Blue Badge Aprking
HI I am writing from scotalnd in reference to where blue badge holders can park. It clearly stated in the blue badge scheme book. In the UK, a valid badge entitles the holder to park:- free of charge and without any time limit at on-street parking meters and pay and display on-street parking for as long as s/he wishes when…
Medical Exemption Certificate for free prescriptions
Hello, I did a quick search but couldn't find anything on this new board referring to this - so I'm posting here in the hope it may help someone, the way I was helped by being told about the bus pass for carers. If you are disabled and under pension age and have to pay for prescriptions this may be of use.…
electric wheelchair liability insurance
Can anyone suggest anywhere?
voice typing thingy
I'm looking for a voice typing program thing for my pc, that won't take forever to train and is cheap or better still free. Can anyone recommend any?
National Concessionary Scheme - free bus travel
Most people probably know this, but as with everything else, thought it was best to post this information on the off chance someone doesnt know and can save money! When free travel was introduced for the over 60's, it was also introduced for disabled travellers to travel free on all local transports in England. I recently…
Result of new pension on existing Income Support?
Mother died recently. Her pension provider says that daughter who lived with her is entitled to a dependant's pension as she is 'incapable of earning a living'. Pension will only be around £20 a month. Daughter receives DLA and income support, so will this pension only result in £20 a month being taken off her income…
Disabled Facilities Grant
Are my chances zero? I have a child with special needs and am in receipt of DLA middle rate care and low rate mobility for him. I live in a 4 bed house and we have 5 children. The bedrooms are divided like this. 1) Dh and I 2) DD 11 3) DS 9,2 and 4 4) SEN son It is becoming harder for my 9 yr old to share with his little…
Plz Help Pensioner Over 70 Owns Own Home
HI, my nana owns her own home, and is in desprate need of new windows and back door, she is on attendence allowence and i dont no were to go or ask for help! any or advice would be grately recieved thanks for your time:j
wonderful dvd for those who can't exercise
Hi everyone, just thought this may be of interest to people with limited movement like myself. For years I've been trying to lose weight and just get a bit fitter but being unable to walk far means I can't do any real exercise and I can't sit on floor and do stuff either. Then the other week I came across this amazing dvd…
private pension
my partner is disabled and will never return to work and has a shorter life expectancy , he has a paid up pension worth around £12,000 which he opted to take at 55 which he will be next year, does anyone know if he can take all the money now or next year ? i have heard that "trivial" pensions can be taken when you reach…
DIAL UK - local disability information and advice
DIAL UK is a national organisation for a network of approximately 120 local disability information and advice services run by and for disabled people. The site lists local organisations by geographical area. http://www.dialuk.info/
Help IB medical?
HI All,. I have been on IB for years and they have sent me a letter of which I have to fill a form out and maybe go for a medical. ( It is the old style form and not the new one) I have filled out the form the best I can and was hoping someone could tell me how long it takes to find out if they will send me for a medical…
disability scooter insurance help
Hi lovely people, I wonder if someone could help me. I am trying to help my Gran (who is 90) with finding a good affordable insurance for her electric Rio4 4-wheel scooter. She is currently paying about £150 a year which includes public liablity, breakdown cover and cost of repairs and labour. I know this is an insurance…
Working without Speaking
Hello, my friend has a disability with speech, he is very intelligent but cannot form words well and so comes across as unable to speak. He has tried to get work in a variety of areas but speech always dominates a lot of the work criteria. Does anyone have any ideas? He has a degree (although I'm not sure in what!), he is…
new roof and top tips for people with sight loss
My partner sara is registered blind and is on mid-rate dla (for care and mobility). I have a disability as well. We have a mortgage and our roof needs replacing. Because we have lived in our house for more than 3 yrs and the dla we qualify for up to £7,000 worth of work via an interest free loan which is paid back over 5…
Free Theatre Tickets For Carers
I have breast cancer, and although I seem confident on the outside, I need someone with me when I travel. I love to visit the theatre, but, being an impoverished pensioner (!) can't afford the prices for London shows. Several theatres allow you to queue early in the day for cheap tickets, but I get tired quickly and cannot…
Who really know the answers?? My situation AGAIN
Well what a unbelievable waste of time I have spent this morning trying to solve 'my situation' I reported on here yesterday that my accountant has advised me that renting property whilst claiming IB was fine as IB is not means tested like other Benefits. He also suggested it comes under the permitted work ruling so…
Adjustable Beds On Dla?
My mate said today his mothers partner (who has never had a job and has claimed every benefit goingfor over 20 years, yet can walk when he wants to!!!) has got one of the double adjustable beds as he is on the high rate DLA and never had to pay for it? Does anyone know of any help you can get with these apart from not…
I'm confused, very confused - IB and Self Employed issue
Long story and would love some advise please: A few years back I had an accident and damaged my spine, since then I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Thyroid Disease. Healthwise not very good however at the time of my accident I had a business of sort letting property which I still do, I also had a Building and…
Government robs terminally ill
If you are one of those people (like me) who currently receive Incapacity Benefit and have their Occupational Pensions disregarded because of the distinct nature of your disabilities you may be surprised to know that if and when you are transferred to the new Employment Support Allowance Support Group you will find your…