Time to step up to the plate..
Hi all This is my first post with this username.. I have RL friends who use MSE and I'm embarrassed for them to know how much debt we have. I've been following several DFDs for a while and have found them so inspiring that I thought having one of my own would keep me to the straight and narrow. Not counting the mortgage, I…
New diary
Thought I'd better start a new diary as mine was deleted! I found logging my thoughts, no spend days etc really helped me. Here goes: Debt 1-OD of £2500, but will be £2000 (500) will be paid off tomorrow. Debt 2-CC 1 of £900 Debt 3-CC 2 of 600 Today, 30.1.18 my debt stands at £4,000. However, tomorrow it will be less than…
Early settlement offer - any good?
Hi all, Not sure if I am posting this in the right place so apologies if I am not! Today I received a settlement offer from Cabot, who recently bought one of my very old debts. The debt is about 11 years old and has gone through many many debt companies. I am currently paying £15 per month. My question is, is this offer…
How I live now.
Hello! I'm Nora (sort of), and after wracking up a HUGE debt thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssss big a few years back, I finally managed to pay off everything. Here's the story - https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/3559623 And then I went and unlearned all my good habits and learn-y stuff and have started to wrack up…
Buffy and the Power of Ten
Hello folks :) I have been saving for a while and have 7000ish in my ISA. Bit of a false dawn however as I decided to borrow 5500 on a 0% credit to pay for teeth and garden......I know it isn't the MSE way and I could have borrowed it from my savings(and that is the point of savings) I just felt safer with an decent amount…
Wizard of Odd - Kitties and Rabbits and Kids, oh my!
In our household the females outrank the men 2:1. Myself, my partner and our daughter are all female. We then have three female cats and one male who's currently separated by multiple doors pending ball removal. One male rabbit and one male guinea pig bringing us to six women and three men, six animals and three humans.…
Fraud !!
No I have not committed fraud in the legal sense my debt is low compared to all the brave people that have admitted their financial situation and are working so hard on clearing the debt. They are so inspirational My debt is so tiny compared to theirs but it is something I have only just recognised - I was not aware as I…
SuzyN's Debt Free Diary
I have decided to have a go at keeping a diary. I have had what I now realise is a LBM. I had one or two before but they have stopped short of actually reaching out for help. I think this was due to embarrasment - how can I possibly have a good income and have finances that are a total mess? Our parents bailed us out after…
Blackberry Curved Serious Do it or Drown Diary
I think I may have started a diary before many moons ago like diets good intentions, I’m still overweight. I joined MMS when I had a Blackberry phone years ago and if anything things are worse. My bloke died in 2015 lost his income. My daughter went to Uni last year she’s struggling and I can’t even help. Just done a…
Time to grow up!
Hi, the usual tale of lurking around for a while but now I want to start my own journey. I don;t have a huge amount of debt but I have some goals I want to achieve with money in order to put myself on a good path for the future. My story over the last few years s I graduated from uni 3 years ago with a good chunk of debt…
Debt so high - gotta wear an oxygen mask
Thought I would post this in the hope it will show me that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the numbers are going down. Long story short husband ploughed a lot of money into a business over 10 years which has now gone into voluntary liquidation and we are left with personal debts and business debts as he had to…
Re-mortgaging with a DMP
Hello everyone, I am new to the Forum and wondered if anyone had any advice. I have just completed Year one of my DMP with Stepchange (total debt was 44K) I split with my husband 4 years ago and bought him out of our home (I had no debt then), taking on a 130K mortage - the property is valued at around 170K. The mortgage…
saving my future self from debt
Due to an unexpected rather large shortfall in income over the last 12 months I am short in my rental pot for the next 12 months by £16,000. :eek: The objective of my thread is to motivate myself to claw back the money over an 18 month period to prevent myself from getting into debt. It won't be easy as my earnings are…
Mof's Muddle
I'm in a never-ending cycle of bad decisions and "I've earned it" purchases, compounded by a compulsive shopping habit and best friend in a foreign country. My dad was an accountant, which makes this even harder to admit, because he was always so careful to never leave us wanting and I don't think I ever understood how to…
Getting my act together !
Needs must and am joining and writing on her for help and tips. Currently owe CC1 3450 CC2 3900 CC3 9970 Have been struggling to pay the minimum payments for the last few months but have now got myself a job and am hoping to be able to pay off £600 a month. Using a snowball app I should be debt free in 35 months! Literally…
My Debt-Free Journey has started!
Hi Everyone, I have been reading through these forums for the last couple of weeks and have decided to start my own debt-free diary. My main debt I'm worried about is my credit card which had a balance of £7453.80 and an APR of 20.9%. I have already started making additional payments over the last 2 months, £279 and…
£15,129 High Interest
Hi all So to create a bit more self accountability and to keep on track I am here to put it all out in the open, seek advice and make sure I get this sorted asap. I have had the opportunity to squash this many times over the last 5 years but have always not or had a high expense unexpected payment pop up (moving house…
Ikx's Debt Diary
I'm starting a debt diary! Again. I found my old one from years ago that I abandoned, and it reads as if I wrote it yesterday. Time to get back on the wagon. It's the fear of money - the fear that comes with never having had enough growing up. I feel out of control, and destitute. I'm afraid because we grew up poor.…
Geeking out with YNAB
Hello all I'm a long time lurker but thought it was time to start my own DFD and get these numbers out of my head. It's exhausting trying to calculate things constantly and helps so much to get it down. The level of my debt is small compared to many, and for that I'm grateful. At the moment it stands at: £1000 - family…
Time to be a busy bee - debt free for 30
Hi everyone! I've been reading here for a long time, I've known for a while that my debt needs to come under control but now I am really feeling the burden of it and need to do something about it. I have close to £16k of debt, across CCs and a loan...which is more than half my annual income. I have enough to cover my…