Getting out a hole
right, I think its time to admit it. I'm in debt, this is not through all my fault. My partner used my credit rating to take debt out and didn't pay it back. I am going to start off by saying that this is the start of my journey to be debt free (or at least more debt free than I already am) The amount I am in debt is…
The light is well and truly on!'
Hi everyone, I've hesitated to start a diary but after reading quite a few diaries, I'm taking the plunge! I thought I'd start by telling you a little about myself and am planning to post a SOA later when we've had a chance to sit down and work it out :eek: So, I am Married with 4 daughter's aged 20, 17, 13 and 11. The…
University Challenge x 2
Hi everyone, you all seem such a friendly bunch and I've been reading some of your diaries for a long time. I thought it was time I joined in and added my own diary for some help and encouragement. My name is quite boring but I haven't got a very creative mind today so may think of something better at a later date. So my…
Is Debt normal
After years of being in debt my lightbulb moment hit just under 3 years ago since then I've reduced my debt by more than 1/2 with overpayments on various accounts but still have the following Tesco Bank loan £5135 Nationwide loan £1032 MBNA cc £1620 0% apr Barclayard £1270 0%apr Tesco Cc £620 15.9 apr My main question is…
Time to fess up..
Hello I have been a member for years, but it’s taken until now to start this thread. Rather anxious of any judgements or that I may set things out wrong. Every month we “feel” like we struggle by, yet every month we seem to spend more than we earn. Our 10 year plan starts here and I am hopeful for support, direction and…
Can't semi retire til the debt is gone!
Hi to anyone reading. I earned my debt free status about 3 years ago but after a difficult year my debt stands at £7700. It was nearer £10k but I've reduced it quite a bit. My story - I work in a well paid but extremely stressful local authority job. I know I'm much better off than some and I'm grateful for the…
My Journey To A Debt Free Me
The time has come for me to really start clearing all of this unsecured debt I've got after receiving a significant pay rise at work and my childcare costs greatly reducing to almost zero. After leaving my full time job almost 2 years ago and taking a much lesser paid part time job, I never really changed my lifestyle and…
Finally seen the light(ish)
Have been a lurker on these boards for a while and be reading some of the diarys in amazement and it's finally spurred me on to take my head out of the sand and tackle my problem debt. Got myself into a horrid siituation on gambling sites after having my 2nd child and getting post natal depression, had some crazy months of…
Debt Be Gone
Here it is. No more excuses, no more hiding. I'm getting rid of this debt. £36,294 THREE SIX TWO NINE FOUR. I could travel for years on that. And that's what really gets me, I always put it off because "oh I couldn't afford it yet". Well apparently I could but I'd rather spend the money on utter nonsense. £36,294 later and…
From depression and debt to happiness and control
I've started a shiny new diary. The old one started off very negative really and I also ended up with a couple of large bills to pay that I ended up putting some on the CC and using the rest of my expendable income for the month. Goal Be debt free by Christmas 2020! This is very ambitious but would put me in really good…
From financial hell to heaven by 2020 (hopefully)
After lurking on these boards on and off for the past few years it’s finally time to face my debts head on and try to be debt free by the start of 2020. So when was my LBM? Today. Because today is the first time in 2 years I am up to date with all payments on all debts and bills. And I feel so good and like a weight has…
With a little help from my friends
TL;DR: I've come here to sheepishly and meekly ask for help... please. Me: Lapsed member under a new name, attempting a fresh start. ADHD, own company, married, own house (with DH), pregnant with first child, fiercely independent, hopelessly disorganised, no work/life balance. Extremely worried about the future. Debts:…
Wondering what people allocate themselves/their families spending moneywise a month or week?
2018; progress from 2017 but must do better
Hi all, I first posted on the forum at beginning of 2017 and posted a few times since then. I started with 46k debt and now I am at 30k mark. I really want to progress further and need to get my !!! further in gear so I will be checking in on the forum and posting more often. This weekend I have been cooking from what I…
My journey from debt and into a brighter future!
Hi everyone, I’m a mid 30s mum of 2 embarking on a single life following years of domestic emotional abuse. This is my journey to a brighter future with the lots of bumps along the way that I will grow from and come out stronger. When your a victim of abuse, it’s easy for people to say just leave, just walk away but it’s…
Onwards and downwards...
Hey everyone :beer: I’ve decided it’s time for a new diary. I’ve been plodding away for years, robbing Peter to pay Paul, desperately trying to keep on top of everything. I’m fed up with doing this, so at the end of last year I started a DMP with Stepchange. Having someone else do all the hard work takes so much pressure…
Latern Debt Recovery
Need help Recently been contacted by Latern Debt Recovery. They have sent me a letter April this year, after last hearing from them in 2015. A couple of months after recieving said letter saying I owe them £260 from a Cash On Go Loans, that I’m not 100% aware of due to having so many payday loans back in 2011/2012. They…
Struggles of a single parent with debt
Hi, I have been on and off this forum over several years. Here I am back again (having cleared my debt last year). Everything was rosey....I moved in with my partner (cost me a fair amount of money to move from my lovely flat to a house) and then within 3 months he left. Unfortunately for me it was 1 week before christmas.…
Clear The Debt Start The Dream
A few years ago I started a diary and was on the path of becoming debt free. Then I deleted my user details had enough of watching the pennies and just lived. Took a loan out for OH new career. Now I’ve done that I’m ready to take things seriously, I have a DD going to Uni next year and I have no savings. I also want to…
PPI Company Advice Please
Hi All I have received emails and text messages from a company called Claim Hunters saying they were looking into ppi for me but I didn't want them to and so just deleted all emails and texts. This week I received a letter from Lloyds saying that they owed me £8,809 in ppi (nice) however I've not received this yet, today I…