Bit of advice needed re court papers
Hi, I'm an avid supporter of this forum and know there are lots of you out there with some great advice so can you please help me. In basic my husband had to declare himself bankrupt recently after failed business. I am currently fighting to save our home as fortunately all debts were in his name so I am now in the process…
citibank - 4.9% on cash advance
hello there I've got a citibank credit account which was 0% and has now reached its cut off - they are now offering cash advances of 4.9% apr - I am thinking of taking it up and paying my overdraft off then switching my outstanding balance to another 0% card this will mean an outstanding balance of around £1880- one…
Im A Homeowner And I Can't Get A Loan
IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO CAN GIVE ME SOME ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my boyfreind moved into our first own house a year ago. We have managed to build up a lot of debt between us totalling to £25000, through credit cards and a loan. We have no ccj's or have never had any bad credit problems in the past and have…
Should i spend it, or.....
Problem is this, am due to get a lovely lump sum as a bonus from my employer, approx £500, not huge but better mine than yours (so to speak), trouble is i currently owe £1500 on my A/L card. I'm paying £100 month off the card at the moment But it's been ages since i spent anything except pay BILLS, (yes i know its got to…
a debtor in despair
I've had debt problems for several years...I ran up debt as a student, then on graduation temped for a while, spent six months unemployed during which time I got oodles of penalty charges, then started my first ever contract in January....which is due to finish in a month. The security of having a contract- even though my…
A little advice required
Hi, i have a lot of debts, credit card, student loand etc. I have just realised that i'm paying into an insurance policy that is currently worth £1700. It was meant to run for 10 years but i'm now in my 5th and have been told i will not get charged for surrendering it. The policy has lost around about 400 in its time. The…
Benefits.. dont want to be on them.. cant get off them!
Hello there, Am I the only person out there on benefits and struggling to survive?? Ive just watched my neighbours head off for yet another holiday abroad, their children are dressed in all the latest designer gear , mums always immaculate, and dad has a brand new 4x4!!! .... and I live next door. A single mum(no im not…
Help needed get out debt
Hiya all I listen to Radio 2 and thats how I heard about this site. Almost 8 years ago my first wife left me and the kids and I then discovered what sorts of debts had been run up without my knowledge. OK I should have been more hands on with the finances but we had been married 12 years and I trusted her implicitly. I…
Advice Please
Hi, I have got debt worth approximately £12K and have got defaults with 4 lenders for that amount. I have contacted them and asked them to send me a letter detailing how much I owe. The reason I got into debt was because I left the country 18 months ago to go and deal with a family bereavement but now I am back and would…
Paying off Loan
My husband and I took out a £7500 personal loan at 6.7% in sept. last year to buy our cars. We are now about to take out a small mortgage to carry out some household improvements and will need to consolidate this loan into our mortage (cannot afford the repayments for both). We have received a settlement figure today for…
Mortgage/ savings
Hi Please be gentle with me as it's my first time! I have a mortgage of £95,000 at 4.99% with 23yrs left. I've got some spare cash left over at the end of each month about £200. I can overpay my mortage without any penalties and i've read on this board that if you can you should put it in your mortgage as its tax free. say…
basic bank accounts
i have been advised to close my main bank account and open a basic account where i can have my salary paid into direct debts paid out. i will need a cheque book but will not need a credit card or chq guarentee. has anyone got any advice please. sorry c.c.c.s have advised me to do this so they can help with our debts.
HELP! COnfused! who am i dealing with?
Hi there. I'm very new to this but thought i'd ask to see if anyone else had any experience in this. My hubby and myself are in our early 20s and are approx £30k in debt! We do not own a house and basically we run up the debt by taking out more loans to pay stuff off and adding extra to it. We took out our 1st £4000 loan…
Should I sell up to settle CCs?
I owe around 25k on CC's and have around the same amount of equity in my house, which I'm currently letting. The rent I'm getting in doesn't even cover the mortgage and council tax - I am out over £100 a month on these. I'll also have a tax bill for around 3k coming in at the end of the year and to cap that off I have a…
old debt come back to haunt
i really need some advice re an old debt with the in home course company ICS . the basics are back in 1996 i signed up to do a course from home i beleive the course was £358 in all anyway after a couple of months we moved house and this course was forgotten in the excitment of things, anyway after another couple of months…
boost credit rating
any tips to boost credit rating?
Will I lose my cards?
Hi, newbie here, be gentle with me :) I dont want to bore anyone with the ins and outs, but I have a question and I cannot find the answer anywhere on the internet or on MSE.com, although perhaps the answer is obvious, I would still like to ask I have contacted the CCCS to help with a pretty substantial amount of debt. My…
Does anyone know?
As mentioned in my previous post, we are approx £30k in debt and pay about £5 a month to eahc (except on which is for £11k where we pay £10 per month) - the total amount of £30k is including all of the creditors who have not responded to our requests 2yrs ago to write off our debts. (We currently pay out about £120 a month…
Phone Hassle
I am having problems with Halifax Credit card company. I have informed them that i have a CCCS ref. no and they are sorting everything out for me. They insist on phoning me every 7 days to ask for full payment which they know i cant give them but i have also asked them repeatedly not to phone me and to contact me by…
Need help with a short term debt.
I currently have an overdraft of £1500 and a credit card debt of nearly £2500. I have been waiting 18 months for an inheritance which will sort out all the debts. At the moment the interest is 0% on the credit card (Citibank) which runs out in 2 months. I also have a CapitalOne card (£1000 limit) and a Barclaycard (£2100…