Paying voluntry contributions
Any advice for someone who just doesnt have a clue? Ive just recieved a letter from the NI people inviting me to pay voluntry contributions for 2000/01. And this has got me thinking about my pension I had to stop working due to ill health in 2000. Since then I have worked mainly casual on an "as and when" basis, some…
Tax Relief on SSP/SERPS
Morning all Is further tax relief available to higher rate tax payers on the minimum contribution rebate made by the DSS? The payment that is made into the approved scheme includes a tax rebate, calculated on the employee share of the contribution, at the basic tax rate. Any ideas?
AVCs /additional childrens tax credits
I recall reading a brilliant post on how tax efficient avc payments could be for someone in a particular salary band in maximising child tax credit payments . Could some kind moneysaver please enlighten me or post a link to original thread. One additional question in my mind . Can stakeholder contributions be deducted from…
Budget,Women Pensioners Wont Get Rebate
Women pensioners aged between 60 and 65 will not get the 200 pound council tax rebate............to make it clearer...where the women is widowed or single and a pensioner,or where the woman is a pensioner under 65 and her husband is not over 65 they will not get the 200 pound rebate.This is discrimination against…
Additional Voluntary Contributions
I'm in a Final Salary Pension scheme and to qualify for my max 2/3rds pension I need to work approx 34 years, which I hope to do. My question is I have been paying £100 per month (40% tax saving) into AVC's for the last 10 years and I'm thinking should I continue, as I'll already have my max 2/3rd's pensions. What happens…
Norwich Union Stakeholder?
I'm currently narrowing down stakeholder choices. One possible option is Norwich Union. I'm wondering how good they are? Has anyone dealt with them?
Pension transfers - how long do they take?
Can anyone tell me how long it takes to transfer a pension from one provider to another? Assuming that I already have the transfer value, how long from when I request the transfer will the funds arrive in my specified pension account? Is there a standard time? Or do all providers take different amounts of time? I think it…
Widows Pension Options - Advice Needed!
Hi, My recently widowed mother in law has a just recieved a letter about a pension her usband had which she is now entitled to. The fund value is approx £15,000 and she now needs to make a decision about which form to take this pension. Two thirds of the fund is protected pre-1997 and 1 third protected post 1997. The…
Pension changes - any advice welcome please
Hello All, Personal finance not being my strong point I thought I would ask for some opinions before making any changes. I have a stakeholders pension with my company which was with NPI and they have moved it now to Standard Life. I contribute £120 and the company contributes £233 a month and the current balance is £…
SIPPPs and Existing Investments
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Home responsibilities protection question
I hope this is the right place for this. I've been a 'stay at home mum' for nearly 6 years now and my youngest child 18 months old. I've been told (rightly or wrongly) that I don't need to be worried that I'm not paying into a pension at this time as the government will be doing 'something' until the tax year after my…
Voluntary NI Contributions, And Which Stakeholder Pension
I'm 32 years old, and my current pension provision is rather limited as I've spent a lot of time at university, and had a number of years off sick due to a recurring health problem. I've only paid sufficient NI for 3 years worth of state pension, this comes to a projected state pension of £58.24/year (£1.12/week in current…
Minimum income guarantee questions.
As I understand it, there is currently a Minimum Income Guarantee scheme in place that applies to pensioners (correct me if i'm wrong). Question 1: Do the calculations for this take into account both the Basic State Pension Payment and any SERPS payments being paid? 2. Where is the level of Minimum Income Guarantee in…
please help complete ignoramous!!!!
evening all hope you can help me with this one i've just been invited to join the work's pension scheme, and i dont know what to do. im a student, and although the job is my main source of income, it is only a part time job. i forsee me working there for the remaining three years of my degree, but per annum, i am only…
Pension Advice?
Hi, Please could you give me some advice.I Have paid £1,774 into a personal pension which is not due for another 35 years(I am 30 yrs old now). I would like to know is there anyway I could get this money out of the pension which I have frozen 3 years ago,even if I had to forfeit a chunk of the money? I would like to get…
stakeholder - cash in?
Some years ago (I was a bit 'green' to all this then) I bought (was sold) a stakeholder pension with Legal and General. I'm paying something like £130 a month into it at the moment and the payment increases every 12 months. Having looked through the paperwork, I'm locked into this until I retire. Thing is, I could really…
Final Salary Options
Thanks to those who confirmed the rather sad news on my early retirement quote. I now have to decide whether to keep the funds where they are or potentially move them to the SIPP where my last pension is invested . Briefly I am 52,stopped work to help with my disabled wife and had planned to draw all my pensions post A…
My wife (D.O.B 22/8/47) stopped working 2 1/2 years ago. She does not claim any benefits at all and she pays about £90 quarterly national insurance for her state pension. She recieves a firms pension of £189 monthly and has £13500 in an ISA from which she is taking £250 monthly to live on. (This is roughly what her…
Saving for Retirement-Capital but no Income
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Norwich Union Advice
My wife has a personal pension with Norwich Union it is invested in the With Profits Fund Series 2, which turned in a 4% return last year. The charges are 0.7% monthly. She has about 9 years to retirement, is this a good fund to remain in or could she do better. Thank you.