Mortgage Arrears Fees - Can I reclaim?
Can I reclaim arrears fees from Northern Rock as a result of my mortgage being late. £55 for 3 months overdue and £25 for 2 months is totally over the top? Not getting conclusive evidence from MSE one way or the other. Can I reclaim under the same principles as the bank charges?
Scottish Widows Windfalls
Hi I dont know if anyone can help when Scottish Widows merged with Lloyds TSB thr was windfall payments. We had two accounts with SW and received one windfall payment. My brother has recently received a second payment i have spoken to Scottish Widows who said they cant check if we were due anymore payments. Does anyone…
Secret Mortgage Commissions
Hi Everyone I had a phone Call on Friday from a company called Your Debts Cleared they said, I may be able to claim back fee's on my mortgage or my secured loan. When my mortgage was taken out about 6 Years ago, I went through a Mortgage broker and the broker was paid a commission from the lender for signing me up for my…
Mortgage failed direct debit fee - can I get it back?
Hi, My direct debit didn't go through for my mortgage this month, and although I paid it the day after, my mortgage company have charged my mortgage account with £34. To me this is very similar to the bank charges, and I was wondering if I would be able to claim this back? As £34 for administrating an automatic direct…
Visa Protected Debit Payments
Hi all, I hope someone can help and I posted this in the correct forum!! I booked a holiday in January with Freedom Direct and paid by three seperate debit cards payments which is visa protected with Abbey. As Freedom direct went into liquidation I have contact Abbey to re-claim my money back. That was eight weeks ago and…
Llyods tsb select account help
hi wonder if you can help im helping someone out who has had a "select account" from llyods tsb for 7 years i believe. Apparently this offers things like car breakdown cover, mobile phone insurance etc. problem is he has never owned a car or a mobile and had a stroke in 2003. He has no relocation of taking this out at all.…
Council Tax Rebanding Advice Please!...
My friend has checked their Council Tax banding for their house and it is Band E. Their next door neighbours house (the adjoining house as they are semi-detached) are Band D. At least 2 other identical style houses in the street are also Band D. According to the VOA website, most of the houses with Band D had this changed…
Can i claim fees back if I stayed with the same mortgage company?
Hi I had a 2 year fixed mortgage deal with A&L. I remorgaged with them on a different deal and rate in July last year and paid an admin fee of around £295. Although I am still with the same mortgage company, can I still claim the fees back from them? Regards Modchick:confused:
Council Tax reband -do I have a claim
Purchased property 2002, carried out renovation to convert 3 flats back into one house (as it previously had been - albeit without the relevant permission). Valuation Board rebanded full house to F (even though work had not been completed fully). Checked on similar property next door either direction and they are E (I…
County Council Music Service
Hi my daughter has an musical instrument and gets tuition from our county council music service that goes to the school (when they turn up) This cost £53.00 a term and is paid in advance. i have just paid the invoice for the term September - December which was due on the 26th and I paid it late on the 29th. This is the…
Books For Children Company
Hi Does anyone or has anyone belonged to Books For Children Company? I bought some books from them & because I didnt buy a certain amount of books after this within a year Ive now got to pay a charge.I think it is for about £60. I did sign a piece of leaflet paper when I first joined. Has anyone had any problem with these?…
unenforceable loan help needed please.
sent a cca request to hfc bank with p/o enclosed and they failed to supply, so stopped all payments. since had lots of letters threatening action if payment is not made. sent off all template letters found on internet, told them they can't pursue payment as they failed to provide a true copy of cca and the loan is…
Littlewoods Charge
Hi All I was recently charged by Littlewoods for missing a direct debit. My intentions were to pay off the account. On the day the direct debit was due I paid the remainder of the account which was more than the direct debit. The direct debit wasn't accepted but they still charged me even though a payment was made for the…
banks re-using closed account numbers...
Hi has anyone out there come across or been put out of pocket by a closed bank account being re opened in someonelses name..? read this. About eight years ago was about to close a c&g "telephone access only" savings account but decided to keep it open and drop spare change into it now and again. over the years a usefull…
Carcraft PPI Help
I bought a car from Carcraft back in 1998 on finance and it was sold june 2000. I believe that I was mis-sold PPI by this company they have written back to me saying because it was 9 years ago I am statute barred from taking legal action and that the ruless governing any jurisdiction only came into effect on 14th jan 2005,…
Council Tax Rebanding Advice
Hi there everyone, I am hoping you can help me on my quest to restore a bit of sanity to my world! The story thus far: Following Martins guide and my own, previously successful experience I put together a justification for the house I have just moved into, for it to be rebranded to a sensible level. I used the Nationwide…
Remortgage insurance fee reclaimed
I do not know if anyone has been charged for not taking out home and contents insurance with the company they have a mortgage or remortgage with. I remortgaged with Alliance & Leciester recently and was charged £25 admin. for not taking out their building and contents insurance, which I already had with another company and…
Halifax Charging unfair!
I recently became overdrwan on my Halifax cashcard account. I have to admit that I have lots of other debts and am trying to slowly sort them. I decided to open a new account with Alliance and Leicester and have since been really good. On the 11th of last month I rang the Halifax and paid them the £193.45 they said I owed…
Assett Lender Fees
I built a house a couple of years ago funded by a commercial loan from an assett lender. I paid a £4000 arrangement fee, £2400 commission to the broker who introduced me to the lender and when the house was finished I remortgaged and paid the assett lender an exit fee of £6250. All these fees were included in the original…
Mortgage Àccident, Unemployment and Sickness
Hi, This is my first post. I got a strange call this evening from a Money Advice Partnership saying that when i got my mortgage and accident death policy it was missold to me and that i can claim money back on the policy. They have sent me a powerpoint presentation and will call me back later in the week. They know all my…