Interest free over draft into ISA?
Hello, this is my first post so be gentle :) I’m a student, in my first year living at home; I have a student account with an interest free overdraft of £1000 from HSBC. I don’t have any debts and my only out goings are my mobile phone, rent to my mum and running on my car, which is easily covered by my job. I haven’t been…
ISA advice please!
My wife and I have a Mini ISA account each with Natwest with about £20 in each. We haven't paid anything in for about 2 years after having to withdraw the money we did have in due to finanical difficulties. Anyhow, we are just about getting to the stage where we can start to save again. My question is can I just go ahead…
Halifax ISA Saver Direct
Halifax are advertising this in the Express today. It says 5.15% AER/Gross pa. I had a look at their website and all I can find is "up to 5.15%" and no other explanatory details of the various interest rates.
New ISA for deposit
I've been looking at the advice given here and have decided to get myself a ISA. I'm saving for a house and hope to buy in a year to two years time. I'd like to put some of my savings (the full £3000) for the deposit into an ISA and was wondering which ISA is best for short term use. I think, based on what I've read that a…
Alliance & Leicester Cash Isa
The £25 transfer out charge on this account renders it, in my opinion, as not a best buy, since this is an effective reduction of 0.83% on the rate, although I suppose one could just close the account and withdraw... This condition does not 'jump out' on the internet application, and I have e-mailed them to ask why this is…
Tesco ISA - clubcard points
Earn up to 3,500 Clubcard points If you invest in a Tesco ISA you can earn a sizeable number of valuable Clubcard points - the more you invest, the more you'll earn. Here's how it works: Invest up to £3,000 - earn 1,000 Clubcard points Invest £3,001 to £6,999 - earn 2,000 Clubcard points Invest £7,000 - earn 3,500 Clubcard…
Transfer / Sell ? ISA Halifax Growth B to money supermarket.
6 Years ago I got a I/O mortgage with the Halifax and a PEP / ISA tax free home plan with critical illness cover and eventually pay off the mortgage. I have recently changed my mortgage to be full repayment and keeping the ISA tax free home plan. I have been paying £50 a month into the Halifax ISA tax free home plan which…
How to Move an ISA
I have an ISA with IF.com and in the last week or so they have reduced their interest rate. Obviously with the competitive nature of this sector I'm looking to get the best rate I can. Firstly, can I move my money to another ISA? And secondly how do I do this - is it a case of withdrawing my money and paying it into a new…
Maxi ISA: which bank?
Hello, I'm new to the board but have found info here very useful. I want to open a maxi ISA account mainly to trade shares online. Which bank is recommended? I looked at comdirect.co.uk and it seems to be OK . Any experience with them? Thanks!
IF ISA Offsetting Question
Hi, Does anyone know the weighting that IF apply to an ISA when offsetting a £10k loan? For example, if I have £8k in Savings and 3K in an ISA and choose to offset will I have to pay tax on the interest earned or will the interest go to the ISA? Conversely if I choose not to offset and have 8k in savings and 3k in an ISA,…
Should I change ISA?
Hi all, I'm new to all this but am getting increasingly annoyed when I realise how much money I have lost over the years by just trusting my bank that I'm getting a good deal. Hohum. ::) Anyway, I have a mini-cash ISA with Lloyds and currently have about £1500 in it. I hope to start saving around £150 a month into my ISA…
Dormant ISA
I just had a letter from my mini-cash ISA provider to say I hadnt paid in this year. I paid the max into another mini-cash ISA instead so this was no surprise. What did surprise me was that the letter said if I didnt (which I cant obviously) I would have to reapply if I wanted to pay in next year (ie after april 6). It…
Splitting Existing CashISAs
Hi everyone, A quick question regarding Cash ISA transfers! I have a large pot in a Cash ISA which I've built up using my allowance over the past 5years. I'm in a situation now where a portion of this is long-term savings and a smaller portion is stoozed funds. I'm interested in somehow splitting this up via a transfer…
S&S ISA Limit of £3000 going up from 6/4/05
Hi All I have just recieved a letter from Royal London (who I currently have a Stocks and Shares ISA with at the mo) and they have said "Currently you are allowed to pay £3000 per annum into your Mini ISA component. The rules laid down by the Inland Revenue are changed and from 6/4/05 you will be entitled to contribute up…
Mindful that I needed to get money into an ISA before the end of the current tax year I duly did the research and selected Portman as they were in the top 10. However, a note tucked away in their literature says that if you want to transfer out at any time they are now going to charge a fee. I was told this is currently…
Henderson OEIC charges
Hi, It's my first post so please be gentle.... I have been a leading light in the world of money wasting for quite some time :mad: and I have recently seen the light!! :D (Prime example:- I paid £30/month for a 1% share in a racehorse for a year after it got sent to the glue factory!!!! just because I never got round to…
ISA - deposit and withdrawals
Within the tax year can you deposit and withdraw amounts as long as you don't exceed the £3K maximum deposit? i.e. Is paying in £3K then removing £1K which is redeposited later allowed or does that class as £4K deposited? Thanks in advance.
ISA or Index Tracker
I wonder if anyone can help me. I currently save around £100.00 per month in an ISA and another £100.00 in another account. I want to invest another £100.00 per month into an Index tracker. Does a tracker produce more than an Isa or should I utilise my ISA and just put £3,000 a year into that to make use of it. I do not…
Abbey Postal ISA or First Direct e-ISA?
I have an Abbey Postal ISA application for completion but now First Direct have their new offering. On the face of it the First Direct ISA seems better at 6.25%. Is the First Direct ISA the best option? Any drawbacks when compared to the Abbey Postal ISA? Thanks in advance for any help.
Invesco funds - fees?
just as a rule of thumb examples what sort of fees might i have to pay both start up, annualy and selling on a fund such as the Invesco Aggressive Uk fund, if i put say £3k in?