New Life, My DFW Diary!
Hi everyone I just thought I would start myself a new Thread. I'm really new to Moneysaving. Well I would call a week really new! But I'm really enjoying it, I got paid today so the real test starts now!:o But I think I'm doing ok at the moment, following everyone's advice I've cancelled my phone insurance, managed to…
Snaggles's Debt Diary - Car Loan Challenge
Hello again! :wave: As I'm no longer 'having' a DFW baby (she arrived on 9th May 2007), I thought it was time to leave my old thread behind and start the final push towards becoming debt free. We have one debt left - a car loan with approximately £4500 outstanding. I want to make sure this is cleared by the end of 2008.…
My SOA and diary of my debt journey
Hi everyone, I've decided to chart my debt journey if that's ok with you, I've read the other diaries and find them very inspirational so I thought that if I recorded my own, it will give me more motivation to continue as I know the next year will be very hard. Anyway my soa: Monthly - Incoming Hubby's income - 953.33…
no wiser than the fool i was before-lyns' debt diary!
hey folks, decided to make an actual chronicle of my (somewhat pathetic) attempts to become debt free. since joining up on here i've -cancelled sky, last payment due shortly then channels lost on 4th aug :( -attempted to cut down on my mobile contract, they are saying i can't do it till i've been on it a year...we'll see!…
And so the journey begins !. My SOA ouch !
Evening all, as promised my S.O.A. Looks worse written down but here we go . Income : £1300-£1900 Net. Can vary i,m self-employed. Outgoings : £455 Mortgage (19 years left ) £395 Car loan (Bal £20454 , 32 x £395 at 10.6%) £255 Personal loan (Bal £7923 , 31 x £255 at 10.9% to go) £243 Flexiloan (Bal £4995, Rolling account…
Hello Everyone - MY SOA and Debt Dairy
I'm having a DFW baby!!
Hello :hello: Oooh, feeling a bit nervous - first time I've started a new thread heehee! Just hoping for some advice/ideas, as I would really like to have a baby (no, not THAT kind of advice - I KNOW how babies are made :rotfl: ). We are currently in the 'actively trying' phase ;) - I would be over the moon to find out…
My journey to being debt free.
Heres to my journey on becoming debt free (hahaha she says) My names Sarah and im 26. I live in rip off Surrey, with my OH keith, and my son aged 8.5 yrs. I work as a domicillary (carer for the elderly in the community.) and I work varying hours. 1 week i may be over run others i may be struggling to get work as its an…
Immoral_angel's Debt Diary
:beer: Hi, my name is Sarah and need to get our debts sorted out. I'm 21 and personally I have £3261 worth of debt from credit/store cards and a personal loan. My husband, Steve is 28 next month (november) and he has £2844 worth of debt to one credit card, a loan (Dell) and 2 debt collection agencies (He was naughty with…
A Fool and Her Money- CAFCGIRL's Debt Diary
Hi All, Apologies in advance for the self indulgence, but like those above me, this is my one way of keeping track on myself!:o Besides this way I feel like I'm more responsible and answerable to the gods of the board to keep this struggle an uphill one! So heres the gory details, I'm 22, sharing a flat, close to city…
I gave birth this morning......update & photos page 8
I really did it! I'm still in hospital, it all happened in a bit of a rush, 2 hours from start to finish! Sorry I didn't get chance to start a thread! Will update more this evening, from home hopefully, but we're all okay and Natasha is gorgeous! Typing this on my mobile so not very DFW, and no idea how it works really,…
And so it begins ... the ROG fan's journey to DFness
I am fed-up with being in debt, and have decided to do something about it. I have an £850 overdraft with my current bank, Lloyds-TSB (although I have just opened an overdraft-free account online with Alliance & Leicester). I have £5,868.73 of an Egg loan to pay off (£207 a month at 6.73% interest) and I have an…
Mission:Control - MinnieSpender's DFW diary
You know that it isn't real You'll disappear in a black hole You know that it isn't real Floating out of control ... Oh Wow* Hello chaps and chappettes Having read many of the debt diaries, I thought it might be time to taketh the bull by the horns (strong words for someone who dislikes blood sports) and join in.…
Debt Free by 40 Debt Diary
I've decided to take the plunge and do a diary to keep me motivated. I'm 36 and since I've been 18, I've done the spend, debt, consolidate, spend, debt,consolidate cycle. In 2003 I split with my partner of 14 years and I actually had 5k in the bank to furnish my new house. Stupidity and a desire to furnish it quickly along…
Animateme's debt journey
Hi I'm new, I discovered this site tonight between washing up yukky pots and prepping for a lesson tomorrow. I am so happy I am not alone, my debt problem has been an awful experience, but there is comfort in knowing you guys are here. I knolw now If you find yourself in a hole, then stop digging... My wife and I are up to…
My Debt Free Journey starts today
Hi all I am so pleased that I listen to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 every day and therefore have been listening to Martin Lewis. I finally plucked up the courage last night to visit this website - mainly , I admit, to get the dowloaded letter to reclaim bank charges. Im hoping for a VERY large payday on thats score. OK - so…
Update from Lynzpower
Edit- just found my original thread :)http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=154934 Sorry to steal your thunder Scottish Spendaholic, but Ive been thinking about how I dont have one of these mini-blogs and it might help my motivation, which is well on the wane at the mo. As I have some time, Im going to…
My Journey To Financial Freedom Begins
I Would First Off Just Like To Say, You Guys Are All Amazing! I Have Been Reading Lots Of The Threads Over The Past Couple Of Weeks And I Am Very Taken Back By The Levels Of Support People Offer. I Guess My Main Reason For Starting This Thread Is I Want To Get Away From The Feeling Of Isolation My Situation Has Given Me. I…
My debt free journey
Way back when I joined MSE in August 2006 I was 6 months into my Trust Deed. I also had not told my parents about the magnitude of my debt (all £20,519 of it :eek: ) this excluded my car HP. Although all looked fine on the outside I was still struggling to spend within my means. I was spending the money that was supposed…
Frugal Fox's CCCS Journey
Morning all... Well this really is the morning after the night before. For those who can remember that far back - our budget has always been tight. However we were meeting commitments (not always on time!). However in July we hit a sticky problem. I miscalculated which day my husband got paid - by seven days - the cheques…