PC Option
My son ordered a pc from PC Options, cost £830, which was received on 13 February 2009. On 14 March 2009 and error message was seen and the pc would no longer boot up. After several attempts to fix the problem via Customer Support, we were told they would collect the pc and check it over, but if no fault was found we would…
Cancellation charge. Anything can be done??
Hi All Wondered if someone might be able to help? I have some friends who had a TV package with Virgin Media. They moved home to an area where there is no Virgin Media coverage. As they have been with Virgin for less than a year they have been told that to cancel their contract they will have to pay £120. Is this correct?…
Air China booking problem
I'm having a problem with Air China. Yesterday I tried to book a flight from Frankfurt to Tokyo, via Beijing, using my credit card. When I typed in my dates and selected flights the price that came up was €474 on the Germany site (or 420 pounds on the UK site). I gave all my details, credit card info, and clicked…
Credit Agreement Question
Hello, I signed a credit agreement about a week ago. I have heard from the bank about repayments which is fine. I wasn't given a copy of the credit agreement with my signature and the signature of the company's finance arranger. I did ask for a copy to be sent to me but it isn't what I signed. Is this legal/correct? Thanks
Clarification of DSR - help welcomed
Despite studying the DSR for weeks now, a few things still leave me baffled. I'm hoping you consumer boffins will be able to assist. Firstly if it becomes necessary to make a return, am i required to invoke the DSR (i.e. 'I wish to cancel under DSR'), or does my written request for a refund carry the weight of DSR…
Rant About NHS/Hospital
Apologies if this is in the wrong place :- Has anyone any suggestions about what to do about this .I have been complaining long and weary to my G.P. about a problem I have .Go to bed feeling fine but wake up feeling like c r a p and like a zombie. various things like blood tests have not shown anyhting so GP decides to…
Is there a time constraint on tradesmen presenting bills?
Thanks all....I'd rather the bloke in question didn't come across this, as the details would easily identify that this is 'me'! lol xx
Sleep depot
Hi I bought a bed in January 2008 from The Sleep Depo. Its a memory foam one so comes with a 5yr warranty but with The Sleep Depo in administration who do I contact as my matress has damaged through wear and tear already :confused: I assume there is a memory foam company out there that makes the beds but i cant find any…
Bay Trading Clothing - Gone in to Administration
Hi there, Im not sure where I stand with regards to this... I purchased two items from Bay Trading last week, which I wanted to return. On visiting the store today, I have been told that they went into Administration on Friday and I cannot have a refund, tjhey will only offer me an exhange. Do I have any right to ask for a…
Data Protection - What does it entail?
What does data protection cover? I ask from a hypothetical legal situation in a School - is it fair for the school to tell the parents the marks a student got if the student is over 18 (and therefore a legal adult) or to discuss these marks with a parent without the students knowledge? Same for lateness etc - surely it's…
George Wimpey faulty shower debarcle
Hello everyone, I hope that soemone is able to help me with a consumer rights problem. I bought a new George Wimpey house in Dec 07. Since then I have had nothing but problems with the upgraded shower that we had installed. It first went wrong in Jan 07, it was looked at by a Bristan engineer and they said that it was…
Bank problem
yesterday i got my JSA money paid into my bank acount, i had a driect debit with o2 wich did not get paid due to no funds into my acount i was charged £35 as a reasult out of my JSA is this legal?
Small Claims Court procedure
Hi all Am taking someone to the SCC as they sold me a duff vehicle, 10 miles down the road after buying it the damn thing blows up on me. I submitted a claim on 7/4/2009, deemed to be served on 12/04/2009 giving the defendent until 26/04/2009. All the paperwork was done online and have logged onto MoneyClaim to submit…
returning open goods
Just a quick query for some advice please. My GF recently bough me some earphones as a present. The problem is they don't fit into my huge ears - they're the type with different buds to secure themselves. I want to return them and get a refund but they came in a sealed plastic container, the only way to open it was to cut…
Play.com Online Fraud
Just a bit of a warning about https://www.play.com My play.com account has been used by someone else to purchase a mobile phone. I went to the cash maching on Saturday and noticed a difference of £44.99 betwee the balance and available balance. I knew I hadn't bought anything which would cause this. When I got home, I had…
School Asking For More Money For School Trip - Due To Rise Of Euro
Hi. My niece is going to France with the school for a week. And this morning she brought home a school letter that's been issued stating they want a extra £40.00 due to the rise of the Euro. And they have made it clear the school trip cost in non refundable. So it's basically pay the extra £40.00 or you cannot go or get a…
Bought a new fish on Thursday got up this morning and it had died. can i take it back to the shop. I've had a few fish from them that have died within a few days but they were just cheap gold fish so never returned them. can i ask for a refund/ new one. any advice appreciated
debt recovery demands any legal advice please
my eldery mother is having mail sent to her with someone else is name on it .the letter states they are advising thier client to commence bankruptcy procedings it is not my mother but where did they get her address from i dont know .she has a bad heart and is disabled .i phoned them today to stop sending this mail to her…
replacement for item "lost in post"
I ordered a game from an Amazon reseller which he now claims was lost in the post. I have asked for the tracking ref but I am not convinced that he has actually sent it. The problem is that to buy this game from another source will cost more money. Can I somehow claim the excess costs from the seller since he has not yet…
Hi all! Not sure if this is the right place for this question but I couldn't see a more suitable section! :confused: I've recently placed an order on the internet for an item which will be released in "May" no more specific than that. The website has taken my money straight away which surprised me a little. I emailed them…