Please can someone help me
debt management help sought
is there anyone here who has been bankrupt and would be willing to share their experiences, good or bad, with me (privately via pm/email or on here if you're happy to). this is something I'm seriously considering, my OH is totally against it and keeps emailing me links about how Jeffery Archer fought not to etc, but with…
Newbie here!
hi im a student in college in my 2nd year hnd, i took a gap year and headed to america (was great living with family but not worth it money wise). I am posting to get some advice, i owe out £3500 this is to debt collectors and an overdraft! i go back to college in august and i should be recieving a loan of around £3300+…
Free Copy Of Your Credit Report?
Having finally decided to do something about my credit card debts I found these people on MSN a minute ago. I've never heard of them but I know that there are issues to do with the number of times your credit history has been investigated. May be worth a try... To protect yourself from potential identity theft, subscribe…
Help needed - Not sleeping now cos I am so worried!
Hi - I am using my husbands user name - He has said I should post on here to see if I can sort out my debt! Basically I have a loan over 10 years with 9 years left on it that costs me £165 per month and I have 2 credit cards that are up to over £8000 between them and I have a Next account that is over £1200. I earn £800…
Spectrum - good or bad?
I've built up an enormous amount of debt but now live in the US, I'm sending monthly payments back in order to cover myself but between being freelance, the charges to send the noney back, and the weak $ to the £ it is crippling me. My friend used Spectrum and I have an appointment with them tomorrow morning (I'm in the UK…
Student Loan
Hi I am graduating this year and wondered what you guys thought about student loans. I owe a staggering £16k, will be doing a teaching course next year, and so will start earning next September. :eek: I know I'm looking very much to the future, but do you think that this should be paid off ASAP, or should I just ride it…
Have I caught it just in time?
Have I caught it just in time? I sincerely hope I have. I am 24 year old struggling with debts. I am, however, in a fortunate position in living with the folks and not paying any rent. My debts are as follows: Credit Card 1: 7860 Credit Card 2: 4325 Credit Card 3: 1056 Bank Loan 1: 984 Bank Loan 2: 4650 Overdraft: 1700…
Just joined CCCS
Hi there, This is the first time I have posted on here so I really am a newbie in that sense and I really just wanted to post a message for all those people out there who are doing what I have. I have been reading this forum in particular for the last YEAR!!! knowing me and the other half had a huge debt problem and…
My Budget
Here are my figures from the budget form - this was quite easy to fill in as I've had a budget for years in Excel. It's nice to have all the formulas already calculated, though. Phones: £27.72 (one in office, one in house) Internet: £23.99 Mobile: £7.00 (PAYG) Private Medical Insurance: £15.40 (will stop when start new job…
Can I make a complaint?
Hiya, I've been reading these boards for a while but this is my first time psoting so please be gentle with me :j I got a letter through the post from the Bank of Scotland saying it was a default notice for £1500 for my overdraft. I called and spoke to someone who demanded the full amount there and then. I said that I…
Advice needed on my debt situation and where I should live?
Gday fellow debt-free peoples, hows things? :j Well I have been lurking on this board for a bit now and thought it was time to write my story. Sorry that Im an Aussie and this is a Pommy board but Im assuming debt is debt no matter where you live. :D First of all thanks for listening and here is my story. I am 36 married…
Paying off the Debt Collectors
In my younger days I was pretty irresponsible with money which resulted in a personal loan and 2 credit card debts being handed over to debt collectors. I've been paying them off for a couple of years at an agreed rate but am having real problems getting credit, I can't even get a switch card which is really inconvienent.…
Hi, A friend of mine has got into a very bad position and urgently needs some sound advice so I'm trying to do some research for him. Firstly, this is in Scotland. He has two kids and a wife and their house has just been reposessed after his bank account was frozen. He is also out of work though his wife is still working.…
Are You Like Rosie
ARE YOU LIKE ROSIE? ITV1's Tonight with Trevor MacDonald are looking for "impoverished middle-class professionals, who are funded by plastic and a valuable house". If you or someone you know is interested, fits the bill, and wants a debt makeover from me. Read this. More detail about what Tonight want "buy now, pay later -…
Natwest Sold My Debt - Have I Been A Fool To Keep Paying?
About 8 years ago, when times were hard and my hubby had no work, we had an overdraft and a car loan with Natwest. We went to a debt councillor at our local council offices who advised us to open a new bank account to put our income into and abandon the debt at Natwest in order to get interest frozen. Anyway, that worked,…
In debt and confused - help?!
I'm a single Mum in trouble. It started with a £500 credit card, the limit of which was increased bi-annually, then I tried my hand at tarting. However after a catalogue of disasters I was using credit cards for the various emergencies which arose. I now have a debt of approx £4500 between 4 cards and 2 overdrafts, and am…
In today's Times (3rd May)...
...there is a feature on how to live more thriftily from day to day, stop living on plastic and get in control of your spending. There is even a week-long example of the writer, Sarah Johnson, recording all her spending. Unfortunately, she doesn't exactly set a good example - on the last day of the week she blows £215 at…
Need help with credit report.
In the past I opened two student overdrafts and used one for an ISA. I didn't realise that I had to make regular repayments into this account (call me stupid but I just assumed it would be better to pay off in one lump sum) This seems to have messed upmy credit rating. I have an excellent payment record on my other…
7 More Months Til Debt Free Ness!!!!
It feels like yesterday that I was posting this: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=10940 Yaaaaaay!! :0)