Natwest Sold My Debt - Have I Been A Fool To Keep Paying?
About 8 years ago, when times were hard and my hubby had no work, we had an overdraft and a car loan with Natwest. We went to a debt councillor at our local council offices who advised us to open a new bank account to put our income into and abandon the debt at Natwest in order to get interest frozen. Anyway, that worked,…
In debt and confused - help?!
I'm a single Mum in trouble. It started with a £500 credit card, the limit of which was increased bi-annually, then I tried my hand at tarting. However after a catalogue of disasters I was using credit cards for the various emergencies which arose. I now have a debt of approx £4500 between 4 cards and 2 overdrafts, and am…
In today's Times (3rd May)...
...there is a feature on how to live more thriftily from day to day, stop living on plastic and get in control of your spending. There is even a week-long example of the writer, Sarah Johnson, recording all her spending. Unfortunately, she doesn't exactly set a good example - on the last day of the week she blows £215 at…
Need help with credit report.
In the past I opened two student overdrafts and used one for an ISA. I didn't realise that I had to make regular repayments into this account (call me stupid but I just assumed it would be better to pay off in one lump sum) This seems to have messed upmy credit rating. I have an excellent payment record on my other…
7 More Months Til Debt Free Ness!!!!
It feels like yesterday that I was posting this: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=10940 Yaaaaaay!! :0)
offer letter template please ??
HI all, Am starting the long process of making offers to my cc companies and catalouge and i was wondering if there are any offer letter templates out there that I could base my letters on, !! I`m not being lazy would just like to see what to include. Is is reasonable to ask them to stop interest, and ask them to accept…
Ccj On File
Afternoon All Myself And My Partner Have Been Going Through Her Equifax Credit Report On Inspection We Noticed A Ccj On The File. The Ccj Is For An Uni Fees. We Just Wanted To Know If This Paid In Full Can She Have The Ccj Removed From Her Credit File??????????? Also She Had A Barclaycard This Is Showing 2 Defults One From…
Should I Declare Myself Bankrupt?
Hi All, I need a little help if possible please! I am married, with a 4 year old daughter, that is Autistic. I have a full time job, and currently i am on a debt plan with the CCCS. I have Debs of over 75 thousand, my salery, is around 26k. My wife works part time and is expecting our 2nd child in July. My Property, is…
Help Please! Paying off CC debt
Hi, I'd really appreciate any advice you can give! I have around £23k in cc debt spread over 6 cards. I have recently moved some of this around so that most is on cards offering fairly low rates (5.9% , 6.9%) for the life of the balance transfer. My minimum payments are around £550 p.m. I can only just afford this right…
£75k in debt. (bankrupt v iva v payplan?)
I owe around £75k, mixture of loans and credit cards. I owe 8 companies the money, 6 of which i have defaults or ccj. I have zero cash left come the second of each month, should I just go bankrupt, enter into an IVA or use someone like payplan. CAB said debt was to big for them to handle!!!!,,cccs were not helpful at all,…
Full Bank Account problems. Advice please!!!
I have a Halifax Cardcash account that I have had since October 2003. I have had some money problems in the past and it was the only account on offer to me at the time. Money problems have been 3 CCJ's which have been fully paid and satisfied since April 2003, 2 are still on my credit record, 1 to come off in August 2005…
Help Me - 21 And Dont Know What To Do!
Hi, I am 21 and just finishing my second year in uni and feel totally bombarded by the debt I have......What can I do? I am thinking of trying to get a consolidation loan but what do you guys think? I know I have been stupid but I cant stop thinking about it, which is why I am posting this. All I think about is money all…
Scared for my Mum
My Mum would kill me if she knew I was 'washing her dirty linen in public' like this, but she's never used the internet so she'll never know. I'm trying to help her with a whole load of debts, but it feels out of hand. Basically, the main problem is the V.A.T. (I'll save the Inland Revenue, banks, electricity, gas, water,…
who uses equifax?
which banks / mobile co's / card co's use equifax? cheers
Trying to instill budget discipline -- is this a plan?
I am a terrible budgeteer, with no spending willpower, and no concept of how much I can afford. As my dad says, I live a champagne lifestyle on lemonade money!! So to try and discipline myself and cut down my £1ok+ debt I plan the following -- can you guys say if you think I'm on the right track, or about to make things…
Moving in the right direction?
Back again after a few weeks off trying to sort out my massive debt problems. I have contacted all of my creditors (speaking to my bank was particularly painful). Some have agreed to a reduced payment & freezing interest. I have also entered in to a DMP with Payplan. They have received their 1st payment, but even though I…
Part time jobs
Hi Could anyone give me a bit of advice about earning a bit extra each month. I am a basic rate tax payer with a full-time job. I've been looking for some flexible part-time work that I could do from home, evenings and weekends. One company called Seacrest sounds like a good option although they require you to set up your…
Can someone help me with credit card debt please?
I have been trying for months to pay off my credit cards but I'm not sure which one to pay more on first whilst just paying the minimum on others. I'm not sure of the APRs but I'm hoping if I list the total amount owed and the minimum payment required that may be of some use and I can get some good advice. Barclaycard…
Help me out of this 45k mess..... please
45.5k debts (cc and unsecured loans) acquired since 1994 Of which, 3.5k loan is being paid by payment protection currently, and likely to be until the end of the loan (14 mths away), so I feel I can forget about that for now The other loan 14.7k is on an arrangement with interest frozen and I am assured by the company that…
70k Unsecured Debt...Advice please!
I've managed to get myself into a whole pile of unsecured debt. It has spiralled somewhat due to a number of issues that have arisen. But all that is irrelevant. Basically I have 70k of unsecured debt in the form of 3 unsecured personal loans and 4 credit cards. these amount to minimum payments of £1472 a month. I live by…