Guardian Comment Is Free - Is Wheel Clamping Fair
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/aug/22/observer-panel-wheel-clamping-just?commentpage=1&commentposted=1 Interesting debate going on here. Amazingly Diane Abbott, the Labour MP who is avowedly anti-car by her own admission, believes it is. Karol Sikora sees it being a remedy to cars clogging up the road. He may…
Civil Penalty Parking Notice
Last Friday I picked up a ticket whilst using K.F.C. car park. The reason for the ticket is that I did "Not use venue at time of parking". We did not purchase anything from K.F.C. or even enter the building, so this is true. Parking was for just under 1 hour I believe. The charge for using the car park was £60.00! Before…
PCN on Zig-Zag line (Hammersmith and Fulham)
Hi there. There is a road near my house which has parking bays on one side and a single yellow line on the other. However, along the whole street there is no sign to indicate the prescribed hours that apply to this yellow line, while on the other side there are signs that indicate the hours that apply to the bays. The only…
Congestion PCN for turning in road
I have just received a penalty charge for a road I was not even aware was in the congestion zone. I basically turned into the street (off of commercia st) in order to turn round and go back the other way up commercial street. This is where I got the penalty! Do I have any grounds to dispute the charge given that I was in…
Parking Ticket issued by G24
Hi, I'm having a few problems with a company called G24, don't know if anyone has heard of them before. Long story short - Parked at a retail park for 4 hours, they say parking is limited to 3 hours, I didn't see any of their notices when I parked up. Got sent the ticket for £50.00, reduced to £25.00 if paid within 14…
private parking fine - overstaying the time
my boyfriend has received a parking charge notice through the post with a photograph of him entering and leaving the car park and the times. we are going to look at the sign and take a photo of what the sign says and where its located, my OH thinks there have been new signs added since the date on the notice. It says on…
Incorrect Contravention code?
Hi, I was parked in a shared use parking bay in Lambeth (both residents and pay and display). I had paid for a ticket from 15:17 till 17:17. I was parked because I had a job interview. The interview ran a bit late and I unfortunately did not have the opportunity to 'top-up' and only got to the car after the time expired…
Advice wanted re a station ticket!
Hi all, I've recieved a letter headed "PCN Debt recovery and Prosecution service" quoting Railway byelaw 14 and saying that I haven't responded to a ticket left on my car. They;re saying I have 14 days to pay the £90 fine or they will inflate it to £165 in a magistrates court. The only problem is that I have no…
Help - PPC says owner is liable for charges even if NOT driver
My 79 year old Father in London received a PCN for £170 (£85 if paid in 14 days) from G24 dated 30/7/09 and relating to an alleged incident on private land in Ashford, Kent on 26/7. Their information came from CCTV footage. I was suspicious as it used a “catch all” description of who they thought they were writing to - “On…
Should traffic wardens give you time before they issue a ticket
Hi i was issued with a parking ticket (council) and it says observed at 10.38 and then issued at 10.38. thanks:confused:
advice please (Council PCN)
I got a parking ticket in a car park in April. It was an error on my ticket. I had paid for 4 hours, I didn't check the expiry time, but it had only given me 2 hours. On my return I found a parking ticket. I wrote to the council to explain the error and asked them to check their machine, but i've heard nothing. Don't know…
MSE News: 'Millions' made in parking penalty profits
This is the discussion thread for the following MSE News Story: "Some hospital trusts are making over a million pounds a year from sky-high parking and penalty charges, an investigation has found. In some cases, motorists are also smacked with up to £360 in penalties for ..." Read the full story: 'Millions' made in parking…
Opionions & Advivce Needed - Should I Fight a PCN
I recently received a Penalty Charge Notice on Caledonian Road (Islington N7). I have parked in the same place every week for over 6 months when I visit my girlfriend. I always check the signs as I understand it is a controlled zone and the restrictions are frequently changed due to football events. In all this time I have…
Parking ticket - incorrect details question
Hi all I received a parking ticket yesterday in an APCOA operated railway station car park. It seems I paid up until midnight Saturday, not midnight Sunday, so I do not dispute that I am in the wrong. However, I believe I may be able to wriggle out of it and wanted clarification. On the ticket, there are 3 details related…
Have I got a leg to stand on?
I recently got a Carlisle City Council PCN whilst visiting friends. They have residents parking and we had used a Residents visitor parking permit, where you fill in a line for the date and your car registration and stick it in the window. Trouble is I made a mistake in filling this in and put the wrong date (july rather…
PCN (East Herts Council) sticker fell off windscreen
Got a parking charge today from east hertfordshire district council. i had purchased my all day ticket , affixed it to my windscreen as requested, however when i got back to my car, the ticket had fallen off the screen. Meaning the sticker was not that sticky What can i do as i dont really want to pay this charge. is it…
how to prove private parking company operates from private address
I have a Court Order against a private parking company Actually its a man working from a private address but I need to prove it before Bailiffs will visit Any ideas anyone? ps All his comapany addresses and website addresses are post forwarding companies and they and the BPA will not give out where the operator works from…
Tesco now have parking wardens
Tesco now have parking wardens basiclt to stop people parking there and not shopping which is a good idea because sometimes you can't get a space on a saturday epople park there as the doctors is next door and there is a busy tourist attraction nearby so people park there because it's free and now they can't 2 hours free…
advice re bailiffs actions (car seizure?) - council ticket
hi, advice if possible please on the process bailiffs take in such circumstances... the story so far, friend has accrued several tickets, those not appealed successfully etc have been put on a payment plan with the local council. however one was outsanding, which was refused to be put on the payment plan, as it had already…
Unfair Parking Ticket
Hi could someone please give me a little bit of advice? A while ago I parked in a multistorey car park in a cinema/restaurant complex in Romford, Essex. I paid for parking and displayed my ticket on my dashboard, there was no sticker or anything, just a piece of paper. Without realising, I put it there upside down! And…