Spares prices
My Lawnflite brushcutter died, seized up, and needed a new cylinder and piston. 25cc two stroke not Ferrari. Cost quoted £188.00 plus vat. Rip off or what? Needless to say I changed make. New Honda cost £249. incl vat and delivery.
24/7electrical.com? don't bother
This bunch of jokers took £229 from my account, totally unauthorised, it took 5 calls and 2 wks to get it back. I then returned an unsuitable TV which they received 6 weeks ago and they still haven't refunded the money. I've made over 15 calls and spoken to a variety of muppets who lie repeatedly. I've used this company in…
Prices of £x.99
Now I'm on a role... Why do all shops have prices like £9.99 .... Do they think people are so stupid to think this is less than £10... And if you pay cash, they have to give you 1p change... This is even more stupid when applied to house prices, where you see prices like £149,999 or £99,995.. why not £99,999.99 ! Wouldn't…
Online scam for 'free' electronic gifts wound up
"News" from Computer Buyer. Be Aware
Ikea to charge for cresit card transactions
Furniture group IKEA is to charge its British customers 70p extra whenever they use a credit card. The Swedish no-frills store group wants to recoup some of the fees charged to it by the card companies. Source http://www.creditcards2go4.com/Ikea%20to%20charge%20for%20using%20credit%20cards.htm
King Of Shaves
How many times do i have to fill in a complaint form on the K.O.S website - where they say they will get back to you in 3 days - before i get a response about a 'Fog Free Shaving mirror' that not only isn't fog free - but no longer acts as a mirror. I bought the damn thing in March and would advise anyone considering…
Virgin Net - bad experience
Has anyone else had experience of trying to cancel a Virgin Net account? I cancelled mine 3 months ago and they are still taking money off my credit card. I have emailed them 4 times, but never get a reply. Am I the only one receiving this poor service? I would love to know if other have had bad experiences with Virgin Net.
BT muppets
I recently ordered broadband from BT which was to be set up today. The modem was to be deliver today but as no time could be given I had to take a day off work. Now as it turns out after further tests broadband is not available to me after all which is fair enough. But despite being a telephone company and having 2…
Charge for courtesy car
Can they do this? I have a new car, and there's a slight fault that needs sorting out, but when I book it in for repair under warranty they tell me that their policy has changed recently, and they now charge £15 'insurance excess' for a courtesy car! Is there anything I can do about this?
Worlds Apart Childrens Toys
My daughter has bouced her trampoline to death over the last 3 years and has eventually broken the elastic cord. An email to argos where we bought it (cat no 366/2490) swiftly returned a free phone number for the manufacturers - Worlds Apart (https://www.worldsapart.co.uk). When I phoned, I got an answering machine and…
Inconsiderate Neighbours
How long does it take to look out the bedroom window to see if your neighbours have washing out ??? 30 seconds :-/ The pop and tell them your having a barbecue and you'll be happy to fan the smoke over their way................easy you would think :( Some people have no consideration for others :)
Hello, Couldn't find another relevant topic, so I thought that I'd start a brand new rant! I'm about to re-enter the world of student-dom, thus I need a student account. I've been banking with the HSBC for 14 years and have taken advantage of their services, including telephone banking. So far so good, until now when I've…
Hiya Folks. I hope you are all well. I am a newbie to this site. My question is. Has anybody ever heard of a company called: "First Class Incentives" or FCI operating from a PO Box in Benfleet Essex? I had a letter from them which sounds good but I am not sure. Basically you send them £50 that secures you your local area…
The last day of (no school run) bliss
Yep, Back again monday, The morning roads will be chock full of gargantuan 4x4s & MPVs with mothers insisting on driving right up the the school gates to drop of their one lardy, nauseating brat. The last 6 weeks of driving in have been bliss, unfortunately reality will soon be back with us.
I needed a new brushcutter as my old one died, spares were horrendous price, so ordered on Saturday from http://www.lawnmowersandleisure.co.uk/. bearing mind it was August bank holiday weekend it arrived this morning. Exemplary service, phoned to say it was on the way and were the cheapest on the net. Can't better this.
BBC interview of Paula Radcliffe
While on the whole I have enjoyed the coverage of the olympic games did we really have to be subjected to the 25 mins interview between Mr Cram and a distraught tearful Paula plus all the BBC commentators acting as if we as a country have suffered some sort of national tragedy with her failure to complete .. !! For god…
Deliberate accidents
This one really !!!!!! me off last night. It has happened before but I haven't seen it for a while. I was going home from work and I got this pratt in front of me doing about 20 mph - car full of teenagers. Every time I tried to overtake he accelerated causing me to back-off (I drive a diesel) and as soon as I pulled back…
Council Tax & Court Summons
I received a court summons today for non-payment of Council Tax. The amount I had owing was £21.10 apparently from the first 2 weeks of the tenancy last July. They tell me that they sent a bill in April and I receive a letter dated 23rd August saying I owe £21 but not saying when from. I had ignored it for now thinking it…
Has anyone heard of Citibank? I received this today in my junkmail and think it may be a scam. "Your request for Express Transfer from your Citi account to your bank account ending in 0905, has been received and is in process. This process usually takes 6-8 working hours to complete but is dependent on your account…
Moving house...
Why does nobody want to sell a house that i might be remotely interested in buying?? rightmove yourmove anyotherbloodymove, all of them have houses than i can't buy or won't buy. I save a page of one i like, ask people who know the area better than i do and what happens.. 'oooh no, you don't want to live there' 'rougher'…