%age payout by life assurance companies on death.
Does anybody know what percentage of payouts are made by life assurance companies on death of its customer? ie. number of claims to number of payouts. Either individual companies or UK companies in total.
Moving insurance possible issue?
A friend a work mentioned that his brokers has advised him not to change home insurance to often as it was possible for your new insurance providor to turn around and say they were not going to pay out for an incident as the root cause of the incident happened before your policy with them started (eg subsidence). Obviously…
Car Insurance List
Hi, Below is a list of insurance companies: Admiral 0800 600 800 http://www.admiral.com/ Adrian Flux 01553 777 240 http://www.adrianflux.co.uk/ AON 01384 552 670 http://www.aon.com A-Plan 0845 071 123 http://www.aplan.co.uk/ AXA 0800 015 4292 http://www.axa-motor.co.uk Bell Direct 0800 140 180 http://www.belldirect.co.uk/…
Family medical insurance
Hi, first visit and would like to know if anyone can recommend a plan to suit my family at a budget level. Basically i just want to ensure that we can get to a consultant and if necessary treatment and have the costs covered. Not worried about what hospital etc. Thanks in advance
Rebuild Cost?
Hi All Is there any way that I can find out how much it will cost to rebuild my house for Insurance purposes? Cheers Crescendo
healthcare plan
i've read martin's article about healthcare plans and am seriously intersted. The MSE article was written in June last year - is anyone aware of any better deals on the market? I'm looking for basic single adult cover at no more than £10/month. many thanks
Help. I have just burnt my new carpet.
Have just spilt hot ashes on my new sitting room carpet.Can I expect the insurance to just patch the carpet or will they replace the whole carpet.It is only months old although we have new for old cover.I expect them to fob me of but should I insist on a replacement.The burns are not THAT big but it has spoilt the carpet…
accident ins, for 18 year old rugby player
Does any one have any info on a good policy for an 18yr old rugby player that would cover him in the event of him having an accident and not able to work etc, there are so many out there and they say we pay lots of ££££££££ if this or that happens when what he needed was just a good policy not to pricey that would give him…
Any experience of NHI home insuarance?
Does anyone have any experience of NHI home insuarance? I've never heard of them, but they came out top on a search at https://www.insuresupermarket.com for my buildings and contents insurance and were so cheap it looks to good to be true. Cheers Brighty
How can they do this?
Having read Martin's article on Healthcare cashback schemes I decided to go and get one. After a 3 month qualifying period where I could not make a claim I was keen to start claiming. 3 months later and less than half way to my limit on alternative therapies (not a single claim for anything else) they wrote to me saying…
Confused by policys.
Hi, I'm looking at saving some money on our various insurance policies. I have the following: Mortgage repayment Plan, Mortgage Protection Plan with Critical illness and a Income Protection plan. Now, my understanding is that the Mortgage Payment Plan covers the mortgage payments for up to a year. The Income Protection…
YIKE ! Need help getting car ins. 4 bad driver
Hi Hope you can help before I go demented ! My boyfriend needs to get insurance for his old car , 1995 not worth a dime. However gets from a -b. Unfortunately he has had 2 driving penaltys in the past 3 year, uhm, AND wrote his last car off in June last year . Hence he has now been on my insurance - but that no longer an…
Can I Insure against my employers excess decision.
My boss has put out a memo to all staff to say that if we have an accident in the company vans, and it is our fault, then we have to pay the insurance excess of £250.00 (£500 for those under 25 yrs). Does any one know of an insurer who would cover me for this eventuality.? I dont have a private car insurance of my own.
Best place for annual travel insurance??
Can anyone point me to the best place for annual travel insurance? My wife and I are both in our fifties and I was going to go with Saga until their answerphone message informed me that they do not do annual travel insurance. Thanks cslogg
Can you have more than 1 life assurance?
Not wanting to do it, just an idea. Was refused a loan with tesco that is going through an appeal. If they still say no, I will be moving everything away from them including credit card, savings account, life assurance, clubcard, grocery/fuel shops!! Anyway, back on topic, what would happen if there were 1 or more policies…
Cheapest car insurance for TPFT 21year old
Just thought id let people know that Norwich Union are currently running a 20% discount for online purchases, not sure why, and this saved me about £100 off my car insurance. Details: I’m a young driver (21) Its third part fire and theft coverage 1388cc Ford Fiesta Ghia cheapest quote I got was £356 Norwich Union phoned me…
buildings insurance
It appears from my recent survey of several insurers, and reading the small print of the insurers that they will not insure 'on-line' if you have more than 20% of your total roof area as flat felt asphalt roof. It appears you need to phone for a quote! I live in a cottage and have a total roof area of 46sq mts. The main…
Critical Illness cover v. Income Protection
Apologies if this has already been discussed ... can't find it anywhere at the moment. My partner is shortly to become self-employed and is wondering which of the above policies is best to go for should he become ill and be unable to work. I appreciate there's all sorts of criteria to take into account here, but he's…
Endowment Policy help?
Hi, When I was born my father set up a Endowment policy with Brittania now Alba Life but also this was the time when my parents separated. I have very little contact with my father and would like someone to help me understand what a endowment policy is? Can I pay into this account myself? Is it a good policy to invest most…
Personal Injury Claim
Hi, My friend was in a car accident this week. It was her fault. This morning she got through the post a letter from a Solicitors saying their client (the person she crashed into) was suing for Whiplash and Lower Back Pain. They said she should acknowledge the letter and forward it to her Insurance COmpany. She has many…