Anedotal info on redunancies.
From two girls I know One of their hubbies is facing certain redundancy, possibly not enough money in the pot to pay them their redundancy at the end of the month so will need the assistance of government payout which will take up to 6 weeks.. and then its capped isn't it regardless of how many years / how much you earn…
Doesn't anybody else get fed up with
The same arguments going round and round and round? Why can't we agree to disagree... it would be a much nicer place.
1300 City jobs go today, another 1000 tomorrow?
Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=560290&in_page_id=1770 Looks like the bloodletting really has begun. JP Morgan forecast a total of 40,000 jobs to go in the City.
'Its different this time'..........
After seeing this over and over in thread after thread i will finally agree to this famous phrase, but in a bearish way lol ;) Here is why, * House prices are now 1.1% higher than they were a year ago, the slowest annual growth rate for 12 years. * the UK was feeling the impact of problems from the global credit crunch *…
BBC: Farewell to housing boom and bust?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/865909.stm :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::T
Housing gloom 'worst in 30 years'
"Confidence in the UK housing market fell in March to its lowest point in 30 years, according to a closely watched survey of property surveyors. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' (Rics) said that 78.5% more surveyors reported a fall than a rise in house prices in March. This was the gloomiest reading since Rics…
What it all means to you!
Are you looking forward to the crash or dreading it? How will it affect you ?
A perfect 'buy or rent' comparison
There have been so many posts in recents months about the relative benefits of buying versus renting in the current market. All of the examples I have seen, including mine, have been based on hypothetical situations. However, the house that we were going to buy until things went horribly wrong a month or so ago has been…
How the banks managed to mess it up SO badly.
A very good read: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/43ede9e2-0c9e-11dd-86df-0000779fd2ac.html You may need to register to read this, but it's free to register. So there you have it: in the last resort, a key reason for these record-beating losses is not a failure of ultra-complex financial strategies or esoteric models; instead it…
What it all means to me!
As a private renter the house prices taking a slow tumble is a dream come true as I may in a few years time be able to afford my own home without a mortgage I can not afford. On the surface this appears to be the case but will it be? As an average Joe Bloggs I think even with a decrease in the house prices I will not be…
Share ownership with housing association and economy cronch
:confused: With all this credit crunch problem and economy collapse can someone advise me if getting into a share ownership of 25% is good idea…or better wait for prices to drop for buying 100% or better don’t buy nothing As many Londoners I am one of many trying to get into the property ladder first time and I am one step…
Surveyors blame price decline on credit crunch
Crash not expected. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2008/apr/15/houseprices.property So the advice for sellers is to sit tight and wait until the credit crunch is sorted. Judging by the ultra quiet state of the market and closure of estate agents and mortgage brokers, the message seems to have been received loud and clear.
Interesting & Thought Provoking
You may or may not agree with this article. Either way, it's well worth a read. http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/carole_cadwalladr/2008/04/albion_come_to_great_confusion.html
Whats the crisis?
I have just been on the land registry web site and compared the house prices in my county and in feb 2007 the average price was £221,000 but in feb 2008 the average was £229,000. Has the housing market decreased to make the average price go below the average price in feb 2007? I'm really confused. I hear all this news…
Royal Bank of Scotland considers rights issue
Not sure if you need to be subscribed to read this or not, but it's free anyway. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bffd6292-0cb2-11dd-86df-0000779fd2ac.html
FURIOUS with my agents!
Am really angry with our estate agents - an appointment was booked yesterday for a viewer "in the same area" as us to come round 10am today. We both flew round getting the house ready, as you do, this morning I finished it all of and flopped down at five to ten waiting....and waiting some more. 10.20am, no viewers, so I…
What makes you think housing is going to become ''easily'' affordable?
Throughout these boards there are continual threads on how properties are going to fall 30-40 and even 50% in the impending ''housing crash'' If this were to happen, then housing surely would become stupidly affordable and buck the trend on current thinking that property is expensive? Agreed? £180,000 average priced homes…
STR - whats it like?
Hi, Having sold our house nearly 3 weeks ago and fruitlessly looking for properties that either don't exist or if they do are way overpriced we are seriously thinking about renting in light of all the press reports recently. But, we have 2 young children to consider in all this. If it were just my husband and me we would…
First time buyers + Crash. Is this our chance?
Anyone else planning this?
New here. Please help!!!!! Two questions.... About selling and renting....
Hi everyone I checked out this site as my partner is currently in the process of reclaiming bank charges and thought i might try for some advice here on our problems. Any advice would be so so so so appreciated and thank you so much if you decide to take the time to read our dilema. Its a bit of a waffle but we desperately…