URGENT:Removing persons named on EPA?
Please advise if this is in the wrong subsection of the forum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My F_I_L named three people jointly and severally to have Enduring Power of Attorney in March 2007. He now has dementia and is in a home and before any actions could be taken this EPA had to be registered with the Office of…
Moral question: where to bury/cremate a family member
Hello. There is no right or wrong answer but I am up against a conundrum. My grandfather who has been married to his wife for over 30 years passed away this morning in Poland. They were both living in a care home in Poland. This is his second marriage. He leaves adult children by first marriage in the Uk. We missed his…
Advice please
My dads brother recently passed away overseas and in his will he has named my dad as the only beneficiary of his estate. When his estate is finally settled and my dad receives the money,my dad wants to split it three ways. That's means an equal share between my dad,myself and my brother. Is there anything to prevent him…
Advice needed pls
My partner of 30 yrs died in Nov. He left an up to date will and I am the named executor and beneficary. We own a property in Spain, but under Spanish Law, as we were not married, I have been told I have to pay 44K Euro to transfer the property to my name. They froze our joint bank account and removed my residency status…
How long?
We have now been waiting for the probate forms for 4 weeks after repeatedly chasing them we are using a solicitor for the oath etc before we return the forms how long will it take after the forms are returned that's if we ever get them it really is a joke we have a buyer for the property offering the full asking price yet…
right thing using the solicitor for confirmation? (scotland)
My sister and I are sorting out my dad's estate which is a house, 2 policies worth about 60K each, savings around 120K plus a small amount of shares. We informed the banks ourselves that my dad had passed away, also we did contact the policies to advise and see what we needed to do about claims. We were simply going to…
inherited debts/help please
Unknown to me I have been named executor and beneficiary of my cousin's estate who died suddenly. It now turns out that, as well as having quite a few debts, he remortgaged his house several years ago and, at the moment probably owes more than the value of the house as it is in a terrible state. ( I am not quite sure how…
Solicitor as Executor
I wonder if anyone can help me here. My late mother-in-law left a will written in 1988 naming my husband (her son) as sole beneficiary. She named her brother and a firm of solicitors as joint executors. I mistakenly thought that her brother could act alone, but the solicitor tells me that is not the case and if her brother…
Help please
Hi guys, my mum recently passed away. she always told the four beneficiaries that she had made a will and it was 25% each between, me, my dad, my brother and my sister. Problems have started since dad took the will to the solicitor to deal with the estate. we have since been told that the will is invalid as there is a date…
How can I find out when and where someone died in the last years
Bit of a strange one. My friend received notification from the pension dept of a government department informing them that they were the named beneficiary of their deceased fathers pension. This was the first he knew about his fathers death. My friend had no contact with the father for over 10 years, due to the father…
How do I get a copy of a will before probate is granted?
A relative died in January and I am told the will is going through probate. I would like to get hold of a copy of the will if possible but am not able to ask the executor directly. I phoned the probate service and was advised to send in form PA1S, but the form seems to say that there won't be a record until probate is…
Intestate advice for friend
hi, a friend's mother died a few years ago but she left no will but she had a house in her name which my friend lives in currently and at the time of death. my friend has struggled to come to terms with his mother's death so has buried his head in the sand. my friend was the one who paid for the house but it was in his…
Problems with car insurance company on part-refund of policy
Hi all, I am having an issue with AutoDirect van insurance. My father had insurance with them but he unfortunately passed away last year. I informed them of this and they sent me a cheque made payable to the executors of my father. Now my father did not leave a will or any estate so no probate was carried out and no formal…
Abatement of pecuniary legacies
I have a question I’m hoping someone can answer. I’m winding up an estate which although solvent, the final accounts clearly show there is insufficient cash assets to pay both its debts and the two pecuniary legacies. Those specifically being one of £1000 and another of £2000. There is also no priority or special…
Solicitors as Executors - am I being over-charged?
Hi, I'm new to this, so I hope I'm doing it right! My mother passed away last July, and had appointed a local solicitor as her Executor following a "free" will-writing service. Her estate seemed pretty simple, and comprised the following: 1 house 1 mortgage 1 insurance policy (to cover mortgage) 1 works pension 1 ISA 1…
Probate form question
How long does it take them to send the forms out we've now been waiting over three weeks.
Help re outstanding debt
Hi, My father passed away in July of last year. He had a number of outstanding debts but also had property which meant once this was sold there was sufficient funds to clear those debts. All of the creditors were contacted, provided with copies of the death certificate and informed of the death. 3 of the creditors…
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HMRC Income tax question
I'm executor of a relative's estate. They were a pensioner and in receipt of a basic state pension plus DLA. There was also some untaxed income from rented property. I don't believe any income tax was paid for many years. A few quick sums of income through the primary bank account suggests income was sufficient for some…
Wills and Step Children
Advice please. I have been with my wife for 20 happy years until the mention of leaving a will.. Problem is, My wife has two children from a previous marriage prior to my meeting her, I took them on as my own however they have had regular contact and remain in close contact with their father. 3 years into our relationship…