Full extent of UK sub-prime crisis is hidden - Guardian
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/apr/10/mortgagelendingfigures.property Full extent of UK sub-prime crisis is hidden The extent of sub-prime lending in Britain could be a lot worse than is commonly assumed because a large number of homeowners have more than one loan secured on their property, according to the…
Voluntarily repossessed
I think that voluntary repos are the hidden factor in current housing crisis. I bought a flat off plan in a northern city several years ago and was intending to move into it and live there. However by the time it was finished (and delayed by oh..3 years) my plans had changed. It cost 145K was valued at completion at 180K.…
Estate agent..
well, i'm an estate agent and i work for a top agency in N.Ireland... i myself am looking to purchase my own property, i dont buy becuase i'm scared prices will drop, i cant buy because property is too dear, and i dont get paid a large enough wage to doso! We feel that there are buyers out there, its just that they read…
The bust begins
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7336642.stm Full artice - worth a read. http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11001376&fsrc=RSS
Property Abroad - Spreading the pain?
Interesting threads! Having a conversation with a friend over the weekend, he suggested that the property market in Spain is currently on a knife-edge, and will probably crash imminently. Putting it simply, there are fewer buyers over there that there are here!! AND a hugh glut of properties for sale. I guess the same…
Selling Flat - Advice/Comments
Hi, I currently live in Glasgow and am moving down to Manchester to start a new job in June of this year. I have a flat in Glasgow that i put up for sale three weeks ago. Before putting the flat on the market i had 4 Estate Agents round to view the flat and give me a valuation on the property. They all said i should expect…
Halifax -2.5 MoM
As reported on Radio 4
First time buyer example
I'm not an expert at all and am perhaps looking at the situation too simplistically - however I have been discussing the following example over 3 years with my fiancee and would welcome your comments on this Looking at renting over 3 years for property we want we are looking at £1000 pm = £36,000 in rent. As FTB we buy…
quick calcs
I did some quick calcs for my own personal situation. Assumptions (for comparison purposes) * Interest Rates are the same (and fixed for the term of the mortgage... i.e you remortgage to a fixed every 5 years... don't kill me on this one but these calcs are meant to be a simplistic view and I cant predict the interest…
Mortgage Lending Lowest Since 1992
That's right kiddiewinks, not one just nail in the coffin for HPI, we have a special BOGOF deal for moneysavers today. So without any more ado here we go: BBC News
Property Ladder. More4. Fri, 7pm (over now)
Two bunches of numpties. (Repeat) 1) Bloke who wandered into an auction room and bought an art deco listed flat that had £75,000 of work that needed doing to the whole building (every tenant was having to pay that much each)... and had NO idea about the £75k, OR that he had to get permission to change anything IN the flat.…
Tide turns on ludicrous boom in house prices
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/04/07/ccom107.xml Great article by Roger Bootle.
Can this board be renamed....
...as the "propery crash" or "house price reductions" board? Mainly to annoy people who start ranting when it's suggested that prices could fall. LOL, only joking.
House price question
Hello All, I am a first time buyer and I have recently had my offer for a flat accepted for £173,000 in Wembley, London. I went through with arranging to purchase the flat and had the property valuated. The valuation report went to the bank and I was told that my copy will be in the post today. Yesterday my solicitor…
£100,000 price drop!
I fel VERY contraversial posting in here! I'm not taking sides. :cool: OK, so a property I love had a recent price drop of £100,000. It dropped another £100,000 in the last quarter of last year! Its now a cool £1million. I really wish I were a millionaire so I could buy this house, here's the link!…
How much false wealth is in the UK as a result of house prices?
It might seem obvious, but I was thinking about this last night. Take an asset like houses that start off with a net value based on selling price at that time. Then make borrowing money very cheap and relax the rules so that more money can be lent to people. The increase in money supply means that prices can rise and…
Deja vu to 1991 ?? !!!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/04/07/ccom107.xml http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t8YTvdYXws :D
The revolt against Income Inequality in an era of falling house prices
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d33af42a-04c7-11dd-a2f0-000077b07658,s01=1.html?nclick_check=1 Very, very interesting article. Fascinating stuff on growing income inequality in the US and elsewhere, including the UK. Re house prices, this is the crux: "But what was it that made this long period of growing inequality and stagnant…
1st time buyers - now / later?
which does everyone think is the best thing to do. get a house now ONLY if you can knock 10 -15% off the asking price or wait 6-12 months? I have a large deposit to get a good rate. Obviously timing is going to be important as alot of people have sold up to rent etc and are waiting for drops. thanks
property bee
Could someone provide a link to this please thank you