XIII PS2 game at Game for £10 WSL
SOLD OUT Table & 4 Chairs £80.00 Bargain Crazy
http://www.bargaincrazy.com/bcrazy/product.asp?brand=bcrazy&cat%5Fid=0&sku=1038914&link%5Fid=&extra=&pp=Y&mscs_sid=P6LS5HTVMUBA8MTKS0FC0ESV5XTJ27C2 I can't comment on the set myself, but this has been reduced from £399.99 to £80.00 with Bargain Crazy. The photo shows 6 chairs but it is 4 chairs as per the description.
Richer Sounds are doing a Yamada Multi Region DVD player at £19.99 till the end of the week. In store callers only: Check the following link for availability at your local branch. http://ws3.richersounds.com/productlist.php?cda=productlist&sort=price&search=dvd2600 P.S: Some may be ex-display at the price (their words!) FM
PC World 24/11/04 one day only
May be of use.... One day only, up to 50% off while stocks last. Presume this is in store only but might be on-line as well.
PS2 - Colin Mcrae Rally 2005 ( Ends Midnight )
Games Deal of the Day
Allders Christmas Spectacular tmrw to Saturday
http://www.allders.com/template_id-85/ViewTemplate.go;jsessionid=bmCqZd4vUgW- 50% Off most furniature. 10% off electrical stuff. Must be a bargain amongst all the items somewhere! Looks like its gonna be a good one - and a long lunch break tomorrow :D
E:27/11/04 Tiny computer £699
Hi Tiny monster 2005 £699 + Delivery(£40) Advertised in the Sun today. High spec desktop which seems to compare favouably with the current Aldi offer. No 3yr warranty or big software package but does have 1024MB and 400GB hard disk. Sorry no idea how to do link :-[ but put in E.code:01274 on the Tiny.com website to get all…
Re: DVD player £24.99 at Argos from Tomorrow
Thanks for this - how did you find out about it - and is there anything else being reduced tomorrow. Welcome to MSE ;D _____________________ Insert by Martin Rather strangely the initial poster deleted their post. However it was linking to the following DVD player. Argos website and is available for home delivery, free…
Amazon Nokia 7600 its on its way!!!!!!
Hurray I hear you all cry! Ordered my 7600 on 23rd October, logged into to amazon this morning and amazed to see it has been dispatched, although they didnt email me to say so. So anyone else waiting, go and check your account now! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I await mine with baited breath!
Dvd recorder from £89.99 dvd player from £14.95
Richers Sounds again like before. Try their trade counter. Allsorts of goodies such as dvd recorder £89.99 and plasma telly £899.99 http://ws1.richersounds.com/tradecounter.php?cda=tradecounter3®ion=02&category=DVD-REC&pg= Cheers Bluey
BOOTS : 20GB & Mini ipod (eff. £155) Back in Stock
I know someone raised a topic about the 40GB being back in stock, but they also have the 20GB and the Silver Mini iPod back in stock!!! The Mini iPod would effectivly be £155.51 using the 10% off voucher or £152.79 with the 2000 points. Does anyone know if there is another triple points day before Christmas?? :D
£18 for wireless keyboard and mouse 26/11-30/11
I have just been sent a leaflet showing that Superdrug have a wireless keyboard and mouse reduced from £60 to £20 this Friday to next Wednesday plus an additional 10% so you will be paying only £18. There are some other electrical items which seem to be cheap in the offer which include: £54 for 128mb mp3 player £31.50 for…
Charlies Angels DVD £4.99 today only free p&p
Worth keeping an eye on this link as deals change every day. Good price on this one,I think http://www.filmnight.com/DealsOfTheDay.asp
nEwSfLaSh! The Great "Autumn Sale Hunt" is on!!!!!
***Moderator Comment:- For autumn sales look towardsthe bottom of page 2 of this topic **** Hi again! Like with closing down sales..... see: http://forum.moneysavingexpert.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Urgents;action=display;num=1091258861 I think a central list of the Summer sales would be a very useful resource for all…
Harry Potter & Prisoner of Azkaban PS2 £9.99
Game Deal of the Day Free postage Simply add the code FREEPOST into the voucher redemption box on the right of the checkout to claim this offer, ends 22 November.
Free Delivery at Argos Ends Today
Get your orders in quick - Free delivery ends today!
This is games deal of the day This game can be used with the eyetoy for the PS2 197 left though
SEGA SuperStars at Game (WSL)
http://shop.game.net/viewproduct.aspx?mid=323944 £14.99 instead of £24.99 191 left
E:22/11 Wireless 54g Access Point - £23.49
US Robotics Wireless Access Point (comes shipped as 22Mbps but there is a link for a firmware upgrade to 54G on the item description). Go to http://www.todayonly.co.uk (Scan) Scroll down to section 9: US Robotics Wireless Access Point (012249) 22/54MBps £23.49 inc Vat. Due to Scan having quite high costs, this may not be…
Hot Joints 2
Buy it cheap here: ** Referrals board only please - Edited by Abuse Controller ** currently retailing a lot more elsewhere and availability seems to be low?