National Counties Bs Isa 5.50%
Hi i have £9,000 to transfer and saw NATIONAL COUNTIES is offering 5.50% interest ( http://www.ncbs.co.uk/ncbs.asp ) on thier ISA. anyone know if they are any good and if its a good deal? cheers.
when to transfer
i have a first direct isa and as you all know the rate is dropping in a few months. I'm just wondering when the best time is to transfer and what are the best offers on at the moment?
I didn't know this - ISA lapses if no deposit made in a year
I have had a Cash ISA with NatWest for some years, but last year I didn't pay anything in to it, as I'm now a non-taxpayer and the interest rate was the same as my savings account. I decided to put £3K in for this year, and did it via internet banking. Today I had a letter advising me that as I hadn't paid the minimum £1…
TIME FOR ACTION: Unnecessary ISA transfer delays
During a typical ISA transfer, your initial provider raises a cheque from your account, *posts* it out, where it is then received and banked by the institution you are transferring to. If you're lucky, your funds will only miss out on interest for about 5 days or so. But if you unlucky (as I'm sure many of us have been),…
Beverley BS 5.3%
hi i'm looking for the best rate on an ISA with instant access & with a no fee transfer. I've found Beverley Building Society with 5.3% that allows one free withdrawal per year (including transfers). however their website does not give me much confidence as the apply online link has been broken for over a week now ( i'll…
Cost of setting up maxi ISA
I'm completely new to this whole investing milarkey and would really appreciate any help. I've recently inherited £15k and went off to the Abbey National to get a maxi ISA for the allowed £7k before end of tax year. However, it's going to cost something in the region of £260 just as a fee to set the whole thing up. This…
6 weeks to transfer from one ISA to another?
I went into the Abbey on 19th April to open a postal ISA and asked for them to arrange the transfer in the funds in my existing Halifax ISA. 6 weeks later and the money still has not been transfered over. Is this normal?
ISA - Standard Life - Help needed
Wonder if anyone can help? I have an ISA at Standard Life that I need to cash in BUT I am not sure if the ISA would allow me to a share entitlement next year when Standard Life could float. Does anyone know the answer to this at all?
index traking ISA from .comdirect
hello! im a bit new to all this investing stuff. ive got premium bonds right now (£500) and havnt won a thing. id like to move my money into a more efficient and long term investment. I was thinking a index tracking maxi ISA against the FTSE 100 (iPLAN) from https://www.comdirect.co.uk is this a wise choice, seems the FTSE…
Isa Confusion
I'm sorry if this question has been answered several times already but it would take me ages to read through all the previous posts. I took out a Maxi Isa 5 years ago and have been paying in regular amounts by standing order. My husband took out a Mini Isa around the same time with a regular standing order. These are still…
Number of mini cash ISA's per year
I opened a fixed rate mini cash ISA during this tax year, investing £250 per month. However after I paid in £750, the account issue was closed by the provider and I cannot now invest any more £££ into this ISA. I am somewhat unsure what I can do to still be able to invest the remaining £2,250 of my annual max investment of…
Just Opened a Brittania Mini Cash ISA
Ok, I know its not the best on the market, but I have been a member there for quite some time (all my life!), and because they are a mutual they give their bonuses to the customers, i.e. moi (you may have seen ythe adverts - the poor ones about cakes etc.) Anyway i opened on of their Cash ISAs (paying 4.7%) you need a min…
isa help
have a M&S minicash isa. have put in £500 for this year, thinking of topping it up. however as a closed account, & recent reduction of rate to 5%, i am wondering would i be better off not topping it off to the max £3000. eg topping up to £2950, leaving me £50 for this year. would i be correct in thinking that if rate gets…
Which ISA for me?
I have £1580 to save, will be contributing at least £100 per month, may need to withdraw all very quickly, i.e 2-4 weeks notice Which company shall i choose?? Thanks for your help
Invesco Perpetual Euro Growth Acc ISA
Since Dec. 1998 I have been investing £35 pm to the above fund to (hopefully) meet the additional mortgage borrowing of £17000 I had when I moved house. The investment was based on a maturity date of December 2018 ie 20 yrs. This fund grew at a tremendous rate then crashed as it was top loaded with tech stocks and it…
self-select ISA
I've just become aware of self-select ISA, can anyone tell me if I can use this for my existing shares, how and where do i go to set it up and what to look for for a good scheme / rules ?
nobody seems to recommend M&S mini cash isa, currently 5.25%, guaranteed .25% above base. just deposited some money for this year, suddenly worried am i missing something
Unsure on which, saving £1500.
Hi, I am 16 and over the last 16 years of my life I have accumilated roughtly £1500 which is now sat in a Britania savings account at my local Britania. Basically from reading the site I am left unsure of the best way to save the money and also wasn't sure if anything else applies with me still being in full time education…
Nationwide ISA question
I have a passbook ISA with Nationwide and wrote to them asking if I could transfer it to there members bond ISA as it pays a better rate but I was told that if I transfered it then it would count as this years subscription. Can that be right? Surely I should be able to transfer it internally just the same way as a transfer…
isa withdrawal and redeposit
hello everyone hope someone can advise me. i have an A& L direct isa. i invested 3k then took out 2k does this mean that i cannot invest any more into it as i have already invisted 3 k this year? :money: