ABBEY Choices ISA 5.5% Fix 1yr
Just found this on abbey site when looking for their postal Isa details, off to branch tommorow to try and open 04/05 = £3k Oh, can transfer in & transfer out after fix period But the catch is interest has to be payed out ( not retained in ISA) http://www.abbey.com/future/taxeff/savings_isas/savings_isas_choises_isa.html
Any decent ISA still available now for 04/05?
A&L say too late to apply, First Direct say same unless you are a customer, I'm not... anyone know of any ISA still open to apply for now please in time for this currrent tax year??? Thx Nb
When does the cash ISA allowance change?
Seem to remember hearing that the allowance is due for a big dive down to 1K, but anyone know when this is due. Everyone still talking about 3k for 05/06 year, so when?
ISA need help
The wife and i both work so we pay tax. As i understand it we both can put £3k in to a cash isa. Is it worth doing even for say 6 months rather than leaving it in my egg saver. Ive read alot of this use it or loose it re the isa, open one before 5 april, but when i went to first direct web page it stated i couldnt open an…
withdrawing money from last years ISA -advice needeed
If I pay in £1000 to reach my £3000 limit for a mini cash isa before the end of this tax year and want to withdraw that £1000 after april 1st will it effect the amount i can pay into the isa in the next fy? I.E. will i only be able to pay in £2000 if I withdraw the £1000 paid in before 1 April after 1 April? Grateful for…
Why would the average investor open an equity ISA?
This one's got me stumped... Seriously, if the only advantage it offers me is CGT throughout the life of the ISA (till I withdraw / redeem it), then I anyway have a CGT relief outside of the ISA to the extent of £8500. If I know for a fact that I would never have a situation where the Capital Gains I might make would…
Best FTSE trackers-You can’t find them in a best buy table
Get your skates on if you haven’t already & you can use your ISA allowance for this & the next tax year in one go. The Barclays Protected FTSE plan is aimed at people looking for growth & capital protection. The minimum investment is £3,000. You can invest inside an ISA (mini or maxi) or direct without the ISA wrapper. It…
Jimmy Mac
Has anyone got any data on how well Fidelity Investments perfom in relation to ISA'a?
Mini Cash ISA Help?
I'm a bit new to all this saving stuff (due to the fact i've never had any to save!) I've read a number of threads & guides and its a bit ambiguous (to me anyway!).... With the Mini cash ISA do i get £3000 to save in each tax year ie in year one I can save £3000 with bank A then in year 2 I can put an additional £3000 into…
Extension of ISA allowance to 2010
Seeing as I got absolutely no recognition of my post on the savings fountain thread, I am asking this question in a new thread... Am I correct in thinking that the current ISA allowances (e.g. £3,000 in a mini cash-ISA) are now to be extended to 2010 - as proposed last year in the pre-budget report and then confirmed in…
Changing my ISA account?
Should I cash in my ISA which is with royal london, I am currently 3 years in on a five year plan. Are there better offers out there? I have £8000 saved, are there better offers out there?
What is the advantage in opening today?
I don't have a cash isa but intend opening for next financial year. Is there any advantage in opening before 5 April? if so, what is it? There surely can't be much interest gained in a few days.
Very quick ISA question
OK. I know you can open a mini cash ISA this tax year, and open another one next tax year. Could I contribute to both ISAs in the same tax year providing I don't go over £3000? Reason: I want to put £2000 in a fixed ISA and not touch the money but I won't get the money until next tax year. I'd also like to make regular…
ISA Transfer
I already have a Halifax Direct ISA which I intend to add to on April 6th. But First Direct are paying 6.25% until October, 2005. Can I then open a First Direct ISA and transfer the entire amount of the Halifax ISA (except for £1) to the First Direct ISA? The problem as I see it is: Will the £1 left in the Halifax account…
Confused about ISA pay-in dates
Hi, I signed up for the FD 6.25% mini-cash ISA last weekend and they haven't got the application form through to me to sign yet, so I phoned them up. They said that as long as I get the signed papers back to them by 5th April so they can open the account before the new tax year, I can still pay into the account under the…
Best ISA at the mo?
Hi, Want to take advantage of the end of the financial year so have decided to stick 3K in an ISA. I will then stick another 3K in the next financial year. But whats the best ISA to go for at the mo? I heard Alliance and Leciester was good, but I cant apply at the mo as its too late (according to there website) to apply…
What's the best cash ISA at the moment?
And if I use the full amount can i still use the other half of my allowance to put into an ISA Index tracker in this same tax year?Do i have to purchase this tracker with the same company i invest my cash ISA in?
Best FTSE 100 Tracker Mini ISA
I want to open a FTSE100 tracker mini ISA, which is the best one? I guess this will be the one with the lowest charges, I assume the return on them are all the same (the equivalent of the FTSE 100 growth) ... do all trackers return dividends as well or do some keep them? Have tried searching around on the comparison sights…
Post office mini ISAs
I opened up a Post Office mini ISA account last year and also have savings in ING Direct.Is there more I can do to save than this or is it best to stay with what I have? Thanks. Ian.
Transferring ISAs
I am sure this question has come up before but I am too lazy to look for it. I have £6000 in a Nationwide ISA (soon to be £9000 in April). There seems to be alot of better ISAs on the market. Is it possible to transfer it to one of them?