Discount On Brand New Homes
:eek: Just Need A Bit Of Advice. We Have Just Accepted A Part Exchange On Our House And Buying A Brand New House, They Offered Us £180,000 For Ours, And £20,000 Discount Off The Price Of The New Home. Like A Fool We Accepted And Have Paid £1000 Reservation Fee But Have Not Signed Anything. We Have Since Found Out That The…
Erinaceous Auction 11 april
Watching this online now. There's a lot of stuff not selling.
No more 100% mortgages
http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/money/property_and_mortgages/article3700308.ece B0ll0cks does it shatter first time buyers hopes of getting on the property ladder. It will fill them with hope as prices have to fall. There is no other option. So where are all these muppets with Northern Crock o' sh1te 100-…
Any opinions welcome on our situation as FTB
Hello My partner and I have lived together (renting) for the past couple of years. During this time we saved for a deposit and have been waiting for me to get a permanent job (been doing contract work) as once a permanent job was found we could figure out what location we wanted to live in. Literally days after I accepted…
More mortgage joy, Times says Halifax to raise rates.
http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/money/property_and_mortgages/article3752244.ece Halifax is to increase rates on some of its most popular mortgage deals by a massive 0.5 per cent tomorrow. On one two-year fixed rate, the bank will increase the rate from 6.09 per cent to 6.59 per cent. Borrowers taking out…
Did anybody else watd TONIGHT..
With Jonathan Maitland last night about the BTL slump?? It was very good reporting, and it actually showed a episode they did last year when Phil Spencer from Location etc said in 18 months house prices would be up by 10% :D how wrong can he get? Also, although I must admit, I did feel sorry for the women in Kent who…
I wonder what chance there is that this forum can become moderated? Thread after thread goes the same way of sniping, name calling and sarcastic comments and to be honest, it getting very tiresome. House prices are a very emotive subject for many people and this seems to spill over in their posts and this is just the start…
Retail sales feel the pinch...
From the The Herald: http://www.theherald.co.uk/business/news/display.var.2196382.0.Retail_sales_fall_for_first_time_in_two_years.php Rain and snow in many parts of the UK and consumer caution in the wake of the international credit crisis hit home last month as like-for-like sales fell by 1.6%, according to data from the…
Anyone else glad?...
That 100%+ mortgages existed? I may sound crazy but these mortgages fuelled the HPI more and more... but like any bubble that gets pumped more and more up... the explosion will be all the more spectacular like dominos... falling down at a stupendous rate. Im glad to be a FTB, I'm lying in wait ;) ...
Panorama "Feeling the Pinch" BBC1 20:30-21:00
Credit crunch, rising fuel prices and talk of recession - we've been warned of a tough year ahead. But how will we really be affected? Declan Curry discovers if we have what it takes to weather the storm of the global forces buffeting our economy.
Prices in NI fall by 10% in one quarter
According to the Nationwide's latest data. We now have a yoy fall in prices of 3.4% (or negative growth as it's euphemistically called.) The quarterly falls are actually 12.4% but they have factored in seasonal adjustment to bring them up. Sales volumes appear to be very low at present which suggests that many buyers are…
Buy or wait - persuade me !
We’ve recently moved location (to the Midlands), and have been renting here for 6 months, so we are really FTB’ers. Our position is made stronger by the fact we have a £200k deposit (many years of money saving!), and the houses we are looking at would mean that we would only need a max £40k mortgage (and that includes a…
HSBC Economist: UK housing bubble is bursting and it's serious
Didn't see this posted already, though there's so much similar stuff from the media now that I could have missed it: From last week's Torygraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/money/2008/04/08/bcnhsbc208.xml We believe that house prices started rising for perfectly valid reasons as the…
Bloomberg: Housing sentiment at worst since 1978
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601068&sid=a86ODWscJMIU&refer=economy April 15 (Bloomberg) -- The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' measure of sentiment in the U.K. housing market fell to the lowest since records began in 1978 in March as mortgage lending dried up. The number of residential property agents…
Maybe Squatnow wasn't mad after all?
I haven't seen squatnow on the boards recently, but from what I recall he was always bleating on about margin calls. If looks like the banks could well enforce margin calls: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/04/14/cnmortgage114.xml "Buy-to-let landlords will have to raid their savings and inject…
Repossession help...
I think it would be a good idea if there was a sticky with advice and helpline numbers for the increasing numbers of people facing the stresses of repossession. The CAB seems a good place to start. This page allows users to enter their postcode to find (CAB) offices close to their home. GG
It was the BTLers' fault?
For years we have had people bleating on about how BTLers have pushed the market up and forced them out of the property market. Now things have turned and it's not because of a mass BTL exodus. Do you concede that BTL LLs were NOT the cause of the housing boom? It was slack lending after all. GG
Bring on the Crash! BBC news article
For the BULLS.. read this
http://www.sundayherald.com/oped/opinion/display.var.2192876.0.dont_kid_yourself_the_housing_slump_really_is_on_its_way.php Particulary read the reader comments... I like these bits myself: "Average UK house prices of over eight times average earnings are unsustainable, morally and financially. Most home owners, sitting on…
0.25% cut in BoE base rate
Another £20/month towards the overpayment for me..... thanks Merv.... Can't see it making a jot of difference to the crunch etc!