Looking for house price site
Hi All I am sure I saw the web site I am looking for on here last week sometime, I have done a search and can't find it again . I wondered if anyone could help. It shows estate agent prices and by how much a property has dropped in price since originally being listed and how many days it has been for sale. Hoping you can…
New government bonds.are going to help or..??
The Bank of England is poised to launch a new lending programme for UK banks in an effort to break the logjam in the credit market, the BBC has learned. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7351073.stm Is this going to help the economy? or will it be worse? still prices of property are going to be down? who will really pay…
What do you think of this house? reduce price by how much?
Hiya. This is my boyfriends house, the intention was to rent it out when we moved in together, so that there was a "fall back" if things didn't work out between us and he hadn't sold it for no reason (not that we thought it would happen but were just being cautious) but Northern Rock said his LTV was too high and wouldn't…
The FT's analysis of the bailout.
Very good analysis: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b70b6886-0c09-11dd-9840-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1 This stood out for me: The big problem is beyond government. The sad fact is that British house prices are too high for many people to afford them. Over the long run, the average house price is 3.5 times average salaries.…
Buying house in north ayrshire
Hi, Does anybody know the current market value for a house in north ayrshire (Kilwinning) in Scotland. I've been told it's 8 - 10% over the asking price, but is that still the case with the current climate.
Very, very naughty estate agents.....
Just been on property snake and home asking prices in my area have shot up from £215k to £231. Note this is only days after a massive 2.5% fall was reported. Upon further inspection all the high end prices come from one source - Peter Lane estate agents. None of these properties existed at the beginning of the week and…
BTL and margin calls - another look
I know we've discussed this before, and think we came to the conclusion it couldn't happen unless the mortgage was switched to a new Lender. I've just been having a nose at HPC site and they think differently. http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=74469&st=0 No doubt squatnow will be along shortly…
Is waiting to buy the right idea?
I'm not sure about my thinking on this one, so would appreciate some views from others. I also appreciate I make some big assumptions. At present:* House prices are too high. * Borrowing is difficult and costly, unless you have a substantial deposit. * Those with adverse credit histories are deemed more of a risk. Let's…
Halifax raises Mortgage rates by 0.5%..
April 15th http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/money/property_and_mortgages/article3752244.ece Dunno if this has been posted but i heard it on the radio yesterday:
Comment from a mortgage broker today.
I was talking to a mortgage broker today about my impending remortgage. My 2 year fix runs out in a few months. I asked him how things were going given the rate incrases and he told me that he's had a lot of BTL people who cannot remortgage due to lower LTV lending rules.
Gazundering?? will I burn in hell?
Hello all, My little saga.... Myself and partner are at the end stage of a house purchase on a part buy scheme. We have been on the list for some time when a nice three bed room town house became available for the same as we pay per month in rent. When the housing assoc approached us regarding this house they hinted that…
Should First Time Buyers Wait
:eek: :eek: :eek: Me and my partner have been looking for the right house for over 2 years, we have managed to save a 25% deposit for a house that has had our offer accepted 5 weeks ago for 129000. It was on the market for 138000. Do I wait for the prices to drop and pull out of this sale, or risk loosing my deposit into…
UK Banks lying about inter-bank lending rates?
Looks like Libor is a bit lower than it should be: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120831164167818299.html?mod=hpp_us_pageone
How will this new money stop house prices decreasing
Someone said to me to day that the deal between the BoE and the PM to help the mortgage lenders with their money problems would help curb the HPC. can someone explain to me how this works? thanks
Sold To Rent!
Oh dear, looks like Gordon Brown is determined to keep 'the show on the road' at all costs, BOE have cut interest rates three times, probably another couple in the pipeline, , inflation ready to go mental, Definite rent increases in most areas as families get re-possessed creating a shortage, OMG what about your savings?
High yielding HMO's
This ones been offered at the last couple of Auctions and still hasn't sold. http://www.cliveemson.co.uk/listing_view.asp?Lot=134&Auc=125 I'm half tempted to put in an offer at £200,000 ;) The trouble is I know the kind of Tenants that probably live there :eek: and I'd rather prefer to continue my hassle free life. Anyone…
houses are under-priced...
Lets put it into perspective. When you can pay £1m for a car (Veyron), over £2m for a yacht, £50k for a gold watch OR... £1.4m for a camel (!!!!): http://news.aol.co.uk/sheikhs-son-pays-14m-for-camel/article/20080409033309990002 A 300k 4-bed detatched doesnt seem so expensive :rolleyes:
Discount On Brand New Homes
Just Need A Bit Of Advice. We Have Just Accepted A Part Exchange On Our House And Buying A Brand New House, They Offered Us £180,000 For Ours, And £20,000 Discount Off The Price Of The New Home. Like A Fool We Accepted And Have Paid £1000 Reservation Fee But Have Not Signed Anything. We Have Since Found Out That The Site…
Advice Needed - Almost ready to exchange but thinking of pulling out
I need some advice from you guys. I have spent quite some time reading posts on here and other places but my situation is a bit different. I sold my 3 bed semi in November last year for £230,000 leaving me with a £170,000 deposit for a future house. I have found a house on a nice cul de sac which is a three bed detached in…
Are you a "Recession virgin"?
From Reuters: http://uk.reuters.com/article/personalFinanceNews/idUKNOA52432220080415 LONDON (Reuters) - A quarter of "recession virgins" are worried about negative equity, a poll shows. Around 23 percent of those between the ages of 24 and 34 who have not worked through a recession are fretting over the prospect for house…