Wills under Scottish Law
My wife was widowed with a married adult son when I married her. Her will had left everything to her son obviously. Can anyone tell me what the position is now regarding that will (Scottish Law) as she has now remarried. If she dies, will the son get everything? It is a worry for me that I could be homeless if this should…
Probate - 1 executor out of country, use POA?
Hi all, Thanks for the other threads on probate. My OH and his brother are executor for his Godfathers will. Everything present and correct and so shouldnt be too difficult. However his brother lives outside the UK. He has a relative who has POA and has bought property for him etc. Can we apply for probate using the POA at…
Why don't government depts talk to each other?
It's hard enough to deal with sorting out the finances post death. I am getting so fed up of ANOTHER letter from HMRC or DWP asking for further information. The latest letter asks for details regarding mum's death for her winter fuel calculation. It has come from DWP. DWP had all this info by phone on 5 Nov, then written…
Pre-pay funerals
We have lost 2 good friends over the past 2 months which got us thinking about funerals and costs. The wife and I have no savings and to pay for a funeral for either of us would mean selling assets like the car and furniture. We have only one other relative in the UK and we cannot expect her to pay as they have a young…
Joint accounts, jointly held property and probate.
If money is held in joint accounts does any money automatically pass to the surviving joint account holder without the need for probate. Is this also the case with jointly held property. Thanks in advance
Probate, costs and insurance
Evening all! I have inherited my mums bungalow (surprisingly quickly, I must say) and the solicitor involved has told me I must have insurance on the property now or they won't release any further funds from mum's estate. A bit of background here: mum died 5th July this year and after about 4 months probate was granted,…
Cost of a simple funeral?
My Dad who is 87 next year wants a very simple funeral. Basically for his body to carted off and cremated with no eulogy, music anything. Doesn't even want a hearse. He will have sufficient savings to cover a very basic funeral. Is it possible for a basic funeral involving no eulogy, service or anything and straight from…
Stamp Duty, council tax etc.
My father died recently, it was not unexpected as he was in his 90's and not in the best of health, we have lived with him for the last 4 years to look after him. Anyway I am executor and sole beneficiary to his estate however, there are some things I'm unsure of: 1. There are 2 months worth of council tax still to be…
HELP - Inheritance - can it be refused?
Hi all My Dad died recently aged 87 and wrote his version of a 'will' on a scribbled bit of paper which was never witnessed or signed so as far as I'm aware it is void and he is regarded as dying 'intestate'. My Mum is still alive and kicking :D but she has lived separately from him (in a council flat) for over 22 years…
Advice on probate needed please
My Dad passed away suddenly and my Mom is the executor and sole benificiary to everything. The will was logged at a solicitors and when we went there to find out the contents they said they needed to arrange probate. I found all Dads savings,ISA's and shares and took them to show the soliciter. She has kept them and will…
The wount let me visit my Pa in the Chapel of Rest
My pa died recently and i would like to go and visit him in the chapel of rest to say good bye, but this side of the family is not exactly a nice side. My Aunty in particular has instructed the funeral parlour that no one can see him unless they get permission from her. What should i do? He was the last thread to this side…
Tell us once
Has anyone tried to use the "tell us once" site? I have been trying but keep getting an error message.
Is there any need for a Will
My husband and me have our own property and have money in the bank, some shares and bonds. We have two grown up children and a grandchild. We have not made a Will and are not sure if we actually need to make one. When either of us dies, we have no problem with the money being shared with the children. What would happen if…
Preparing and information
Please can you help, my Dad is terminally ill. Mum is 81 and they still have a mortgage and loans. Value of house £250000 and I would say total debt £90000. As my Mum is 81 and she will not be able to live on her own and pay the mortgage. We plan to renovate my home and the move her in. I cannot do this until we sell the…
Late Uncle's will query.
Hi...this is finally coming to a close. His house has been sold. A number of "legacies" have been distributed in the form of cheques. I confirmed with the solicitor's secretary that there was still "residual" money ( from house sale / savings etc.) to be distributed ( to myself & 3 others)...she said that this would be…
Grandmother died, concerns over her assets
Hi, My Grandmother recently passed away, due to old age. We have a rather complex situation which we're trying to get our heads around. My Grandmother should have, for her own wellbeing, been in a care home some years ago. She was perfectly of sound mind, no doubts there, just very immobile and couldn't look after herself…
Joint Tenancy Mortgage - One dies...
Am I right in saying that if one of the people on a Joint Tenancy Mortgage dies, that the house (equity) automatically goes to the person remaining? Even if a Will stipulated otherwise?
Simple Will - how much?
How much would it cost to write a will? It's a pretty simple one, I have a "joint tenant" mortgage and have a Life Insurance policy as well as Death In Service cover through my employer.
switching bills to next of kin
Hello My dad passed away recently and I am helping my mum with her finances. All the bills were in my dad's name. I would obviously like to have the best deals possible for gas, electric, (currently British Gas) etc. Virgin Media provided TV, Broadband, house phone and mobile phone (mobile always used by my mum even though…
bereavement gift
Hi everyone Sadly my partner of 12years lost his mum yesterday. She past away at 3am. :( ((((( . I would like to give him a keepsake , i thought about getting a nice photoframe with a nice piccie of her. But i cant get hold of any pictures. Any idea what i can get or make? Thanks for reading :-)