Bank Bailout, is this how it works if it goes wrong?
I've benn following the banks bailout story and while I understand what is happening,I have been unsure of the mechanics of how it will affect us. However I think I have got my head around it now, let me know if my understanding is corrrect or incorrect. but basically what is happening is that bank mortgage securities are…
Merv's words regarding the bail out
Here's an article that should put some people's minds at ease about Mervyn King's stance on bailing out the banks and excessive lending: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23479419-details/Abbey+bars+customers+without+25%25+deposit+from+tracker+deals+DESPITE+%C2%A350billion+cash+injection+from+Darling/article.do
House Price Slide Now Food Rationing..
http://www2.nysun.com/article/74994 Funny I was in Bookers yesterday and they were limiting 20 litre cooking oil to one per customer.
Ghost town.... Anecdotal
Hi all, I live in Basingstoke (recently moved here for the other half's job) and I have noticed something odd... Three weeks ago a well established estate agent advertising for new staff was there on my way to work and gone on the way home... A few days later its neighbour estate agent suddenly vanished too. Then one by…
Abbey pulls out of buy-to-let mortgages
http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/money/property_and_mortgages/article3790429.ece The BTL lemmings are gradually running out of cliffs to hurl themeselves off of. :T
Mortgage Credit Rating?
Guys, I know some of you know I am waiting for the HPC with my partner.. (its in full swing now at least) and we have some 20+k deposit saved... as well as paying for a wedding this year lol. My question is this. I've never really used or seen the need to use a credit card. I've just applied for a tesco clubcard credit…
I give you the FD
A few of you may know the expression FB, which stands for er, "in a lot of trouble" Buyer ;) I now give you the FD, the er, "in a lot of trouble" Developer: http://www.rightmove.co.uk/viewdetails-16924480.rsp?pa_n=4&tr_t=buy and http://www.rightmove.co.uk/viewdetails-17096710.rsp?pa_n=2&tr_t=buy (I think there's a surplus…
Back in the real world...
Soft landing quite possible, says CBI http://www.ifaonline.co.uk/public/showPage.html?page=ifa2006_articleimport&tempPageName=789895
BOE is set to bail out the banks with 100 Billion smackers
More details here: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=871919 did not want to start a second thread. Come on over for a discussion.
absolutely nothing to do with house prices - gwyneth dunwoody dies
even as a non-lab supporter, I couldn't help but feel saddened by the passing of gwyneth, lab m.p for many years. a rare creature in the commons these days (on all sides).outspoken, principled and fearless, with a strong sense of social justice. I hope brown, cameron and clegg all reflect quietly on the personal qualities…
Rightmove figures for Monday - leaked
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/apr/18/creditcrunch.housingmarket 0.9% down in London in the month of March. Spring bounce cancelled. :beer:
Mortgage lending down 17pc in a year
Banks and building societies are lending far less money than a year ago, figures showed yesterday. According to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML), £26.3 billion in loans was handed over in March - 17 per cent less than in the same period a year ago. Lending in the first three months of the year was down by 8 per cent…
m00m00's weekly property bee stats (new home)
I've been slacking a bit here's week 7 and week 8 in a new (more appropriate home) I'll be trying to work out a solution to the graphs issue later this week
Telegraph - Why is everyone worried about house prices?
First the Herald, then the Guardian, followed by the Times and now the Telegraph. Anybody noticed a recurring theme here? I'd like to applaud them, but they're 5 years too late. Telegraph - Why is everyone worried about house prices?
Negative Equity Spread
No it's not a put bet. Something that I thought about after reading an article in the Saturday Telegraph. A couple were referring back to the early 90s when they had to move but were in negative equity and he found a product (or his lender let him "port" the mortgage and the neg equity, that's another discussion) which…
Should I be panicking?
Hi, I bought a house with my girlfriend last year on a 100% mortgage, fixed for 3 years at 5.39%. Our plan is to sell up in 2-3 years and move closer to our families. The house is in an area that has not seen excessive growth (100% growth in semi detached properties since 2001). That said, the house is one of 8 new 3 bed…
House prices to go up again?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7351073.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7352008.stm Bank of England is working on a lending programme that could make it easier for banks to lend to each other. The plan to swap mortgage-based assets for government bonds was backed by the Conservatives and some brokers. I'm just…
Alistair Darling likens credit crunch to "a stomach bug".
need some advice!
sorry if this is wrong forum. please try and read through ive stuck it here because ive read lots of good advice on all sorts here before. what with all this credit crunch and uncertainty in the economy,i really need some advice:confused: i have just started an electricians course,and i dont know if i should continue at…
Credit crunch 'will see house prices fall 10pc'
House prices are set to fall by as much as 10 per cent over the next two years, a top economic forecaster will warn this week. The fall will be accompanied by a 40 per cent decrease in the number of people moving home, according to the Ernst & Young ITEM Club.…