Call India And Most Of Europe, S.africa,africa For Less Than 1pence A Minute
I have been calling india for less that 1p a minutes for the last few weeks, it is great, i thought i will let you all know about this, only problem is you can do this only between 8am and 6pm on week days through an 0870 acess number. i make my call through VARTEC, which gives me 30 hrs of uk nation and local calls any…
Prefix phones? Automatic prefix how do i do it?
I want to start using that cheap 18866 service, but before i do, i want a phone or machine that will dial the prefix automatically, so i just have to dail the number i want without always dialing the prefix too. Sorry if this is a n00b question, but any info will help. Thnx in advance, maneesh
18866/1899 Registration Problems (merged threads)
The call1899 site wouldn't allow me to register my Visa Debit Card. I think it may only take credit cards. It seemed happy to register me but the confirmation email they sent me told me my card had a problem. After 4 attempts I gave up. Every other site I use the card with has no problem with this card. No problems with…
1866/1899 Gone!?
Hi, went to log into my 1899.com account to check as I'd had another invoice only a week or so after the last one and the website has gone! I tried 1866.com too and both the websites are now showing as something else. Anyone know anything about this? Bit worried that they might be able to take loads of money out of my…
Earn Money on 0871
I want to earn money by having an 0871 number to my home phone. Does anyone know of a company that supplies these numbers for free, with no line rental or other charges and pays over 3p/min rebate?
0780 numbers
Anyone know the geographical number for Comet at Crewe? It will begin with 01270. I,ve checked the *say no to 0870* website and they don,t have it.
Accessing 18866 account using Firefox
The 18866 site will not allow me to register,it will not load the registration page and if you do manage to get through one stage it will not proceed,tried for 2 days,are others having problems,if so why?
Hull - Kingston Communications
I moved to Hull about a year ago, and so far have found that KC is the only phone / broadband provider I can use - unless anyone knows any different? :confused:
Warning One.tel(again)
I have posted about one.tel before, after looking at the price checker for calls I must issue a warning, i noticed it was 3p a minute to call usa with them, I usually use 1899 but I thought i'll just use my regular account (no difference) I made 2 calls one 24 minutes, the charge £2.28 and another for one hour 12 mins the…
Southern Electric Phone Line
Hi there, after using the comparing tool for Gas & Electric suppliers, I am in the process of switching from BG over to Southern Electric. They also offered me a phone option, but I declined as didn't have enough info. I am currently with BT and signed up for 18866. Does anyone know whether 18866 would work with SE, and…
Bills with 18866
We joined 18866 at the beginning of January and have received our first bill - a whopping £2.90. Anyway, my in-laws have been with them for a few months and haven't received a bill yet and neither have a friend of theirs who recommended it to them. Why is this and what can they do? They are in their 70's and are frightened…
BT Reconnection (and Sky too)
Im due to go travelling this summer and was going to disconnect BT phoneline and Sky Digital before I go. Will either company charge and sort of reconnection fee when I return? if so it may end up cheaper to leave each service switched on, and if so I would change to the cheapest package for eah.
My wife, bless her, has signed up at the door for Tele2. She did this all by herself and without my knowledge. Said something about not wanting to appear as a helpless woman :rolleyes: and that she would try and improve our finances. I've now got a few days grace to sort this out and either get back to Tele2 to rip the…
1899 and 18866 same company? ?
I came across this on another forum, for Broadband users. Poster reckoned that "1899" and "18866" are the SAME COMPANY. The following being found in the smallprint of terms & conditions. I have not checked the information. Anyone know if this is accurate. It would explain the "phoney" price war of late. Steve Finarea SA…
Is it worth changing?
I have been looking at the savings you guys are making using different dial ups for phone calls and Im intrested in maybe changing myself Atm Im with Telewest on the 321 plan with £10 line rental. Looking at this months bill the majoriety of calls are evenings (2p a minute) to national numbers and daytime calls to 0870 and…
Cheapest Phone Provider / Call Prices Guidance Please
Hi guys I'm currently with BT for line rental (option 1 I think - £10.50 per month) and our bills currently come in at about £12/13 including this. I have seen a lot of threads/ads regarding 18866 and 18899, TalkTalk+, OneTel etc but wonder if there is any way of me reducing my bill (and is it worth it for the little…
Calling South Africa Help.
I passed Telediscount no to my Mother last year but it did not work for South Africa Transvall. Has anyone used either telesavers or cheapest calls and been successful ?. Just don`t want to give her another no thats no good.
Setellite Phones
Hello guys, Does any of you know any cheap ways to contact Thuraya Satellite phones. I've tried onetel and it's £3.50 per min!!! Thank you Katerina
TalkTalk - Referral/Joining Monies
I know there used to be a thread on this - but I think it was lost in the software change. Just to see if anyone is getting their referral money from TalkTalk - I'm owed over a £100 but its not showing on their website link. This was from the days where they would send cheques out rather than credit the a/c - anyone else…
08 and 09 prefix telephone numbers
Years ago I had a little box [bought from Radio Spares if I remember correctly] which blocked calling premium numbers[089 at the time].Does anyone know of a similar device today?