Tax On Share Dividends
As far as I understand, share dividends are taxed at 10%, regardless of whether you're otherwise paying income tax, or what rate you pay it at. Am I correct in undestanding that, as a non-income taxpayer, I still pay the 10% tax on dividends and can't reclaim it?
Refund pay-as-you-earn
I'm a student and do not earn enough to have to pay tax on my income. I have been doing some temporary work in the library for my university, and on my pay slip it appears they have been deducting tax, which I would like to try and get refunded. Should I assume it will get sorted out automatically, or is there any…
Disappearing threads on this Forum!
I have started at least three thread on this forum over the weekend - but all have disappeared. Where are they and all the others that have 'disappeared'?
Tax Relief
My wife has undertaken a professional course at her own expense (£850) can she claim tax relief ?
Chargeable Gains on Investment Bonds
No longer wish to disclose personal information
Discounted Gift Trusts
No longer wish to disclose personal information
Can I claim Tax Relief for working from home?
My situation is that I'm employed and I work from home, but that's because I prefer not to travel 200 miles (round trip) each day to an office, so I'm happy & my employer is happy as they don't have to provide office space for me ... but they do supply me with a company car :D for when I do have to go to meetings :( . If…
CGT versus IHT???
Hi I wonder if anyone can give me any input for the following scenario? My mother owns a large victorian house that has been converted into 4 self contained flats. A sitting tenant resides in one flat. My mother lives in one flat. The remainining two flats are rented out to tenants. 3 of the flats have been declared as an…
Investing Equity
Hi All, This september my wife is hopefully able to take a course ( Hons Degree ) which will enable her to earn a lot more money than she can with her current qualifications,the course is 70 miles away from where we live,so we are hoping to sell our house,invest the money,and rent for a while (6-12 months) until we find…
Paying tax on joint pension
Hi have we any tax expert here please? My husband and i parted in 1998 and we ahd an amicable arrangement we pooled our pesnions and split them down the middle. The whole amount was paid into my husband's bank account and hr then transferred half to me monthly. We have been paying tax on this eversince and the tax man said…
CGT on Second Home
My sister is buying a second property (circa £100,000) that she intends to to renovate (circa £30,000) and re-sell after about on year. In order to avoid CGT, my sister has registered the property in her daughter's name. The chances are that her daughter will never live there, nor will anyone else (let alone my sister)…
Solicitors fee's - how much
My father passed away recently, Mammy dead too. Going through the whole will thing now. It seems like the solicitor is getting his hand in a bit. Can anyone tell me what solicitors fee's are?? The guy that my father was dealing with is charging a percentage of the estate, is this correct?? Also my father gave his business…
Is there a Tax reduction for professional magazine subscriptions
Hi, I know you can get a income tax reduction for membership to a professional body but how about reading material? I subscribe to two seperate magazines (3 year subscriptions) that provide news and articles on my industry that I am directly employed in. I had heard from a friend of a friend that it was possible to write…
capital gains tax
Can anyone give me advice for the future....My brother and I are both retired, and bought this house in 1983. It is held at Joint tenants , and I have been living here solely since 1991. If my brother dies before me, would I be liable for any capital gains tax. He has mentioned that I might have to sell up after his…
student paying toax on income
ok i know i dont have to pay tax on approx first 4500 i earn in a year, but the company i worked for last summer had to tax me and i have to wait til the end of the year to get it back as far as im awar. Is this true? I need help on getting this tax back. How do i go about getting this tax back now? thanks in advance for…
Do you pay CGT on 125k property?
The probate for the property was given in March 1998, however it didn't have price of property included. We've sold the property in 2004 for 125k divided between brother & sister, as the probate does not include the value of property how do we calculate the profit to pay CGT? The accountant asked me to contact the…
Self Assessment forms - beware!
Hi I dutifully filled in my SA form at the beginning of this year. After all the calculations had been performed by the Inland Revenue's online calculator, it appeared that a sum of around £23 would be owed to me. This being a minor amount, I elected to tick the box that allowed the IR to send my credit payment to a…
Capital Gains Tax
I would be grateful if anyone could give me any advice regarding capital gains tax and the cgt allowance. Say myself and my girlfriend purchased a property for £115000, spent £7000 on doing it up, fees etc and sold it for £140000. Take off estate agents fees and solicitors costs totaling £3500 leaving a gross profit of…
Inheritance tax and tenants in common
My husband and I are joint mortgage holders in our late 40's. Our property is worth in excess of 300,000, should we consider becoming tenants in common? Would this help our daughter in years to come with regard to Inheritance Tax?
tax allowances for business
Hi I am in first year of setting up a business, we are paying to have a web site designed to sell childrens clothing, how much of this can we ofest against tax? I havent managed to get a straight answer from the tax office at all. I read somewhere that you could off set 40% in 1st year, a further % in second year etc but…