Mobilise (formerly the Disabled Drivers Association)
I just came across this info about Mobilise http://www.mobilise.info/ hth Daisy x
Vehicle Exise Duty Exemption
AFAIK the only way that a person can get get VED exemption is if they get before their 65th birthday. This is because it is dependant on mobility component of DLA which is not available, unless already granted, to over 65. Does anybody know any other way for an over 65 with disability to qualify for VED exemption?
Disability and Dosh!
What's the idea behind this title with "Dosh" in it? When I first saw it in the forums list to say the least I was confused and then somewhat annoyed.
Thanks soolin for being our new Board Mod
I've noticed what a great difference a good board mod makes on so many of the boards. Just wanted to voice my thanks to soolin for taking the new board on.
power chairs
Can anyone recommend a good one? it needs to have great suspension, a high weight limit and a good range....and not look too granny-ish :p I have a jazzy pride atm and it breaks all the time - forever in for repair :mad:
iPod usability
My mum has expressed interest in an iPod for a present so she can listen to music and audiobooks. She has a PC, so should be comfortable using iTunes. She did have a stroke a few years ago, though, and this has affected her eyesight. She has her pc set to larger icons and can read that ok. I was wondering which iPod to buy…
dla rates
Easy To Use Mobile Phones
For anyone who finds a standard mobile phone way too complicated there are alternatives. The website below has details of a number of phones that are suitable for those of us who just can't get to grips with all those little buttons, bleeps and flashing lights: http://www.matobmobile.co.uk/ One of the models has just 5…
Disabled Steam Generator Ironing board
This post is spread across other sections of the website as it benefits able bodied folk and disabled. There are many Steam generator ironing boards which are height adjustable, but which are the best to use while sitting? Using an ironing board while seated, the board has to be rock solid and not too long. The slightest…
Red Cross Equipment Loan & Carers Emergency Card
The Red Cross provide medical equipment such as wheelchairs and commodes on short term loan: www.redcross.org.uk/TLC.asp?id=77069 My local branch (Lancashire) also provide a carers emergency card - I carry the card and if I was in an accident the Red Cross would be contacted and they would contact my family and friends to…
Excellent Forum For Parents of Children/Adults with Learning Disabilities
This site is of great value to parents/carers of people whom have a learning disability www.learningdisabilities.org.uk/information/have-your-say/choice-forum/ You will find a wealth of help and advice which includes grants etc, although you will need to join the forum. Once you have joined you will be able to post…
self-directed support (formerly direct payments)
after searching around i am still confused about who is likely to be allowed self-directed support (direct payments). I have a wheelchair bound friend with ms who needs home helps etc. who was told by her social worker that it was not for her. she couldn't tell me why though. does anyone here recieved direct payments or…
Partially sighted
My hubby is partially sighted & receives the lower level of benefit, I sometimes see offers that might be useful for him but don't know what to use to prove he is disabled. Should he have a card or something? He thinks he used to have a certificate of some sort, but he lost his sight 14 years ago & can't really remember.…
Mobile Phone with a Loud RingTone
Hi, could anybody recommend a decent but cheapish mobile phone with a loud ring tone. This is for my Dad who in his old age is now a little hard of hearing. Any help is appreciated. Regards Chris
Disability Law Service
Specialises and gives legal advice to disabled and deaf people and their families and carers. Subjects include - Disability Discrimination, Consumer, Community Care, Further & Higher Education, Employment, Welfare Benefits - London only. They now also have a new Multiple Sclerosis Legal Officer Full details at…
Sporting Venues Accesibility Thread
Some of you may go to football games in the football leauge or non leauge are you getting good treatment ? was hoping us football or sports fans who are disabled that are not getting the services and infrastructure we are entitled to by law we could have a thread to voice these concerns and help eachother out. Im sure you…
best electricity supplier when you have a disabled child.
i am with southern electricity and after supplying them with all our income details(we are on income support as we are carers)they informed me that we have too much money to have any help.:mad: they even took into account our sons dla,which i though wasnt done. i tried explaining that we needed the heating on all the time…
The National Trust and visitors with disabilities
The National Trust welcomes visitors with disabilities Entry fees Our admission policy admits the necessary companion of a disabled visitor free of charge. Resources The majority of our properties offer Braille and large print guides. Many properties are also developing sensory information. Information The National Trust…
Any advice
Hi Any advice would be welcome I live in a council house with my disabled son so just the 2 of us and on benefits as his carer we don't have family , my problem is decorating we have been here 17 years and it needs painting and some new internal doors hanging , I have spoken to the housing and asked as best as I can if I…