Stocks and shares ISA exit fees?
Hi all I'm wondering if there is any recourse against paying stocks and shares ISA exit fees. I want to transfer to another broker but the exit fee for closing the account with Halifax is very high and prevents me from doing so. I should have checked the account more carefuly when I opened it for sure but I am wondering if…
Moneygram charge unfair re-issue fee
sorry if this is in wrong section and that its a loooong post. ive just been charged £18 re-issue fee from moneygram. Over xmas i was sent 2 money grams(£100 and £50) in which the sender was charged £12 to send each. When i recieved these i asked in two separate postoffices if there was an expiry date to which i was told…
council tax rebanding: house next door is one band lower than ours ...
We live in a cul de sac of 31 detached 'individual' properties. 16 houses (including ours) are band G, 14 houses are band F and 1 is band E. I have done the usual checks on the value of our house at the time of the banding assessment in 1991 and, disappointingly, it does seem to be in the right band. However, I was very…
Music Festival tickets given to wrong person.
I bought weekend camping for my friend and myself for the Download Music Festival a while ago, however, I could only get the tickets sent to my card's billing address. This is my parent's house, not mine (I'm at uni right now). The tickets arrived there fine late last week and my parents posted them up to me via Royal Mail…
Advice wanted on a business misselling contract
Last year My husband and I did some research into starting our own business. We found a business and a compay who upon several phone calls and many meetings, along with their website promied and answered all our questions and therefore felt they were ideal to use. It soon became apparent that a few months down the line the…
Dads estate
The solicitor handling my Dad's estate have had the proceeds of the house sale in their account for a month now, and seem less that quick to respond to requests for time scales for distribution. There are no calls upon the estate which could possibly delay proceedings. Is a month quite normal???
Claiming course fees back
IN 2007 my son paid 3000.00 for a an online IT course with seetec, but within a few weeks of doing it, he was moved withing his firm and had to go out on the road, not getting home till all hours and a lot of the time he had a stop out (working away from home) he had to take this move as his wife fell pregnant and they…
Beach break 2009
I purchased a a ticket for the Beach Break Live 2009 student festival in Cornwall for the 16th -19th June. The ticket cost £84 with an additional £40 if you opted to travel to the festival by coach. The festival advertises itself as being on a beach, and in Cornwall. However, due to a disagreement with the area's…
natwest advntage gold fees
Hi my wife has a nat west advantage gold account which she has held for about ten years. She initially had the standard current account with nat west but on a visit tothe branch the asssitant recommended she upgraded to the nat west advantage gold account as she was paying in her salary every month. About five years ago…
A/c payee only cheques cahsed by 3rd party
Recently I issued some cheques to a tradesman. The cheques had the usual A/C Payee only which meant that I assumed the guy would have to deposit the cheques in his bank account. I later learnt that he had cashed the cheques through a High St cashing shop and never put the cheques through his own bank account (in fact it…
Council tax rebranding on an estate built after 1991 -help!
I live on an estate built during 1998. The houses are all quite small and using the Nationwide calculator would have been worth £31k in 1991. This is well below the £40k threshold for band A yet all are in band B. Rebanding claims are rejected based on the band of neighbours properties... What do you do when a whole estate…
Gym closing down
Hiya I recently bought my annual gym membership which takes me upto February 2010. However on Friday the gym has closed down and head office have confirmed it will not be opening again. How can I get the money back for the months from now till february 2010 that i've lost? :confused:
Mortgage missed collections
Hi, I'm after some advice if someone would be so kind? I have a mortgage with HSBC; cutting a long story short through an admin. error on their part they failed to end the interest only (Home Start) period on time (a year late and counting). I noticed this and immedietely made an appointment with one of their mortgage…
Been overpaid and now they want it back...
...in one lump sum!!! My friend's wife was repeatedly over paid, then had the money reclaimed ,then overpaid again etc. this went on for months and after numerous phone calls etc, she was informed that the problem had been sorted. On the last occassion, she phoned to query the error and was informed that the money was…
Help with GE Money
Hi all, wondering if you could help me. I just checked through old documents when I had a secured loan on my property. Anyhow I have just checked the settlement statement and note that I paid £200.00 which states was for "Fee for Discharge of Security". Do you know if I could claim this back if I wasnt advised of this?…
Living With Identity Fraud
Hi All, Im New here. Simply I just don't know where to turn too. Cutting a very long story short.....in 1998 some on set up a bank account in my name with Royal Bank of Scotland and proceeded to try and spend on it. I didn't know anything about this till 2008 when the bailiffs came looking to recover nearly £1000 in debt.…
writing off loans and cards taken out before 07
theres a few firms popping up now saying they can get balances cleared off loans and credit cards signed up for before april 07, using legal loopholes thing is these firms are chraging a fair bit for doing this, is this something you take on yourself? and has anyone got any info please?
Early Mortgage Repayment Fees
Hi, I've been reading the forum about mortgage exit fees however was interested to know whether you can claim back mortgage exit fees charged for repaying a mortgage in a fixed rate period. We was sold a mortgage by a broker and subsequently sold the house in the the 'fixed rate period' the mortgage company on top of the…
Refund of Computer services done
Hello everyone - wondering you could help me with this, I didnt know where to post it as theres so much here.Anyway: I want a refund of 50 pounds from a local computer shop - I took it in to have some faulty keyboard keys repaired, they said they were working. I took it home, and they wernt - it was still as faulty as…
Paypal not paying for charges
Hi, I had an email from Paypal on 21st May to say that my account had been hacked into and $500 was withdrawn. They then emailed me to say that they had reversed the transaction but I would have to reactivate my account. I followed all procedures and that that was the end of it. On 27th May £328 was taken by DD from my…