Transfer of Personal Pension Plan
I have just received a Personal Pension Plan Statement from NPI for which my previous employer and myself contributed. Since leaving my previous employer three years ago the sum is just sitting in the Unit Linked Property Fund with no contributions being added, is it straight forward to transfer the sum into my newly…
What to do about my pension
Hi I wondered if someone could give me advice? Back in 1990 when i was 23 i took out a private pension and opted of Serps. The company i worked for didn't have a pension scheme In 1991 i changed jobs and in 1992 bercame eligible for their works pension which was non-contributory. As you were not allowed both a private…
Final Salary Annuity
All, My Mother is due to retire from her local government final salary pension scheme very soon. Is it possible/feasible for her to transfer her annuity to another provider in order to get a better rate? Thanx in Advance, D
Pension Broker
Hi, I'm not happy with my current pension provider and would like to change my contracted out serps payments into another, more competitive scheme. Are there pension brokers, similar to the discount stock brokers found on the internet that anyone can recoomend to me? Otherwise, can anyone recommend an IFA that doesn't…
Self Invested Pension
Can anyone tell me where I can find out more about this type of pension? I'm about to stop work to be a stay at home mum for a while and have been told that I can transfer my company pension schemes to this type of investment. So, I need to find out some more to determine if this would be right for me Thanks in advance
Pension Virgin..help needed.
I've never had a pension, have not worked for the past 9 years since having kids and am now self employed but working part time so not earning a great amount. I'm 31 and know I need to start thinking about getting something sorted pension wise...but what.....and how much......and and and and...so many questions....any…
Where do I Start?
I regularily read the money sections of the national newspapers, and keep up to date with any Financial goings on. I am just 18, and soon to go off to Uni. I have always read it is much better to start whilst young (paying into pensions etc.) to invest i would like to start a small regular saving to at least give me a…
Can you opt back in
This is my first post in this section...please be gentle! Please can you help....... I have been asked by a young friend (30) about pensions they are clueless and I am not much better!!! they chose a private pension a long time ago but the monthly aomount soon became too much so nothing has gone in for a long time! However…
Late Stakeholder Contributions
Just checking my employer provided stakeholder fund value online with Scottish Life and noticed that the payment made from my March salary has not yet hit my plan. I'm paid the last Friday in the month, and my contribution normally shows on my plan anywhere from the 20th to 23rd of the following month. The last…
Maximum Contribution Advise
A friend of mine is due to retire in August and has just been informed that she will have a £6000 tax bill because she has paid too much into her pension fund over the years. She was informed that paying into AVC's was a good idea. The pension fund in question is a company final salary scheme. My question is: Is the…
saving/pension planning
just a quick question. i'm higher rate tax payer. salary £52k. in nhs pension scheme wife lower rate tax. salary£12k. has few years of private pension. also between us have about £30k isa. both 31yrs as a rule of thumb is it better for me to save towards pension for both of us as 40% tax relief, her to save now as no extra…
novice asking about universities superannuation scheme!
hi, is there anybody who can tell me if this pension scheme is any good? im 26 years old and am working in a university and do not know ANYTHING about pensions. i have joined the scheme and roughly pay £110 pounds a month (6.35% of salary-gross contribution). Employer pays 14% of salary. To tell you the truth, this doesn't…
Advice please?
I am a 41 year old male with twelve years contributions in a final salary scheme with a previous employer. I have recently changed jobs and am about to sign up for a stakeholder pension with Standard life (employer prepared to pay 6% of salary). I would be grateful for some general advice on the investment choices. Is it…
pension or equity release??
been reading a bit about equity release schemes and they seem to be getting more popular by the day. im 42 and have an option to join a company pesion scheme which would cost about 40 quid a month,which the company would match . this would stetch my budget a bit. i was thinking about not joining and opting for an equity…
Advise Required on Works Pension Scheme
Hi, I am about to start contributing to my work's pension scheme and would Appreciate some advise. I have no idea about pensions so please forgive me if these questions sound silly. I am (almost) 32 years old and have not had a pension plan before, I plan to contribute 5% to the plan. I have been told that if I paid 5%, 4&…
Salary Sacrifice to boost pension
If you work for an approachable employer (more likely in a small busines) or are a director in your own company taking a significant part of earnings in salary consider getting your pension paid directly from your employers. Reason: If you put £100 into a pension from your own money it is topped up to £128.21 (the £28.21…
Taking early retirement. What next?
When My husband turns 48 (2008) he will have completed 30 years in his profession (PSNI) and will be eligible to take early retirement as part of the Good Friday agreement. He will get a lump sum payment from his pension fund and a further payoff as agreed in the Good Friday Agreement. He will also receive a monthly…
earliest retirement age.
what's the eartiest I can retire.57 poor recent health.just made redundant-no payout.and no surpriseno job prospects.any advice???
Marconi Pension
My Dad is 59 and was made redundant from Marconi 2 years ago. He is now worried that the company may change in the next 6 years, threatening his pension. His pension is currently deferred. I don't know if there are any protections in place for this? Can anyone advise? He is considering taking a lump sum which, to me, seems…
Trustees powers to reduce benefits!
I've been in a final salary pension scheme for many years. The scheme has stipulates that anyone retiring early, whilst still employed by the company will incur a 4% reduction per year from their pension, upto age 60 & if you are between the ages of 60 & 65 there is no reduction. Quite recently, the trustees have decided…