help towards bills for families low income with child with disability
Hi ,any ideas how a family on low income in receipt of working tax credits ,disabled child component tax credit and disability living allowance ,high care and mobility could reduce fuel costs etc. Martin Lewis and eveyone's tips really help us enjoy ordinary lives as a matter of course!:T :money: p.s new to this forum…
permitted work
Asking for my DIL, she wants to know what is and isnt permittedf work on IB ? Do you have to clear it with the job centre or have written permission or something ?
does been on DLA give any other entitlements
Hi im on DLA and just read about the cinema card and just wondered if there is anything else than been on DLA entitles you to as I have not been on it long
Motability Price Mix up
Hi, I didn't know whether this needed to go in motoring or here, but hope it is okay here. My mum who receives DLA High Mobility due to her disability recently found a new car she liked on Motability. She had looked at the website and had printed off the details which said nil deposit Anyway, thinking this she went in and…
independence for all
The following is a site for disabled people wanting to find out about DIRECT PAYMENTS the way it works it is run by the disabled and answers lots off questions. i hope it is ok to post this and good luck to you all in your quest for independence http://www.enabletogether.co.uk/index.php
kids and dla
I have applied for dla for my daughter whos 10 who has been diagnosed with adhd and dyslexia (may 08) she is on medication after advice from doctor ,who suggested i apply for dla, i got help from a local representation unit to fill it in with me as it was far too complicated for me lol i am already on benefits (as going to…
Oral B Toothbrush Heads
I am recovering from some serious dental/facial stuff and need a new Oral B Sonic Toothbrush head. Where can I get a pack of two or more for less than £6.60 including postage, other than on eBay. I don't want to change my toothbrush!
:confused: Hi, I've been reading with interest, some of the comments about fm. I have been treated for breast cancer for two years with surgery, 6 months' chemotherapy, 4 weeks radiotherapy, 12 months' Herceptin and now just continue with oral drugs. In between the chemo and radiotherapy I had MSSA (Staph)/Septicaemia, for…
Hi, I've been reading with interest, some of the comments about fm. I have been treated for breast cancer for two years with surgery, 6 months' chemotherapy and 4 weeks radiotherapy. In between the chemo and radiotherapy I had MSSA (Staph)/Septicaemia, for which I had 2.5 weeks in hospital with over 50 infusions of very…
newly disabled mum - help i am confused about benefits etc
hello my mum recently hada stroke and has been left disabled. she can walk very small distances but spends alot of time in the wheelchair. the other day her nurse said we should look into the benefits she is entitled too and make our applications now - even though she is currently being paid for her job still. basically i…
well what can i say we was woken up the other morning at 7 am by the bailiffs. it turns out that the car we bought of someone was not his to sell. he had taken out a loan with some company and signed the car over to the company as some sort of surety. weve been told theres nothing we can do about it but report it to the…
Family Fund?
Hello peeps. I had the very nice lady from the family fund round today and fingers crossed we may be lucky enough to get some help with a new washing machine. Does anybody know how much a washing machine award would be? Many thanks:D
2 for 1 cimema deal
If you get DLA you can get a CEA card which gets 2 people in for one at cimema's. Only takes about 2 weeks to arrive and costs £5.50 and lasts as long as your DLA award is. I know not everyone can go to cineama but even if you only use it once or twice you make your money on it. http://www.ceacard.co.uk/
B.T Basic
Hello all i have just been informed of a new BT basic line rental for people receiving certain benefits costing £13.50 for 3 months with £4.50 worth of calls included http://www.btplc.com/inclusion/phoneservices/services/btbasic/index.htm i hope it can benefit those like me who are receiving benefits and im sure its worth…
Tens Machine??
Hello Llyods are advertising these again starting at £14.99 for a single channel? What do you think of them - are they any good? I have arthritis in the spine as well as just about everywhere else! I'm cutting back on the painkillers (personal choice). But thats just me - it may be relevant to lots of others. Also, I…
Disabled? Jump The Queue at Primark
I've noticed that the Primark in Oxford Street has a till for disabled customers, pregnant mums etc, which saves you queueing. There were about 3 million people in the queue, so I showed my appointment card (I have breast cancer, and look fine on the outside, but get tired very quickly), and was able to jump the queue. If…
help needed please!
hi ive just had a lovely day out with hubby and young son who is registered disalbled, but im getting really cross with companys asking to see my carers card. does anybody know where i can get one in northamptonshire thanks:confused:
disabled persons railcard - special offers
If you hold a disabled person's railcard, check out the speccial offers on the website http://www.disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk/special-offers The Tio Pepe card looks like good value if you like eating out - it gives half price deals or 2-4-1 deals in local restaurants and is not limited to a particular chain. Holders of…
Free Mersey Tunnerl Pass
I suffer from fibromyalgia and have DLA - high care for mobility and I have just found out from a neighbour that I can go through the Mersey Tunnel in Birkenhead to Liverpool or the Wallasey Tunnel to Liverpool free of charge. How?? well I had to get a form from the Mersey Tunnels in Birkenhead and send off a proof of DLA…
Disabled breakdown cover?
Has anyone priced up disabled breakdown cover and worked out the best option? I'm trying to compare RAC (with cashback) vs RAC blue badge breakdown vs any other products on the market. Update: I'll try to add suggestions to the top of the list so we can see a summary AA…