Help...I cant sleep with worry
I know im not in as much debt as some people but the worry of my financial situation is causing me sleepless nights and its time I started to try and deal with it rather than ignoring it. My situation is this. I split up with my husband and had to move out of the house and rent a flat. So for the past year I have been…
will someone help me please
I'm desperate. Will anyone help me? Were do I begin! I am 43, I owe around £70k, on a mixture of credit cards and loans. Not all through my fault. I was a director of a company and my business partner was taking money out of the business without me knowing. He also didnt pay off any off our debts, subsequently I have…
Getting control of credit card debt
I have balances of around £8900 on Marbles (credit linit £10500) and £4500 on Co-op (credit limit £9400). The cards were obtained when I was earning £25000pa, but the debt has built up over the last 3 years while I was a student, or earning low pay, or unemployed and my husband (a contractor) was having difficulty during a…
are there any decent lenders for me?
as i stated before, we have put our house on the market, and are hoping to be soon debt free! like i said we are gonna rent for a wee while to get used to a new town, but will want to buy in about 2 yrs. are there any decent lenders out there that will lend to ppl like us other than the dodgy ones you see on tv?? i know…
Any Experience of New 1 year Bankruptcy Rules ?
I was wondering if anyone had any experience of life after the new 1 year bankruptcy rules as I think it has been over a year since they came into force now. Is it easier to 'walk away' from debt compared to the previous bankruptcy rules? Maybe someone out there has been bankrupt before and can compare the two. I wondered…
Bank charges.
Hi, recently (the last 13 months) I have been charged roughtly 150-250 pounds per month in bank charges due to unpaid DD's SO's etc... mainly bought about by my (ex) employer not paying on-time, or the correct amount (strangly, never more than I was due, always less!). Each month there are more charges as the charges from…
Anyone know a better way?
I've been looking at these boards for months now and picked up loads of handy tips, which have helped a lot, so thanks. I'm not desperate, just depressed and wondered if anyone had any advice. I earn £20,000 and am one year into paying back a £24,000 loan to Northen Rock (£310 a month over 10 years). I also have £4,500 on…
just signing up with ccs
Hi everyone I have been lurking around the site for a few months now. We have loads of debt and after working 7 days a week for 3 years and still not getting anywhere, have decided enough is enough. We are with the CCS and are starting a payment plan with them in a few weeks. What I am worried about now is the reaction of…
Previous Owner Has Ccj - Help!
I'm about 10 days away from buying my new home. :j Just discovered (via a bailiff!), that the house I'm buying is a registered office of a Company with CCJ's outstanding. :eek: The owner is a director of the firm, but has been living in Fiji since August 2003 - suspect that the old tenants just binned the Inland Revenue…
Help - Protected Trust Deed
I've spent the last couple of hours reading some of the fantastic advice thats been given out on this site and hoped that some of you may be able to help me. I entered into a Protected Trust Deed 3 years ago past February and am still awaiting discharge. I keep chasing up my Trustee and his latest response is "that they…
Debt Management Vs Creditors
I have been out of work since February and yesterday was offered work starting in 2 weeks. Unfortunately I have to work a month in hand before I start getting paid at the end of may. Over the last couple of months I have been supporting my family with financial help from my parents but this has not afforded me the ability…
Credit Scores-how Can I Improve Them Quickly??
:eek: :eek: Hi I am looking for some advice on how to raise my credit score and how long this would take. I have been refused for a couple of credit card transfers and a loan. I am on the electrol roll and have 4 credit cards 1 with mbna limit of 2200 bal @2100 another with my bank royal bank of scotland limit 2500 bal…
I have small savings but the debt is creeping up
I did think I was good with my money when I started regularly saving in an ISA from November 1999. But now I seem to withdraw from it each year to pay off Christmas spending. I currently have £3,300 in my ISA and a £2,283.05 debt at O% until May. Recently I have been paying about £60 off it each month, and at the same time…
To help or not?
My husband and I live apart (due to his teenage son!) but are hoping this year to move back together.BUT he is in bad debt with 3 credit cards a car loan and mortgage with secured loan on. If he were to sell his house he'd make just enough to pay it all off. approx £15k. The Credit card repayments are crippling him and…
Should I.....
Just had a call from my debt management company asking about a late payment and they asked me who my employer was. I refused to say who my employer was. Did I do right or wrong? Should I have told them? Why do they need this information? Your views are greatly appreciated.
Another tip to deal with debt companies
Carrying on from my first thread: We spend hours on a budget planner, we make sure its what we can afford, we check it again and then phone the debt company and get told its not good enough and they want more. Reason is they have got you on the phone - its their chance to get as much money as possible out of you - you then…
iva advise
We recieved our draft IVA today , We owe approx 100k and have been waiting for weeks for IP to get IVA draft to us. But not good news. When we spoke to IP they advised we would need to contribute approx 450 pm maybe less. When hubby picked up proposal today it is asking for 565.00 pm for 3 years then 877.00 pm for 2 years…
Debt being transferred from credit card company to debt collection agency
Hi there I am currently on a reduced payment plan with 7 credit cards and I have been since last year through the help of my local CAB. One of these credit card company wants the full amount up front by the 15th of this month (£4000). I am paying them 15 pounds a month just now and they have informed me that it will be…
Dont know what to do......I feel like crying!
I have a £9000 loan with my bank and my husband has 3 loans so we owe about £17,000. I am suffering badly with PND (post natal depression) and am on 225mg of anti depressants so my husband has had to give up work to help me. We now cant pay the loans back. We have been to the citezens advice bureax and sent letters and…
Consolidation loan?
Hi, I have around 25k on credit card debts. I've stopped spending and have been been shuffling the debts around for a while - all are life-long promotional rates (mostly 5.9%). I can (just) meet the minimum repayment amounts but obviously this means (a) that will take forever to clear the debt and (b) I have absolutely no…