping! The most recent one…
Small sky rant... I finally bought my own place and completed on the 15th July. Arranged a 'home move' service by Sky for the 16th. Installer turned up and couldn't fit on our property due to 'trees', advised us to get private installer which he, and the Sky rep who then called to confirm what had happened, reckoned would…
Tesco Photo Booths
This may seem a bit petty, but I was furious. Today I took my daughter into Tesco to get her passport photos done. Had my £3 at the ready settled my daughter into the booth placed the first pound coin in the slot and then the £2 coin, which dropped back into the refund slot, tried again several times to no avail, went to…
7dayshop.com customs charges
>:( Hello I posted this thread (see below) a couple of days ago on the "any other questions" board but thought I'd put it here too. Can anyone offer any suggestions? If not, please just extra careful when ordering from 7dayshop. I know I won't be doing so again. Please spread the word. "Has anyone ordered stuff from…
a couple of weeks ago a voucher for a bogof deal with threshers appeared in the mail on sunday, this was valid until the following saturday. when i went to my local threshers on the saturday they were closed (in the early afternoon). I emailed them and asked if they would honour the voucher when the store opened again. got…
Ordnance Survey Helpline
Yesterday (11th August) had to phone them up regarding a query about making copies of their maps. OS maps are heavily copyrighted and most copy shops will refuse to allow them to be copied. Anyways, got straight through within 3 rings, spoke directly to a human who told me their name. They were almost certain of the answer…
tesco ps2 games,no return
>:(My daughter bought a ps2 game from tescos as a present for her boyfriend.It was in with the shopping(£98)When we got home the cellophane wrapping was damaged so she removed it(as it was a present)& wrapped it in gift paper & gave it to her boyfriend.Unfortunately her boyfriend had been given the same game by someone…
Mobile phone text services/downloads
I've had a search, so apologies if this has been covered before. After a long running discussion with my service provider (no need to mention names as it applies across all networks) I've managed to resolve a situation that resulted in mobile bills running at 350+VAT for the last couple of months. :'( The issue is about…