Birdie24 Newbie

Hello there. It’s my first time here so I apologise in advance for any inadequacies. I’ve just discovered that a Company my late mother and myself had a Lifetime Mortgage with from 2009 was dissolved in 2014. I desperately need to know what I should do about the Loan. We applied to the County Council Home Improvements Dept for a Property Appreciation Loan, they stopped giving Grants in the 80s, to make urgent repairs to our home. The Council used the services of this Loan company which, it now transpires, was dissolved in 2014.  I’m waiting for a reply from my County Council with an update etc but I don’t have much faith, unfortunately, with them to look after my interests.  Would anybody know, please, if this Lifetime Mortgage would be sold to another company? Or would it be written off for example? (Not my luck) I’d appreciate any advice and guidance please. Many thanks in advance. 


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