Please help! - (long one)
I have read through these boards over the past day or so and hope there's people here who can help me. I've posted our budget in detail. Our problem is that i am unable to work at the moment to due severe depression and anxiety. I am self employed as a cabaret singer and have stuck my head in the sand a little when it…
Debt from 14 years ago
Hi all just wondererd if any one could help! About 12 years ago my mum and dad got divorced, my dad didn't keep up payments on the house and then it got reprossed. Never mind it happens about 2 years ago the morgage company sent a letter to my mum saying when the house was sold at auction the final price didn't cover what…
Equifax credit check question
I have just done a equifax credit and points check online and noticed on the monthly payments list where it normally starts "SSS0000000000000" There are a couple of letters I am not sure about. They are S, N, U, and Q The Q from Orange has queried on the list which was about 6 months ago.. Does anyone know why they would…
paying off interest free debt from my savings
Hi 1st time to try this,hope i get it right,not very computer literate!! can anyone advise.... I transferred my existing credit card debts to barclays interest free card last Sept and still have 2100 outstanding and other interest free debt of about 2000 would i be better to pay this off from my savings of about 8000 or…
Credit Files
Just a couple of questions on my credit file. 1) I've got a Littlewoods catalogue and the bill isn't on direct debit. I'm guilty of making a couple of late payments which I admit is down to my own forgetfulness. They were always just slightly late though, and I never got arrears letters because of it. I noted they have…
Another fine mess...
On Sunday I admitted my £30,000 credit card debt to my husband. Crazily he has neither left nor killed me. Are we better to follow a debt management plan - through such as CCCS or remortgage & clear or a combination or something else?
Full and Final
Hi I have credit card debits of just over 50k, I have managed to raise 40k. I have sent letters (similar to the one the national debit site)to all the credit card companies with offers of around 78% of the outstanding balance. The only one I have heard back from is Halifax, which have said no as the company policy is that…
I Owe Money to a firm in liquidation !!
It was a building firm I owe them just over £4000. Trouble is the work is crap and they have caused damage to my house (the cost to repair the crap is not as much as the debt). The liquidators will accept £1000 leaving me what is owed to fix my property with another builder. I feel that I owe 'Naff All' - they were in…
Debt Collection Agency Question...
Hi all, About 1 1/2 weeks ago my husband received a letter informing of an unpaid debt that this company had taken over. It was for £1,450 (approx), I telehoned then and of course they couldn't talk with me as the debt is not in my name, but I did inform them that my husband would be writing to them with consent for them…
credit files
can someone tell me how long defaults stay in activity and how long they remain on your credit file after settling? I have a default from 2002 and would really like to have it settled before much longer. I am aiming to try and have it clear by the time it would be due to be removed from my credit file. I think it's 6 years…
weekly or monthly bills?
We have a combination of weekly and monthly income, so tend to pay majority of things weekly on standing order. However, there are also others that go monthly direct debit. Some weeks we are struggling and others we have a surplus, depending on whether there are DD's that fall on top of our set weekly outgoings. Do you…
Is it really better to pay off debt than save?
Hi Am new to all this, hope someone can help me out with a question. I am working out paying off my credit cards and have used the snowballing site to help me out with what to pay first. However, when I try to pay off my debt on my cards, I run up debt by having to pay for things such as Christmas, holidays, birthdays and…
my financial stuff for scrutiny :-)
Monthly Income: basic wages £1110.28 net child tax credit £307.75 child benefit £110 maintenance £300 TOTAL £1828.03 Monthly Outgoings: rent £400 council tax £86.66 water £21.50 electric £40 gas £37 tenants insurance £14.81 TV licence £10.49 SKY £19.50 nursery £182 (which I get to claim back from Uni) phone £23 (BT option…
which to pay off first...?
Hello all, Just found this great site.. my first of many silly questions follows.. I have a loan with 14k worth of repayments left. and a final settlement of 13,400 ish.(£501 PCM) (cannot make partial overpayment) I have 4,500 on a 0% credit card for 4 more months I also have £2200 on an MBNA Platinum card. I have 10,700…
full and final payments
I was really interested by something on a previous post about offering full and final settlements to debt companies rather than trying to pay off the whole debt over a period of years. The poster said most debt companies are given a % they can accept around 20% - 50% of the original debt. Has anyone successfully done this?…
Student Loan/Finance
I have a couple of things to ask. I am in a full-time apprenticeship in the aerospace industry, i have been for 2 years so my job is secure. However, i was wondering, is there anyway that i would be eligible for a student loan as i am studying on the job and at college? I would need the loan to buy tools, books for college…
Please help me - I'm absolutely desperate
Please help me, I'm desperate!!!! Income: My Partner - approx £400 a month, but he is self employed and Inland Revenue have advised us to put £100 a week away (including the £10 national insurance). I get paid £1208, and clear about £958 a month however my doctor is signing me off sick for two months, possibly…
Can I request...???
I know this is a forum for debt but as someone who is getting in control of their previous debt problems (see earlier post) I need some help to come out of the twighlight zone of being labelled a debtor and into the big bad grown up world of being debt free (but without being labelled a financial leper!). In other I need…
HELP! How can i get a loan with bad credit & a CCJ?
Hi!, Myself and my Girlfriend are in a nightmare at the moment - our outgoings are huge and incomings are not! We have both finished university and are left with huge debts:- overdrafts, credit cards, bill arears, store cards & i have a CCJ. We are trying to pay off what we can, when we can. We are both in full time work…
My Debt Situation
Morning, I've accumulated about £13k worth of debt due to credit cards. I'm a contractor at the moment earning good money. My outgoings are monthly rent £360, bills, car finance £250, car insurance £50. What would be the best start to cutting this debt off. Obvioiusly I'm cutting back on everything..... Thanks Paul